PMO Delotte Consulting Presentation
PMO Delotte Consulting Presentation
PMO Delotte Consulting Presentation
Projects happen in two ways:
a) Planned and then executed or
b) Executed, stopped, planned, and then executed.
Tasks progress quickly until they become 90 percent complete and then
remain at 90 percent forever.
Initial planning is the most vital part of a project. The review of most
failed projects indicates the disasters were well planned to happen from
the start.
The and word in a project manager's
vocabulary is
Wrong decisions made early can be recovered from. Right decisions
made late cannot correct them.
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*Key to contribution
Engages stakeholders
Develops a vision to align to organizations objectives
ã .+!*Key to integration
Delivering using the right resources at the enterprise level
- : Key to adoption
hange management; Stakeholder expectations
Sponsorship and ommunications
*Key to effective management
Äocus on results rather than cost schedule and scope
oordination of multiple projects