Minnesota Foundation Hospital Case Ana
Minnesota Foundation Hospital Case Ana
Minnesota Foundation Hospital Case Ana
I. Time Context
W9. Employees attitude toward quality is below expectation/ low 0.03 1 0.03
professional standards
Man To train and retrain hospital staff Provide necessary trainings, An estimate of 1 to 2 months
to ensure quality. seminars and meetings to will be given for trainings and
achieve a standard quality transition of employees.
among hospital staff thus Continuous training will be
Medical and support service are in
reducing complaints. provided
agreement with their internal policy.
Establish an internal policy of
quality control to be supervise
by quality assurance team.
Method Ensure the attainment of quality Conduct survey materials, Ensure the attainment of
control for their services in the feedbacks from their quality control for their
hospital. patients. services in the hospital.
XI. Plan of Action
Money To attain quality assurance in Get feedback from staff and A time frame of 1 month
healthcare and service patient to know better on will be given.
personnel what aspect to improve
Moment Acquire more funding through Provide patients with good Continuous funding is
affiliations and patient referrals service necessary to maintain the
To meet the deadline for hospital Gather all the data of
re-accreditation. previous and present
complaints. Take necessary