Thermodynamic Cycles
Thermodynamic Cycles
Thermodynamic Cycles
What is the thermodynamic cycle?
• A thermodynamic cycle consists of a series of thermodynamic
processes, which take place in a specific order, and the initial
conditions are restored at the end of the processes.
• When the processes of cycles are outlined on the p-v diagram,
they form a closed figure, each process described by its own
• Since the area under each curve is the work done to some scale.
During each process, the work done during one cycle will be
given by the area of the diagram as shown in the figure.
• The thermodynamic cycles are very essential for the power
developing systems (such as petrol engine, diesel engine, gas
turbine etc.).
Classification of Thermodynamic Cycle
• MFT-21-03
• MFT-21-01
• MFT-21-02
• MFT-21-04
• MFT-21-05
• MFT-21-06
• MFT-21-07