CHAPTER 5 Sedentary

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Chapter V

Sedentary Lifestyle
It occurs when an individual
lacks the recommended level of
regular physical activity or if
he/she is physically inactive.

Physical Inactivity is the

leading risk factor of death
What are the types of
diseases associated with
unhealthy lifestyle?
A. Cardiovascular Diseases- a disease of the
heart and blood vessels and is the leading
cause of death in the Philippines.
Cardiovascular Diseases

Rheumatic fever

Heart Attack
Congestive Heart Diseases Angina Pectoris

Coronary Heart Diseases

Arteriosclerosi A condition causing the arteries to harden and thicken. Some
s types are natural to growing old.

Atherosclerosi Type of arteriosclerosis where deposited fat hardens and

becomes plaque on arterial walls. Plaque build-up can begin as
s early as two years old.

Coronary arteries (pathway of the blood to the heart muscles)

are narrowed of blocked; a disease of the coronary vessels and
Heart Disease not the heart.

Heart Attack Cardiac muscle failure due to lack od blood flow to the heart.
Angina Chest pain from narrowed coronary arteries due to inadequate
oxygen for the heart. Angina attack usually lasts less than five
Pectoris minutes.

Rheumatic The immune system attacks the heart and can cause fever,
Fever weakness and damage to its valves.

Irregular heart rhythm brought about by faculty electrical

Arrhythmia conduction system that is worsened by uncontrolled stress levels
and high caffeine intake.

The heart is not able or below its normal capacity to pump

blood, causing liquid to accumulate in the lungs and other areas
Heart Failure of the body.
B. Cancer- a disease where cells decide in an uncontrolled
pace. Cancer is not contagious or caused by injuries or

The most common types of cancer in terms of incidence is

breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer.
Two types of cancer
 Malignant (Cancerous)- the tumor can spread to invade
and destroy nearby tissues and body parts. This process is
called metastasis.
 Benign (Non-Cancerous)- benign tumors may increase in
size but do not invade other body parts. It is typically
harmless unless it obstructs normal tissues or organs.
Four Major Categories of Cancer
1. Carcinoma- is the most common of the major categories,
an invasive malignant tumor from epithelial tissue that
tends to spread to other body parts e.g. Cancer of the
skin, breast, uterus, prostate, lung, stomach, colon, and
2. Sarcoma- is a connective or supportive cancer, which
include muscle, bone, fat, blood vessels, and cartilage
3. Lymphoma- arises in cells of the lymphatic or the immune system
tissues characterized by abnormal production of white cells and
decrease in resistance.

4. Leukemia- is the cancer of the blood or bone marrow

characterized by an abnormal production of blood cells, usually
leukocytes or white cells.
C. Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus- a disease resulting from a
condition of the body is not able to produce or effectively use

Insulin is the hormone that is produced in the pancreas,

which regulates the utilization of glucose.
Types of Diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes- is insulin-reliant diabetes because of the body
produces little or no insulin at all. The immune system
destroys the cells producing insulin, which causes the build-up
of sugar in the blood and loss of sugar in the urine.
Type 2 Diabetes- is non- insulin dependent. This occurs
when the body produces insulin but it cannot be used
by the cells. This type of diabetes is manageable through
oral medication and a lifestyle based on diet and
exercise programs.
Gestational Diabetes- occurs in certain pregnant
individuals. The hormones cause the body not to
respond to the insulin produced by the body. This is not
harmful for the baby and can be treated only with
proper diet.
D. Chronic or Respiratory Disease- commonly called chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); occurs in the air
paths and the other parts of the lungs. Symptoms include
breathlessness, chronic cough and excessive mucus
Most risk factors of COPD include:

● Tobacco smoking;
● Indoor air pollution;
● Outdoor air pollution; and
● Occupational dusts and chemicals like
vapors, instants and fumes.
What are the ways to prevent lifestyle diseases?
Noncommunicable disease

● Eating healthy food

● Do daily routines of physical activity
● Do not smoke
● Drink moderate amounts of alcohol only
● Manage stress
Chapter V
Summative Assessment
Activity 1
Fill in the Blanks:
1. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES - A disease of the _________ and
________ and is the leading cause of death in the Philippines.

2. CANCER - a disease where cells decide in an _________.

3. DIABETES O DIABETES MELLITUS - a disease resulting from a condition

of the body is not able to produce of effectively use _________.

4. CHRONIC OR RESPIRATORY DISEASE commonly called _________:

occur in the air paths and the other parts of the lungs.
_________: occur in the air paths and the other parts of the

5. A person living a ________ is often sitting or lying down while

engaged in an activity like socializing, watching television,
playing video games, reading or using a mobile
phone/computer for much of the day.
Activity 2
Write T if the statement is true and write the correct answer if the
statement is false.
1. Physical inactivity is the leading risk factor of HEALTHY LIFE

2. There are two types of cancer the malignant and BREAST


3. Leukemia is the cancer of the HEART characterized by an

abnormal production of the WHITE CELLS.
4. Lymphoma arises in cells of the nymphic or the immune system
tissues characterized by ABNORMAL production of white cells and
increase in resistance.

5. Type 1 diabetes is NON INSULIN DEPENDENT this occurred

when the body product insulin but cannot be used by the cells.

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