Zohrah Perveen
Zohrah Perveen
Zohrah Perveen
different authors.
• Describe Synthesized Method of Theory Evaluation.
• Discuss summary of the topic.
• Elaborate references.
Theory has been described as a systematic
explanation of an event in which constructs
and concepts are identified and relationships
are proposed and predictions made.
(Streubert & Carpenter2011)
It refers to a systematic process of objectively
examining the content, structure, and function of a
concept (Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya, 2013; Walker &
Avant, 2011).
Evaluation follows analysis and assesses the theory’s
potential contribution to the discipline’s knowledge
base (Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya, 2013; Walker &
Avant, 2011).
Purpose of Theory Evaluation
Theory evaluation identifies a theory’s degree of
usefulness to guide practice, research, education, and
Such evaluation gives insight into relationships
among concepts and their linkages to each other and
allows the reviewer to determine the strengths and
weaknesses of a theory.
The ultimate goal of theory evaluation is to determine
the potential contribution of the theory to scientific
Phases of Theory Evaluation
Single Phase Process- Theory Analysis .
• Why was it developed?
• Was the process of development inductive or
• Is there evidence to support or refute the theory?
2. Examine the meaning of the theory.
Identify concepts.
Examine definitions and their use
(theoretical and operational definitions).
Identify statements.
Examine relationships.
3.Analyze the logical adequacy of the theory.
Determine if scientists agree on predictive ability of
the theory.
Determine if the content makes sense.
Identify any logical fallacies.
4.Determine the usefulness of the theory.
Is the theory practical and helpful to nursing?
Does it contribute to understanding?
Does it predicting outcomes?
5.Define the degree of generalizability.
Is the theory highly generalizable or specific?
6. Determine if the theory is parsimonious.
Can the theory be stated briefly and simply or is it
7. Determine the testability of the theory.
Can the theory be supported with empirical data?
Can testable hypotheses be generated from the theory?
Jacqueline Fawcett and DeSanto
The components of Theory analysis in Fawcett include:
1. Theory’s origion.
2. Unique Focus.
3. Content.
1. Theory Origion:
Historical evolution of theory.
Author’s motivation.
Philosophical assumptions about Nursing.
The author’s inclusion of works of nursing.
2. Unique Focus.
The unique focus refers to distinctive views of the
metaparadigm concepts, like:
• Problems in nurse– patient situations.
• Differences in modes of nursing interventions.