Short, Medium and Long-Term Planning

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Short, Medium and Long Term

Economic Planning
Short term
- also known a controlling plan and annual

- it encompasses the period of one year.

The main objectives of short-term planning
is to raise the revenue, attain the short-
term economic targets, bring price
stability, and remove deficit in BOP.

• Emergency Fund
• Payments toward rent.
• Insurance
Medium Term
- last for the period of 3 to 7 years. But normally, it is
made for the period of 5 years.
The main objectives of medium-term economic
planning are to raise per capita income, raise the
level of employment, create self-sufficiency in the
economy, reduce dependence over foreign aid and
raise revenues through domestic sources, and to
remove regional and intra-regional disparities.
Long Term

- also known as perspective plan.

- last for the period of 10 to 30 years.

The basic philosophy behind long-term planning is to
bring structural changes in the economy. Under long-
term planning, there is greater freedom of choice and
there is a wide scope of planning.
Gellie Del Rueda Uno
Judilyn Lucero
Rechelle Labian
Vanissa Mae Sito

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