Descriptive Writing: I Will Revise Descriptive Techniques and Know What They Mean
Descriptive Writing: I Will Revise Descriptive Techniques and Know What They Mean
Descriptive Writing: I Will Revise Descriptive Techniques and Know What They Mean
1. Whole scene
2. Zoom in
3. Zoom in
4. Whole scene
EXAMPLE: Essay structure: 4+ paragraphs
1. Introduction: An overview of the
scene, including setting and general
atmosphere. Size, colour and shape
of the house. Fading light and
growing shadows. Tense atmosphere.
2. Zoomed in description of the weather
and time of day. Darkness created by
crevices. Decaying building. Solitary
light on inside.
3. Zoomed in description of the trees,
leaves on the floor and noises ,
4. Zoomed in description a figure
moving inside the house.
1. Introduction: An overview of the scene, including setting and
Whole scene general atmosphere. Size, colour and shape of the house.
Fading light and growing shadows. Tense atmosphere.
The imposing ancient figure
stood atop the hill casing wide
shadows that reached out
towards the lane. Handsome and
imposing the house proudly
carved out its silhouette against
the sky. A forgotten family home.
Surrounded by brush and
withered trees. Decay and
abandonment devoured the
wooden, creaking pannels.
Push yourself further!
Try to grab you readers attention by:
Sentence starters:
• Using a short sentence for effect
On the top of the hill stood… It seemed as if it
was… The grounds were… It was eerily… • Leaving questions unanswered
• Uses your senses!
ZOOM 2. Zoomed in description of the weather and time of day. Darkness
created by crevices. Decaying building. Solitary light on inside.
A dark mass of iron grey clouds swept across
the darkening sky creating a filthy blanket of
inky blackness that combined with the ever-
growing twilight. A storm was nearing.
Shadows hid in recesses of the house; every
window shaded, each indent disguised, each
contour concealed from the eye. Secrets
hidden in the murk. Apart for one window.
A soft, warm, flickering glow emitted gently
from the topmost window as if from a
solitary candle.
Push yourself further!
Sentence starters: Try to grab you readers attention by:
The sky looked as if… All colour seemed to be...Each • Use a list to name gothic features
window of the house was… It was impossible to… • Use metaphors
One window, however... • use personification-bring the house to life!
ZOOM 3. Zoomed in description of the trees, leaves on the floor and
noises, gravestones.