Welding Defects: Ganesan V Assistant Manager-TSD D&H Secheron Electrodes PVT - LTD
Welding Defects: Ganesan V Assistant Manager-TSD D&H Secheron Electrodes PVT - LTD
Welding Defects: Ganesan V Assistant Manager-TSD D&H Secheron Electrodes PVT - LTD
Ganesan V
Assistant Manager-TSD
D&H Secheron Electrodes Pvt.Ltd
What Is A Welding Defect ?
1. The defects in the weld can be defined as irregularities in the weld
metal produced due to incorrect welding parameters or wrong welding
procedures or wrong combination of filler metal and parent metal. It
can simply be defined as:
3. A defect does not allow the finished joint to withstand the required
strength (load).
Failure Due To Welding Defect On %Age Basis
According to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
welding defect causes are broken down into the following % age:-
•41% poor process conditions
•32% operator error
•12% wrong technique
•10% incorrect consumables and
•5% bad weld grooves.
Presence Of Welding Defects: Action
What should be done when Welding-defects are detected?
1. One should reject the items and put them temporarily on
2. One should determine the cause and try to implement a
corrective action to avoid future reoccurrence.
3. Then an authorized professional should determine, if the
defects are repairable or not.
If yes, by which procedure. Standard procedures may be
approved for routine application.
Evaluation Welding Defects
All discontinuities are not defects. Discontinuities are rejectable
only if they exceed specification requirements
Radiographic standards used for evaluation of weld defects:-
•IIW standards
•ASTM standards
*Acceptance standards vary with service requirements
cluster porosity
Porosities / Blow Holes
Porosities / Blow Holes
Cause: Prevention:
•Work piece or electrode •Preheat
contains/contaminated with:-
•Maintain proper arc length
–High sulphur & carbon
•Use low hydrogen electrode
–Excessive moisture, rust or scale, oil,
•Use recommended procedure
grease, etc
for baking & storing electrodes
•Atmospheric gases [N2, excessive O2
•Clean joint surfaces & adjacent
•Anodising coating on Al (contains
•Long arc
•Fast solidification rate
Under Cut
“A defect that appears as a groove formed in the BM adjacent to the toe
of a weld along the edge of the weld & left unfilled by the weld metal”.
•Generally located parallel to the junction of weld metal & base metal at
the toe or root of the weld
•Reduces the cross-sectional thickness of the base metal
•Acts as stress raiser in fatigue loading
Under Cut
Under Cut
• High welding current & arc voltage
• Too large electrode dia
• Incorrect electrode angle
• Longer arc length Prevention:
•Use prescribed welding current for electrode size.
•Adjust electrode angle to fill undercut area.
•Correct travel speed, arc length, etc. Repair:
•Gouge & weld with low hydrogen electrode
Over Laps
“An imperfection at the toe of weld
caused by over flow of weld metal on the
surface of parent metal without fusion”
(protruded weld metal beyond the toe)
•Tends to produce mechanical notch
•Starts a crack at the sharp point where
the weld metal and base metal come
together at the over-lapped surface
Over Laps
–current too low
–Too large deposition in a single run
–Longer arc
–slow arc travel speed.
–Proper welding technique
–Use proper size of electrode
–Overlap must be removed to blend smoothly into the base metal.
Lack Of Penetration
Cause –
•Root gap too small
•high welding speed
•Low heat input
•Too large electrode dia
•Proper joint preparation
•Proper heat input & welding speed
•Use suitable size of electrode
•Back gouge and back weld or
remove and reweld.
Lack Of Fusion
•Low welding current
•Excess welding speed
•Unfavourable heat input
•Maintain proper current & welding
•Proper cleaning of each bead
•Chipping back & re-welding
Excessive Penetration/Icicles
–Correct the root opening and root face
–Reduce the wire-feed speed
–Remove and re-weld
“Small globular metal drops / particles thrown out during welding &
stick to the BM surfaces along its length”.
•Metal lost
•Do not form a part of the weld.
•Excessive spatters unacceptable.
Cause –
–Excessive arc current
–Excessive long arc
–Improper shielding gas
–Electrodes coated with improper flux ingredients
–Damp electrodes
–Correct welding current for type & size electrode used.
–Correct proper arc length & use correct arc voltage
–Spatter cure SC-07(Non-toxic, non- pollutant, water based
inorganic anti–spatter flux)
–can easily be removed either by hair brush or by washing.
–Remove by grinding or sanding.