Joyce Travelbee
Joyce Travelbee
Joyce Travelbee
born in 1926 at New Orleans, Louisiana United States
She earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Louisiana State University in
She was given a Master of Science in Nursing degree in 1959 from Yale University
known for her work as a nursing theorist
Her career focused on psychiatric nursing and education. It was influenced by Soren
kierkeegard’s Existentialism and Viktor Frankl’s logotheraphy
She worked as a psychiatric nursing instructor at the DePaul Hospital Affiliate School in
New Orleans, Louisiana, and worked later in the Charity Hospital School of Nursing in
Louisiana State University, New York University, and the University of Mississippi.
I Died on 1973 ( 47 yrs. Old)
• Travelbee’s Intervention in Psychiatric Nursing: A One-To-One Relationship
• Interpersonal Aspects of Nursing
• Intervention in Psychiatric Nursing: Process in the One-To One Relationship
The need for a “Humanistic Revolution” in nursing, with a renewed devotion on caring and compassion for
Assist the person, family, or community to avert or palliate the experiences of sickness and suffering—
instilling hope as a maximum goal
Hope being a mental state with a yearning to finalize or reach a purpose, with an expectation of gaining that
which is desired
Concept of hope would evolve from psychiatric nursing to patients with chronic illnesses, requiring long-
term care
To understand the ill patient, is to recognize the person’s uniqueness
The nurse’s spiritual values and philosophical beliefs, toward suffering, would be a driving force in helping
people to find meaning in their illnesses
The therapeutic use of self in communicating and establishing relationships
Finding meaning, during interactions, is essential to the nurse and patient relationship
Human-to-Human relationships serve to define and make proficient the practice of
Recognizing the importance of sympathy, as well as empathy, in order to develop
human-to-human relationships
A nurse exhibiting sympathy is an act of courage because the nurse is risking pain,
and one should recognize the dangers involved in sympathy, such as over-
identification, a distorted sense of pity, causing harm to the patient, becoming too soft
hearted, or being will paralyzer to the patient
Involves working through the phases of initial encounter, emerging identity, empathy,
sympathy, and rapport
Phases of the Nurse-Patient Relationship
1. Original Encounter
The need to perceive the human being in the patient, and vice versa, with the task of
breaking the bond of sequence
2. Emerging Identities: Patient and nurse begin to recognize the differing qualities that
each possess, transcending roles by separating self and experiences from one and another
—not using oneself to judge others4
3. Developing Feelings of Empathy: Not sharing another’s feelings, but sharing a
psychological state of another—exhibiting the ability to predict the behavior of others.
4. Developing Feelings of Sympathy: Experiencing, sharing, and feeling what
others are experiencing—emotional involvement involving the nurse transforming
sympathy into concrete nursing actions
5. Rapport: The phase of rapport is the end result of all phases. An accumulation of
thoughts, experiences, feelings, and attitudes, involving both nurse and patient, that
they can share, perceive, and communicate, resulting in a therapeutic relationship
Travelbee defined her place in history as a pioneer of nursing theory, because she
used a different approach, the human-to-human relationship between nurse and
patient, as she synthesized her unique ideas that differentiated her work from that of
other theorists.