Law Enforcement Organization and Administration (With Inter-Agency Approach) UNIT-2
Law Enforcement Organization and Administration (With Inter-Agency Approach) UNIT-2
Law Enforcement Organization and Administration (With Inter-Agency Approach) UNIT-2
(With Inter-Agency Approach)
• 1.Shire-Reeve System
• England at the time of William Norman, divided England into 55 military
district known the Shire-Reeve.
• 2. The traveling Judge- One responsible in passing judgment which was taken
from the Shire-Reeve in view of some abuses the Reeves.
• 3. The Legis Henri- the law of King Henrie
• a. offenses were classified as against the king and individual.
• b. policemen were considered public officials
• c. police and the citizens have the broad power to arrest
• d. Grand Jury was created to inquire on the facts of the law.
• 4. The Westminster Period of Policing (1285-1500)
• 1. The Statue of 1295- this laws prescribed the closing of the gates of London at
sundown. Start of curfew system.
• 2. Justice of peace- this was a position which gives a person the power to
arrest, pursue, and impose imprisonment.
• 3. The Star Chamber Court- a special court which try offenses against the state.
Nine principles of law enforcement enunciated by
Sir Robert Peel
• Prevention of crime is the basic mission of the police
• Police must have the full respect of the citizenry
• A citizen’s respect for law develops his respect for the police
• Cooperation for the public decrease as the use of force increases
• Police must render impartial enforcement of the law
• Physical force is used only as a last resort
• The police are the public and the public are the police
• The police represents the law
• The absence of crime and disorder is the test of police efficiency
During the Normal Period (1066-1285), the following are
significant contributions to the development of policing system:
• SHIRE-REEVE System- When King William Norman became the ruler of
England, he divided his kingdom into 55 military districts known as the Shire-
• SHIRE means a district while
• REEVE means the ruler who made laws, pass judgment and impose
• *The TRAVELLING JUDGE was held responsible in deciding cases that were taken
from Shire-Reeves due to some abuses.
• *LEGIS HENRIE- This law was enacted during the time of King Henry I, which
imposed the following features:
• • Law violations were classified as offenses against the King.
• • Policemen became public officials.
• • The police and the citizens have the broad power to arrest.
• • Grand Jury was created to inquire on the facts of the law.
• In 1195, King Richard of England issued a proclamation entitled KEEPERS OF
THE PEACE, requiring the appointment of Knights to keep the King’s peace by
standing as guards on bridges and gates while checking the people entering and
leaving the cities and towns.
During the WESTMINSTER PERIOD (1285-1500):
• STATUTE OF WINCHESTER (1285) was enacted for law and order. This law
introduced the system of WATCH AND WARD.
• STATUTE OF 1295 was enacted, which began the closing of the gates of London
during sunset. This started the observation of curfew hours.
• STAR CHAMBER COURT-was established as special court that tried offenders
against the state.
• JUSTICE OF THE PEACE was a position given to a respected citizen, who has
the power to arrest, pursue and imprison the offenders.
Developments in policing system during the
Modern Period (17th- 19th century) in England:
• KING CHARLES II of England passed a law in 1663 that provided for the
employment of NIGHT WATCHMEN or BELLMEN to be on duty from sunset to
In 1748, HENRY FIELDING became the Chief Magistrate at Bow Street in London.
• He organized a group of men known as BOW STREET RUNNERS.
• He later formed the BOW STREET HORSE PATROL whose duty was to patrol
the main roads thus secure the travelers from highwaymen or highway bandits.
• SIR ROBERT PEEL- The British statesman SIR ROBERT PEEL in 1829
established the LONDON METROPOLITAN POLICE, which became the
world’s first modern organized police force. Peel earned the title – THE FATHER
New Police
they were referred to as
• “Peel’s Bloody Gang,”
• “Blue Devils,” and
• “Dirty Papists.”