Genchi Genbutsu: (Go and See)

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(Go and See)

Amarante, M.
Anonuevo, J.
Apacible, A.
Aquino, V.
Balmonte, B

November 10, 2021


• “Genchi Genbutsu”; literally translates to "real location, real thing," and it is

a key principle of the Toyota Production System. It suggests that in order to
truly understand a situation, one must observe what is happening at the site
where work actually takes place: the genba

• Genchi Genbutsu is a concept that applies not only to engineers at Toyota,

but also to analysts, executives, and managers. The notion has been used
into lean manufacturing and management practices. Genchi Genbutsu is
regarded as a sensible practice for all types of decision makers
• A Japanese philosophy of travelling to a spot
and personally examining its conditions in
order to comprehend and address any
problems faster and more efficiently is known
as Genchi Genbutsu. The word literally
translates to “see for yourself,” and it is part of
Toyota’s Way concept. Toyota’s Taiichi Ohno
created the phrase and concept of Genchi
Genbutsu, which is a key principle of the
Toyota Production System. Genchi Genbutsu is
a key idea used by Toyota in design and
manufacturing to determine the causes of
issues or unanticipated benefits, such as
greater worker output.
Reports and Statistics were
valuable in monitoring
• Ohno believed that seeing and understanding an environment
required real travel. Ohno believed that in order to learn everything
there is to know about a process, a worker must be immersed in it.
Ohno would have incoming engineers stand on the manufacturing
floor, observe, and then report back to him on whatever they saw as a
first day lesson. Those who failed to learn enough would have to go
through the process again.
Key Points:
1. Sound decision Making
• What is sound and decision making? Sound and decision-making can be
defined as one's ability to objectively assess situations or circumstances
using all the relevant information and applypast experience in order to
come to a conclusion or make a decision.

2.Better Efficiency
KEY POINTS • the state or quality of being efficient, or able to accomplish something
with the least waste of time and effort; competency in performance.
IN accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum
GENCHI expenditure of time and effort: The assembly line increased industry's
GENBUTSU 3. More Accountability
• the quality or state of being accountable especially : an obligation or
willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions public
officials lacking accountability.

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