Minnesota Foundation Hospital Case Ana

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I. Time Context

Based on researches regarding Minnesota and the hospital

industry, the setting of this case analysis is approximately
in the year 2005-2006.
II. View Point
Based on the analysis of the case, the consultant
has the absolute authority.
III. Problem
Absence of established quality
control standard leading to decline in
quality healthcare services and
support services as manifested by
increased in number of customer
related complaints and internal
III. Objective


● Ensure the Hospital re-accreditation. ● Develop processes and systems geared
Accreditation comes with many benefits like towards quality standards.
improved quality, customer satisfaction, ● Sustain and maintain accreditation of the
medical reimbursement and government Hospital.
support. ● Procure, develop, and sustain best talents
● To administer immediate actions in all the who have high absorptive capacity for
issues both external and internal. Professional and Quality Health Care.
● To Conduct a spot check-equipment Testing ● To provide training, seminars and regular
on the hospital machines meetings to discuss the guidelines, standards
● To address the complaints immediately to and other concerns of the employees in all
avoid problems with re-accreditation. departments.
● To adapt to management system and be able
to have an organized an efficient employees
that will provide quality healthcare for their
V. Areas of consideration
Key Factors Weight Rating Weighted Score


S1. The Hospital has current and valid 0.05 3 0.15


S2. Hospital has Established 0.05 2 0.1

customer/market base

S3. Cooperative Management Team 0.05 2 0.1

S4. High performing Medical Staff 0.05 2 0.1

S5. Good and affordable medical 0.05 2 0.1

Weaknesses: Weight Rating Weighted Score

W1. Declining quality of Healthcare 0.05 3 0.15

W2. Heavy reliance to Federal State subsidy 0.03 3 0.09

W3. High Turnover Rate 0.01 2 0.02

W4. Low Morale Employees/High turnover 0.01 2 0.02

W5. Less Competitive Salary Offering 0.01 2 0.02

W6. Restrictions on the competencies of the Hospital Management to 0.05 2 0.10

come up with solutions

W7. The Employees have different definitions of Quality 0.03 2 0.06

W8. Unresponsive competency levels of support people 0.02 2 0.04

W9. Employees attitude toward quality is below expectation/ low 0.03 1 0.03
professional standards

W10. Unclear Position Description/Delineation of Duties and 0.02 1 0.02

Opportunities: Weight Rating Weighted Score

O1. High Chance of Re-accreditation 0.05 3 0.15

O2. Ground swell of external stakeholders 0.05 2 0.10

support (Federal State, other agencies like
medicare and donors)

O3. Availability of Benchmark 0.04 1 0.04

O4. Constant growth of demand for medical 0.03 2 0.06

services from the state citizen.

O5. New technology. Acquisition of new 0.03 2 0.06

equipments and training programs

O6. Increase in revenue thru patient referral. 0.03 2 0.06

O7. Widen their medical care services to other 0.02 2 0.06

illness or rehabilitation.
Threats: Weight Rating Weighted Score
T1. Increasing Number of Customer Complaint
0.05 3 0.6
T2. Labor Strike
0.03 1 0.05
T3. Loss of Customers
0.04 1 0.15
T4. Closure of the Hospital
0.05 1 0.2
T5. Privatization of hospital if no subsidy claims
from the government that may lead to not affordable 0.03 1 0.03
health care.

T6. Permanence and stability of the economic

and financial crisis of welfare of the state.
0.03 1 0.03

T7. Adverse government policies

0.2 1 0.02

Total Weighted Score 1 2.71

VI. Alternative courses of action
VI. Alternative courses of action
VI. Alternative courses of action
VII. Evaluating the Alternatives
VIII. Recommendations

Considering the corresponding disadvantages and advantages each

ACA with the identified key factors, the criteria for evaluation, and the
weighted scores, the group (as consultant) is recommending the ACA2, i.e.,
the strategy framework will be done by mixed complements - internal
talents and external consultants. This provides the most effective option
as the resulting strategy framework deems to provide the maximum impact
to stakeholders (considering the holistic perspectives involved). This is also
the most efficient in terms of speed of realization due to collaboration and
cooperation of the external and internal stakeholders.
XI. Plan of Action
Functional areas Objective Strategy Time Frame

Man To train and retrain hospital staff Provide necessary trainings, An estimate of 1 to 2 months
to ensure quality. seminars and meetings to will be given for trainings and
achieve a standard quality transition of employees.
among hospital staff thus Continuous training will be
Medical and support service are in
reducing complaints. provided
agreement with their internal policy.
Establish an internal policy of
quality control to be supervise
by quality assurance team.

Materials To create a standardized guidelines To consolidate the researches Approximately, 1 to 2 months

and protocols to be followed by the and suggestions of the will be given to create the
hospital staff consultant and department manual
heads and create a manual
Creation of policy manual for quality regarding quality
Dissemination of information
thru company seminar on
employee’s portal.
XI. Plan of Action

Machine Maximize all the Continuous checking and Continuous monitoring is

equipment/machineries in the usage of hospital equipment recommended to be done at
hospital to achieve quality and ensure to acquire new least once or twice a month
healthcare service machines as necessary to ensure quality

Method Ensure the attainment of quality Conduct survey materials, Ensure the attainment of
control for their services in the feedbacks from their quality control for their
hospital. patients. services in the hospital.
XI. Plan of Action

Money To attain quality assurance in Get feedback from staff and A time frame of 1 month
healthcare and service patient to know better on will be given.
personnel what aspect to improve

Gain more patients to increase Provide service impeccable

the revenue of the hospital. aid to their patients.

Moment Acquire more funding through Provide patients with good Continuous funding is
affiliations and patient referrals service necessary to maintain the
To meet the deadline for hospital Gather all the data of
re-accreditation. previous and present
complaints. Take necessary

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