Grammar B2+ - 2 Cleft Sentences For Emphasis
Grammar B2+ - 2 Cleft Sentences For Emphasis
Grammar B2+ - 2 Cleft Sentences For Emphasis
cleft sentences
for emphasis
Recommended for:
Gold Experience
High Note
2019 1
What is a cleft sentence?
There are many different types of cleft sentences, but let’s look at two in particular:
1. Inversions with certain negative adverbs and phrases.
2. Cleft sentences introduced with What.
In which sentence is
Which sentence (A or
there more focus on
B) is stronger or has
WHAT is adored rather
more emphasis?
than WHO adores it?
Sentence B Sentence B
Copyright © 2019 by Pearson Education Gold Experience | Focus | High Note
Function: When do we use them?
For emphasis and to focus attention on a specific thing or person.
What/who is the
subject of the
A. I have never told a lie. I sentences?
B. Never have I told a lie.
In example B, where
in the sentence is
the negative
At the
What happens to
the word order of
They the auxiliary verb This is why they are
become and the subject? called inversions.
Copyright © 2019 by Pearson Education Gold Experience | Focus | High Note
Form: 1. inversions
We use inversions after certain negative adverbs or phrases like this:
Notice the negative
words/phrases are
all at the beginning
of the sentence.
negative auxiliary verb subject main verb complement Notice that with
adverbs simple tenses (present
and past), we add the
Nowhere in the can you use US dollars. auxiliary verb before
UK inverting. The main
verb is in the infinitive.
Not only does she speak Spanish, but
also French.
At no time did they mention the exam
Here is the inversion
results. (the auxiliary verb
Never has he told a lie. and the subject)...
Don’t forget to
Copyright © 2019 by Pearson Education Gold Experience | Focus | High Note
Form: inversions – things to remember
● The auxiliary verbs which need to be added in the simple tenses are do/does in
the present or did in the past.
● A not only phrase is usually completed by but also.
Copyright © 2019 by Pearson Education Gold Experience | Focus | High Note
Form: 2. cleft sentences with What
What subject clause to be object clause