Job Analysis-Updated
Job Analysis-Updated
Job Analysis-Updated
One of the main problem in Manpower
Planning is determining manpower
Job Analysis :
‘ It is a procedure by which pertinent
information is obtained about a specific job i.e.
it’s a detailed study of information relating to
operations & responsibilities of a specific
Job analysis
“It is a process of getting information about
jobs: specially what the worker does;how he
gets it done ; why he does it; skill, education &
training required ;relationship to other jobs;
physical demands.”
Manpower Planning
Performance Appraisal
Employee Counseling
Labour Relations
1. Organizing & Planning for the programme
2. Obtaining current job design information
3. Conducting needs research(to what extent,for
what purpose jobs need to be analysed)
4. Identify jobs to be analyzed
5. Collecting job data(how currently the jobs are
being performed)
6. Redesign the job if needed
7. Preparing job descriptions
8. Developing job specifications
Job Analysis: Contents
1.Job Identification: Title, code no.
2.Significant Job Characteristics :location, supervision,
hazards etc
3.What the typical worker does: specific operations
4.Which materials & equipment a worker uses
5.How a job is performed: cleaning, drilling, driving
5.Required personnel attributes: experience, physical
strength, mental capabilities etc
6.Job Relationship: opportunities for advancement,
leadership for a job etc
Importance of job analysis:
Helps in Human Resource planning
Provides realistic basis for recruitment, selection,
training, transfer , promotion
Helps in deciding wage & salary structure for a
particular job
Helps in determining content of training courses
Helps in establishing clear-cut standards for
performance appraisal
Helps in identifying hazardous conditions in a
job to minimize possibility of accidents
Techniques of job analysis
Observation Method
Sending out questionnaires
Records maintained by HR department
Interview method
Critical Incidents (job holders are asked to
describe incidents concerning the job on the basis
of their past experience)
Job Performance(Job Analysts actually performs
the job under study to obtain real experience of
the job, physical demands etc)
Quantitative Job Analysis Techniques:
Position Analysis Questionnaire
- contains 194 job elements grouped into 6 sections
Single Method
Distortion of activities
Job description
It’s a written record of duties, responsibilities &
requirements of a particular job.