Job Analysis-Updated

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 One of the main problem in Manpower
Planning is determining manpower

 Detailed knowledge of nature & requirements

of jobs to be filled is needed to determine the
kind of people needed . This knowledge we can
get through job analysis.
Job analysis:
 Job- collection of tasks, duties &
responsibilities which are regarded as regular
assignments to individual employees.

 Job Analysis :
‘ It is a procedure by which pertinent
information is obtained about a specific job i.e.
it’s a detailed study of information relating to
operations & responsibilities of a specific
Job analysis
 “It is a process of getting information about
jobs: specially what the worker does;how he
gets it done ; why he does it; skill, education &
training required ;relationship to other jobs;
physical demands.”

 Job analysis also gives importance to the

relation of one job to others in the organisation.
 The initial objective of job analysis is to decide
whether the job under study is really needed by the

 Its aim is to determine information about the job

under two categories-
a) Primary Job Requirements- Job Analysis aims to
gather information relating to duties &
responsibilities of the job.
b) Secondly, it aims to gather information for
determining the knowledge, skills & abilities
required for a person to meet the job requirements
 Work Simplification

 Establishment of standards of performance

 Support to other personnel activities like

recruitment, selection, training, etc
 Organizational Design

 Manpower Planning

 Recruitment & Selection

 Placement & Orientation

 Training and Development

 Job Evaluation

 Performance Appraisal

 Safety & health

 Employee Counseling

 Labour Relations
1. Organizing & Planning for the programme
2. Obtaining current job design information
3. Conducting needs research(to what extent,for
what purpose jobs need to be analysed)
4. Identify jobs to be analyzed
5. Collecting job data(how currently the jobs are
being performed)
6. Redesign the job if needed
7. Preparing job descriptions
8. Developing job specifications
Job Analysis: Contents
1.Job Identification: Title, code no.
2.Significant Job Characteristics :location, supervision,
hazards etc
3.What the typical worker does: specific operations
4.Which materials & equipment a worker uses
5.How a job is performed: cleaning, drilling, driving
5.Required personnel attributes: experience, physical
strength, mental capabilities etc
6.Job Relationship: opportunities for advancement,
leadership for a job etc
Importance of job analysis:
 Helps in Human Resource planning
 Provides realistic basis for recruitment, selection,
training, transfer , promotion
 Helps in deciding wage & salary structure for a
particular job
 Helps in determining content of training courses
 Helps in establishing clear-cut standards for
performance appraisal
 Helps in identifying hazardous conditions in a
job to minimize possibility of accidents
Techniques of job analysis
 Observation Method
 Sending out questionnaires
 Records maintained by HR department
 Interview method
 Critical Incidents (job holders are asked to
describe incidents concerning the job on the basis
of their past experience)
 Job Performance(Job Analysts actually performs
the job under study to obtain real experience of
the job, physical demands etc)
Quantitative Job Analysis Techniques:
 Position Analysis Questionnaire
- contains 194 job elements grouped into 6 sections

i) Information Input- Where & how do workers get

information to do their jobs? (35)

ii) Mental Processes- What reasoning, planning, organizing

& decision making is done?(15)

iii) Work Output – What physical activities, tools & machines

are used? (49)

iv) Relationships-What contact with other people, both within

& outside company is maintained & developed? (36)
Position Analysis Questionnaire
v)Job Context: What is the physical & social
environment or context in which the job is
performed? (19)

vi)Other job characteristics: Any other

activities or conditions not covered by other
categories? (40)
 Management Position Description
- contains 274 items in 15 sections- takes 2 hours
to complete
- specifically used to analyze managerial jobs
- contains factors which describe management
positions like
 Autonomy of actions

 Product, marketing & financial strategy

 Supervision

 Complexity & stress ,etc

Functional Job Analysis:

 - tries to describe the whole person in the job

- 4 areas are rated

a. the extent to which specific instructions are required to
perform a task
b.extent to which reasoning & judgement are required to
perform the task
c. mathematical ability needed to perform the task
d. verbal & language abilities needed for a task

- Identifies performance standards & training requirements of a job

Competency based job analysis
 It involves describing the job in terms of
competencies like knowledge, skill or behavior

 Other methods identifies tasks, duties, knowledge,

skills associated with a job while this approach
considers how the knowledge & skills are used
 A few competencies used in this analysis are-
- leadership
- customer focus
- Innovation
- Flexibility
Need of Competency Analysis
 A company giving importance to high
performance work systems needs competency
based analysis to motivate workers to learn &
develop their skills & do different jobs.

 Measurable skills, knowledge & competencies

helps in effective performance appraisal
Problems in Job Analysis
 Lack of support from top management

 Single Method

 Lack of training or motivation

 Distortion of activities
Job description
 It’s a written record of duties, responsibilities &
requirements of a particular job.

 It describes what, how & why the job is to be

Job description
 It’s a written record of duties, responsibilities &
requirements of a particular job.

 Uses of Job Description:

- helps in developing job specifications

- basic document used in developing
performance standards
- can be used while fixing wage & salary
Components/contents of job description:
 Proper Job Title
 Job Summary – a quick explanation of job
content in 1-2 sentences
 Job Location (department)
 Job Duties & responsibilities
 Machines, tools & materials
 Relation to other jobs
 Nature of Supervision
 Working Conditions
Characteristics of a good Job Description
 Should be up-to-date
 Short job title
 Describe in details each duty & responsibility
 Descriptive but short
 Should ensure that a new employee
understands his job through its description
 All employees must know contents of job
Job specification:
 It’s a written record of the requirements sought
in an individual worker for a given job.

 It tells the kind of person to recruit & for what

qualities that person should be tested

 Summary of personal characteristics required

for a job.
Job specification includes:
 Physical Characteristics:

- strength, age-range, height, weight, hand & foot co-

ordination, vision etc
 Psychological Characteristics:

- analytical ability, alertness, mental concentration etc

 Personal Characteristics:

- personal appearance, pleasing manners, emotional

stability, extrovert or introvert etc
 Responsibilities:

- supervision of others, responsible for others safety,

responsibility for preventing loss etc
 Demographic features:

age ,gender, education,experience,language ability etc

Job analysis and competitive advantage:
 Helps organization to structure jobs in terms of
exact requirements
 Organization can forecast HR reqt very clearly
 Helps in formulating a systematic promotion
policy based on knowledge, skill, experience of
 Helps a firm to carry out a smooth recruitment
 Helps in selection of right candidate who will help
the firm in gaining competitive edge

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