Dynamic Programming

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Dynamic Programming (DP)

• Like divide-and-conquer, solve problem by

combining the solutions to sub-problems.
• Differences between divide-and-conquer and DP:
– Independent sub-problems, solve sub-problems
independently and recursively, (so same
sub(sub)problems solved repeatedly)
– Sub-problems are dependent, i.e., sub-problems share
sub-sub-problems, every sub(sub)problem solved just
once, solutions to sub(sub)problems are stored in a
table and used for solving higher level sub-problems.

Application domain of DP
• Optimization problem: find a solution with
optimal (maximum or minimum) value.
• An optimal solution, not the optimal
solution, since may more than one optimal
solution, any one is OK.

Typical steps of DP
• Characterize the structure of an optimal
• Recursively define the value of an optimal
• Compute the value of an optimal solution in
a bottom-up fashion.
• Compute an optimal solution from
computed/stored information.
DP Example – Assembly Line Scheduling (ALS)

Concrete Instance of ALS

Brute Force Solution
– List all possible sequences,
– For each sequence of n stations, compute the
passing time. (the computation takes (n)
– Record the sequence with smaller passing time.
– However, there are total 2n possible sequences.

ALS --DP steps: Step 1
• Step 1: find the structure of the fastest way through
– Consider the fastest way from starting point through
station S1,j (same for S2,j)
• j=1, only one possibility
• j=2,3,…,n, two possibilities: from S1,j-1 or S2,j-1
– from S1,j-1, additional time a1,j
– from S2,j-1, additional time t2,j-1 + a1,j
• suppose the fastest way through S1,j is through S1,j-1, then the
chassis must have taken a fastest way from starting point
through S1,j-1. Why???
• Similarly for S2,j-1.

DP step 1: Find Optimal Structure
• An optimal solution to a problem contains
within it an optimal solution to subproblems.
• the fastest way through station Si,j contains
within it the fastest way through station S1,j-1 or
S2,j-1 .
• Thus can construct an optimal solution to a
problem from the optimal solutions to
ALS --DP steps: Step 2
• Step 2: A recursive solution
• Let fi[j] (i=1,2 and j=1,2,…, n) denote the fastest
possible time to get a chassis from starting point
through Si,j.
• Let f* denote the fastest time for a chassis all the
way through the factory. Then
• f* = min(f1[n] +x1, f2[n] +x2)
• f1[1]=e1+a1,1, fastest time to get through S1,1
• f1[j]=min(f1[j-1]+a1,j, f2[j-1]+ t2,j-1+ a1,j)
• Similarly to f2[j].

ALS --DP steps: Step 2
• Recursive solution:
– f* = min(f1[n] +x1, f2[n] +x2)
– f1[j]= e1+a1,1 if j=1

– min(f1[j-1]+a1,j, f2[j-1]+ t2,j-1+ a1,j) if j>1

– f2[j]= e2+a2,1 if j=1

– min(f2[j-1]+a2,j, f1[j-1]+ t1,j-1+ a2,j) if j>1

• fi[j] (i=1,2; j=1,2,…,n) records optimal values to the
• To keep the track of the fastest way, introduce li[j] to record the
line number (1 or 2), whose station j-1 is used in a fastest way
through Si,j.
• Introduce l* to be the line whose station n is used in a fastest
way through the factory.
ALS --DP steps: Step 3
• Step 3: Computing the fastest time
– One option: a recursive algorithm.
• Let ri(j) be the number of references made to fi[j]
– r1(n) = r2(n) = 1
– r1(j) = r2(j) = r1(j+1)+ r2(j+1)
– ri (j) = 2n-j.
– So f1[1] is referred to 2n-1 times.
– Total references to all fi[j] is (2n).
• Thus, the running time is exponential.
– Non-recursive algorithm.

ALS FAST-WAY algorithm

Running time: O(n).

ALS --DP steps: Step 4

• Step 4: Construct the fastest way through

the factory

Matrix-chain multiplication (MCM) -DP
• Problem: given A1, A2, …,An, compute the
product: A1A2…An , find the fastest way (i.e.,
minimum number of multiplications) to compute
• Suppose two matrices A(p,q) and B(q,r), compute
their product C(p,r) in p  q  r multiplications
– for i=1 to p for j=1 to r C[i,j]=0
– for i=1 to p
• for j=1 to r
– for k=1 to q C[i,j] = C[i,j]+ A[i,k]B[k,j]

Matrix-chain multiplication -DP
• Different parenthesizations will have different
number of multiplications for product of multiple
• Example: A(10,100), B(100,5), C(5,50)
– If ((A B) C), 10 100 5 +10 5 50 =7500
– If (A (B C)), 10 100 50+100 5 50=75000
• The first way is ten times faster than the second !!!
• Denote A1, A2, …,An by < p0,p1,p2,…,pn>
– i.e, A1(p0,p1), A2(p1,p2), …, Ai(pi-1,pi),… An(pn-1,pn)
Matrix-chain multiplication –MCM DP

• Intuitive brute-force solution: Counting the number

of parenthesizations by exhaustively checking all
possible parenthesizations.
• Let P(n) denote the number of alternative
parenthesizations of a sequence of n matrices:
– P(n) = 1 if n=1
k=1n-1 P(k)P(n-k) if n2
• The solution to the recursion is (2n).
• So brute-force will not work.

MCP DP Steps
• Step 1: structure of an optimal parenthesization
– Let Ai..j (ij) denote the matrix resulting from AiAi+1…Aj
– Any parenthesization of AiAi+1…Aj must split the product
between Ak and Ak+1 for some k, (ik<j). The cost = # of
computing Ai..k + # of computing Ak+1..j + # Ai..k  Ak+1..j.
– If k is the position for an optimal parenthesization, the
parenthesization of “prefix” subchain AiAi+1…Ak within
this optimal parenthesization of AiAi+1…Aj must be an
optimal parenthesization of AiAi+1…Ak.
– AiAi+1…Ak  Ak+1…Aj

MCP DP Steps
• Step 2: a recursive relation
– Let m[i,j] be the minimum number of multiplications
for AiAi+1…Aj
– m[1,n] will be the answer
– m[i,j] = 0 if i = j
min {m[i,k] + m[k+1,j] +pi-1pkpj } if i<j

MCM DP Steps
• Step 3, Computing the optimal cost
– If by recursive algorithm, exponential time (2n) (ref.
to P.346 for the proof.), no better than brute-force.
– Total number of subproblems: ( 2 ) +n = (n2)
– Recursive algorithm will encounter the same
subproblem many times.
– If tabling the answers for subproblems, each
subproblem is only solved once.
– The second hallmark of DP: overlapping subproblems
and solve every subproblem just once.

MCM DP Steps
• Step 3, Algorithm,
– array m[1..n,1..n], with m[i,j] records the optimal
cost for AiAi+1…Aj .
– array s[1..n,1..n], s[i,j] records index k which
achieved the optimal cost when computing m[i,j].
– Suppose the input to the algorithm is p=< p0 , p1 ,
…, pn >.

MCM DP Steps

MCM DP—order of matrix computations
m(1,1) m(1,2) m(1,3) m(1,4) m(1,5) m(1,6)
m(2,2) m(2,3) m(2,4) m(2,5) m(2,6)
m(3,3) m(3,4) m(3,5) m(3,6)
m(4,4) m(4,5) m(4,6)
m(5,5) m(5,6)

MCM DP Example

MCM DP Steps
• Step 4, constructing a parenthesization
order for the optimal solution.
– Since s[1..n,1..n] is computed, and s[i,j] is the
split position for AiAi+1…Aj , i.e, Ai…As[i,j] and
As[i,j] +1…Aj , thus, the parenthesization order
can be obtained from s[1..n,1..n] recursively,
beginning from s[1,n].

MCM DP Steps
• Step 4, algorithm

Elements of DP
• Optimal (sub)structure
– An optimal solution to the problem contains within it
optimal solutions to subproblems.
• Overlapping subproblems
– The space of subproblems is “small” in that a recursive
algorithm for the problem solves the same subproblems
over and over. Total number of distinct subproblems is
typically polynomial in input size.
• (Reconstruction an optimal solution)

Finding Optimal substructures
• Show a solution to the problem consists of making a
choice, which results in one or more subproblems to
be solved.
• Suppose you are given a choice leading to an
optimal solution.
– Determine which subproblems follows and how to
characterize the resulting space of subproblems.
• Show the solution to the subproblems used within
the optimal solution to the problem must themselves
be optimal by cut-and-paste technique.
Characterize Subproblem Space
• Try to keep the space as simple as possible.
• In assembly-line schedule, S1,j and S2,j is
good for subproblem space, no need for
other more general space
• In matrix-chain multiplication, subproblem
space A1A2…Aj will not work. Instead,
AiAi+1…Aj (vary at both ends) works.

A Recursive Algorithm for Matrix-Chain Multiplication
RECURSIVE-MATRIX-CHAIN(p,i,j) (called with(p,1,n))
1. if i=j then return 0
2. m[i,j]
3. for ki to j-1
5. if q< m[i,j] then m[i,j] q
6. return m[i,j]

The running time of the algorithm is O(2n). Ref. to page 346 for proof.
Recursion tree for the computation of RECURSIVE-MATRIX-CHAIN(p,1,4)


1..1 2..4 1..2 3..4 1..3 4..4

2..2 3..4 2..3 4..4 1..1 2..2 3..3 4..4 1..1 2..3 1..2 3..3

3..3 4..4 2..2 3..3 2..2 3..3 1..1 2..2

This divide-and-conquer recursive algorithm solves the overlapping problems over and over.
In contrast, DP solves the same (overlapping) subproblems only once (at the first time),
then store the result in a table, when the same subproblem is encountered later, just look up
the table to get the result.
The computations in green color are replaced by table loop up in MEMOIZED-MATRIX-CHAIN(p,1,4)
The divide-and-conquer is better for the problem which generates brand-new problems at
each step of recursion.
Optimal Substructure Varies in Two Ways

• How many subproblems

– In assembly-line schedule, one subproblem
– In matrix-chain multiplication: two subproblems
• How many choices
– In assembly-line schedule, two choices
– In matrix-chain multiplication: j-i choices
• DP solve the problem in bottom-up manner.

Running Time for DP Programs
• #overall subproblems  #choices.
– In assembly-line scheduling, O(n)  O(1)= O(n) .
– In matrix-chain multiplication, O(n2)  O(n) = O(n3)
• The cost =costs of solving subproblems + cost of
making choice.
– In assembly-line scheduling, choice cost is
• ai,j if stay in the same line, ti’,j-1+ai,j (ii) otherwise.
– In matrix-chain multiplication, choice cost is pi-1pkpj.
Subtleties when Determining Optimal Structure
• Take care that optimal structure does not apply even it looks
like to be in first sight.
• Unweighted shortest path:
– Find a path from u to v consisting of fewest edges.
– Can be proved to have optimal substructures.
• Unweighted longest simple path:
– Find a simple path from u to v consisting of most edges.
– Figure 15.4 shows it does not satisfy optimal substructure.
• Independence (no share of resources) among subproblems if a
problem has optimal structure.

q r
q r  t is the longest simple path from q to t.
But q r is not the longest simple path from q to r.
s t
Reconstructing an Optimal Solution
• An auxiliary table:
– Store the choice of the subproblem in each step
– reconstructing the optimal steps from the table.
• The table may be deleted without affecting performance
– Assembly-line scheduling, l1[n] and l2[n] can be easily
removed. Reconstructing optimal solution from f1[n] and f2[n]
will be efficient.
– But MCM, if s[1..n,1..n] is removed, reconstructing optimal
solution from m[1..n,1..n] will be inefficient.

• A variation of DP
• Keep the same efficiency as DP
• But in a top-down manner.
• Idea:
– Each entry in table initially contains a value indicating
the entry has yet to be filled in.
– When a subproblem is first encountered, its solution
needs to be solved and then is stored in the
corresponding entry of the table.
– If the subproblem is encountered again in the future,
just look up the table to take the value.

Memoized Matrix Chain

1. if m[i,j]< then return m[i,j]
2. if i=j then m[i,j] 0
3. else for ki to j-1
4. do q LOOKUP-CHAIN(p,i,k)+
5. LOOKUP-CHAIN(p,k+1,j)+pi-1pkpj
6. if q< m[i,j] then m[i,j] q
7. return m[i,j]

DP VS. Memoization
• MCM can be solved by DP or Memoized
algorithm, both in O(n3).
– Total (n2) subproblems, with O(n) for each.
• If all subproblems must be solved at least once, DP
is better by a constant factor due to no recursive
involvement as in Memoized algorithm.
• If some subproblems may not need to be solved,
Memoized algorithm may be more efficient, since
it only solve these subproblems which are
definitely required.
Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)
• DNA analysis, two DNA string comparison.
• DNA string: a sequence of symbols A,C,G,T.
• Subsequence (of X): is X with some symbols left out.
– Z=CGTC is a subsequence of X=ACGCTAC.
• Common subsequence Z (of X and Y): a subsequence of X and also a
subsequence of Y.
– Z=CGA is a common subsequence of both X=ACGCTAC and Y=CTGACA.
• Longest Common Subsequence (LCS): the longest one of common
– Z' =CGCA is the LCS of the above X and Y.
• LCS problem: given X=<x1, x2,…, xm> and Y=<y1, y2,…, yn>, find their

LCS Intuitive Solution –brute force
• List all possible subsequences of X, check
whether they are also subsequences of Y,
keep the longer one each time.
• Each subsequence corresponds to a subset
of the indices {1,2,…,m}, there are 2m. So

LCS DP –step 1: Optimal Substructure
• Characterize optimal substructure of LCS.
• Theorem 15.1: Let X=<x1, x2,…, xm> (= Xm) and
Y=<y1, y2,…,yn> (= Yn) and Z=<z1, z2,…, zk> (=
Zk) be any LCS of X and Y,
– 1. if xm= yn, then zk= xm= yn, and Zk-1 is the LCS of Xm-1
and Yn-1.
– 2. if xm yn, then zk  xm implies Z is the LCS of Xm-1
and Yn.
– 3. if xm yn, then zk  yn implies Z is the LCS of Xm and

LCS DP –step 2:Recursive Solution
• What the theorem says:
– If xm= yn, find LCS of Xm-1 and Yn-1, then append xm.
– If xm  yn, find LCS of Xm-1 and Yn and LCS of Xm and
Yn-1, take which one is longer.
• Overlapping substructure:
– Both LCS of Xm-1 and Yn and LCS of Xm and Yn-1 will
need to solve LCS of Xm-1 and Yn-1.
• c[i,j] is the length of LCS of Xi and Yj .
c[i,j]= 0 if i=0, or j=0
c[i-1,j-1]+1 if i,j>0 and xi= yj,
max{c[i-1,j], c[i,j-1]} if i,j>0 and xi  yj,
LCS DP-- step 3:Computing the Length of LCS

• c[0..m,0..n], where c[i,j] is defined as

– c[m,n] is the answer (length of LCS).
• b[1..m,1..n], where b[i,j] points to the table
entry corresponding to the optimal
subproblem solution chosen when
computing c[i,j].
– From b[m,n] backward to find the LCS.

LCS computation example

LCS DP Algorithm

LCS DP –step 4: Constructing LCS

LCS space saving version
• Remove array b.
• Print_LCS_without_b(c,X,i,j){
– If (i=0 or j=0) return;
– If (c[i,j]==c[i-1,j-1]+1)
• {Print_LCS_without_b(c,X,i-1,j-1); print xi}
– else if(c[i,j]==c[i-1,j])
• {Print_LCS_without_b(c,X,i-1,j);}
– else
• {Print_LCS_without_b(c,X,i,j-1);}
• }
• Can We do better?
– 2*min{m,n} space, or even min{m,n}+1 space for just LCS value.


• DP two important properties

• Four steps of DP.
• Differences among divide-and-conquer
algorithms, DP algorithms, and Memoized
• Writing DP programs and analyze their
running time and space requirement.
• Modify the discussed DP algorithms.

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