Slip Formwork: Guided by Prof. VRK Murthy Submitted by Vikas B. More (73036) Aniruddha S. Namojwar (73038)

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Vikas B. More (73036)
Aniruddha S. Namojwar(73038)

The slip form process can be defined as an execution

process for the construction of such reinforced
concrete structures which are exceptionally high. It
involves operations of highly sophisticated nature
and round the clock concreting work.
The slip form primarily consists of shuttering panels
which envelop the structure along its designed shape
and then are moved upwards continuously leaving
below the structure in its final form.
Advantages of Slip form
• Reduction in construction time period.
• An average progress of 3.0 to 4.0 m height per day
can be easily achieved with slip form.
• The construction joints get eliminated as the slip
form process is a round the clock process.
• The surface finish of the concrete is of very high
• Full dimensional i.e. shape, size etc,. is achieved in
slip form work.
Area Of Application
It is best suitable for:
• Vertical and tapered chimneys
• Walls and columns of greater heights
• Silos
• Cooling towers
• Square or rectangular buildings with uniform plan for
the full height to be slip formed.
• Bridge piers
• Water tanks
• Storage bins
• Any other shaft type buildings
Components of Slip form

• Shuttering/Form panels
• Walers
• Yokes
• Working Decks
• Hanging Scaffolds
• Lifting equipments i.e. jacks and jack rods
• Other miscellaneous equipments.
Outside yoke
leg main

Outside yoke
Distance leg with U
bar normal

Beam for
bracing of scaffold
main yoke
• Shuttering
Form panels of MS plates 8mm thick and size 1m x 2m
are normally used.
Use of timber, particle board or plastic form panels are
avoided due to a higher frictional drag.
The shuttering should be able to carry the loads coming
on it during vibration of concrete, sliding or erection
for which steel form panels prove better.
All the laps and joints in the shuttering should be
vertical. Inclined joints or overlaps may cause a drag
component in horizontal direction which will cause
torsional effects on slip form assembly.
• Walers
Stiffen the slip form panels and carry the loads to the
Made strong enough to take the lateral pressure of the
fresh concrete laid inside the form panels.
The walers transfer the weight of form panels, the
loads from hanging scaffolds and working decks to
the yokes.
The walers may be made of timber or steel.
If the yoke – panel is more than 3.0m in span, the
walers are to be braced suitably.
• Yokes
Consist of yoke legs and yoke beams
All the loads from working deck, hanging scaffolds,
form panels and the concrete pressure get
transferred to the jacks through yokes only.
A yoke consists of one outer yoke leg, one inner yoke
leg, essentially one yoke beam on which the jack is
installed and mostly another yoke beam.
• Working decks
The working decks are required for complete operation
of slip form equipment and bringing up all type of
materials, equipment, concrete, staff and workers.
Deck is provided to bring in concrete, reinforcement
steel and other required materials.
An additional working deck is provided for the work of
tying of reinforcement steel, compaction of concrete
and operation of slip form.
The working decks are made of steel components
placed at suitable spacing covered with timber
The number of main trusses and spider beam may vary
depending upon the number of yokes to be used which
further depends upon the diameter of the structure.
The sliding working deck is also to carry loads to carry
due to movement of staff, vibrators for compaction of
concrete and operation of slip form equipment.
To bear the service loads, the steel components of top
deck should preferably be of structural steel.
• Hanging Scaffolds
Inner and outer hanging scaffolds, either both or any of
the two, as the structure demands, are provided to
finish the concrete surfaces.
Hanging scaffolds normally consists of steel stirrups
suspended from the yokes and horizontal space
between stirrups is covered with timber planks.
The hanging scaffolds run along the entire area below
the working decks. The maximum distance of the
hanging scaffold from the wall should be limited to
• Lifting equipments
jacking system.
lifts the slip form equipment assembly as a whole
including all the structural frame work, yokes,
walers, hanging scaffolds, all the decks, all the live
loads and service loads.
It comprises of three components:
• Jacks
• Jack rods or pipes
• Pumping station in case of hydraulically operated
• Other Miscellaneous Equipments
Screws: Radius and wall thickness screws
Stretching screws
Safety nets
Extraction jacks
Grouting pump
The number of items required for a complete slip form
assembly may vary for different type of structures
with respect to their structural and dimensional
Erection of slipform Equipment
The erection of slip form equipment and ancillaries
should be followed as per the documents given by
the slip form supplier.
The operation of the slip form, the accuracy of the
parameters and the quality of the slip formed
structure depends upon the exactness in erection of
slip form equipment.
Sequence of erection in general:
• Marking layout on ground level, Erection of
temporary staging, laying truss members and spider
beams, connect all truss members and spider beams
with bolt connections.
• Bring the truss in the true level by checking it in a
water level and by adjusting the temporary staging
supports below the truss.
• Mark the position of yokes. . Fix inner and outer yoke
legs at the marked positions. Complete the yokes by
fixing yoke beams to yoke legs. So each spider beam
has now been provided with a yoke.
• Fixing shuttering form panels. For tapered structures
form panels will overlap. Fix wall thickness screws
and radius screws to all the yokes.
• Fix hanging frame for hydraulic pump to the working
deck, place the hydraulic pump in position.
• Installation of perimeter jacks, their hydraulic
connection with pumps. All perimeter jacks will be
inter connected.
• Fix stretching screws, fix vertical steel holders in
• Place jack rods in position and should be truly
• Complete hydraulic connections.
• Adjust the slope of the form panels as per the design
• Erect the water level system. All water tubes should
be interconnected. Mark the position of water level
in the tube when the system is perfectly level.
• A leak tight jacking system shall be ensured.
• Complete calibration of spider beams with respect to
reduction in radius at different elevations.
• Erect all frames and pulleys on the deck for concrete
hoists, material hoists and passenger hoist.
• Complete top deck, working deck, inner and outer
hanging scaffold lighting arrangement. Provide safety
mesh on inner and outer hanging scaffolds.
• Complete curing arrangements. Finally check all
• All arrangements of concrete mixing, transportation,
placing of concrete, vibration, curing, materials
transportation, movement of personnel and workers,
power supply, water supply, lighting, lighting protection,
signal and telecommunication systems, opening and
blockouts, inserts, precision instruments for checking
parameters, fire fighting, drinking water, concrete testing
shall be made side y side so that all of these
arrangements are completed by the time the slip form
equipment has been fully erected.
• 1st lift: The temporary stools or bracings on which the
yoke legs and shuttering framework has been
supported are removed just before the concrete
pouring is started.
1st lift to form panels is to be given only when the
concrete poured in the forms have gained sufficient
strength. The time to be allowed to lapse before 1st
lift may lie between 4 to 8 hrs depending on the
weather conditions.
• Reinforcement Steel.
• Openings and inserts
• Concrete
• Finishing smooth surfaces.
• Control over parameters:
Wall thickness
Radius, length or breadth
Verticality – tilt, twist
Slope of yoke legs
Reference markings
Extension of jack rods
• Tolerance limits
a) I.S.I. – so far no guidelines on slip forming or tolerance
limits in slip forming have been provided by I.S.I.
b) A.C.I. 347-1978 specifies the permitted tolerances
which are as below:
1. Variation in verticality: 25mm per 15 m height
subject to max. of 75mm.
2. Variation in wall thickness: -10mm to +25mm
3. Variation in diameter: +25mm or +12mm per 3m dia.
whichever is more subject to max. of 75mm.
c) NTPC has laid down the following construction
tolerance limits
1. Variation in verticality: 1 in 1000 (so that it shall be
15mm per 15 m height)
2. Variation in wall thickness: -5mm to +25mm
3. Variation in diameter: +75mm
d) Other organisations in India, generally allow following
construction tolerances.
1. Variation in verticality: 25mm per 15 m height
subject to max. of 70mm.
2. Variation in wall thickness: -5mm to +25mm
3. Variation in diameter: ±25mm or ±12mm per 3m dia.
whichever is more subject to max. of 70mm.
4. Variation in opening and blockouts
Top level: 0 to +15mm
Bottom level: -15mm to 0.0mm
Sides: ±25mm but opening width not less than that
given in drawing
5. Twist in plan: Nil
6. Tilt: Nil
Dismantling of Slip form
Dismantling of slip form requires planning a dismantling sequence
minutely and implementation of plan under an expert eye.
For dismantling cranes should be used to maximum possible
In general the following sequence should be adopted:
• 1. After completion of work and free lifting of form panels, the
shuttering is to be supported with timber props removing
shuttering plates at support points so that walers and structural
system of the shuttering could be supported properly. A
temporary platform to support the working deck should be
made. The weight of the whole of slip form assembly is
transferred from jack rods to the finished structure, either
through props or through bolts inserted through holes left in
the walls below the walers.
• 2. Next, the hanging scaffolds should be removed and lowered
to ground.
• 3. Next, the jack rods should be withdrawn.
• 4. The jacks and hydraulic system should now be
• 5. The electrical should next be removed.
• 6. Next, the reinforcement holders and water level system
should be removed.
• 7. The curing arrangements should next be removed.
• 8. Now the external walers and form panels should be
• 9. Working deck should next be removed.
• 10. The internal form panels should now be removed.
• 11. The jack rod holes should now be grouted.
• 12. The structural system should now be removed.

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