WeLIke Project Hemant Kadamata

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Following Annexure has to be put on first page of the Presentation.

Annexure 1


I Mr __Hemant Kadamata___________________________________, having admission no.__HPGD/JA20/0180__________________, declare that project work done for Project We
Like is my own work conducted as part of my syllabus.
I further declare that project work has been prepared personally by me after viewing the content under ‘We Tube, We Lounge and Newswire’ and it is not sourced from any outside
agency or any other student.
I understand that, any such malpractice will result into I being debarred for the subject viva and will be considered fail for that subject. I also understand that I will have to face very
serious consequences and my admission to the program will be cancelled without any refund of fees. I am also aware that, I may face legal action, if I follow such malpractice.
I hereby abide to take the viva faculty’s decision as final for evaluation of Project We Like.

________________K. Hemant__________
Signature of Candidate
We Tube
1. Stress Management
Prof. Venkat Iyer
 Stress is a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, constraint,
or demand related to what he/she desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both
uncertain and important. In psychology, stress is a feeling of strain and pressure.
 Dr. Hans Selye defined stress as “the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change”.
 It is of two types: Eustress is the good stress that motivates you to continue working and Distress
or bad stress, is when the good stress becomes too much to bear or cope with.
 Common Cause: Whenever our body feels something not favorable, then it tries to defend itself. If
this situation continues for a long time, then our body is working overtime. It can be extra-
organizational, organizational, Work life imbalance, Group Dynamics, Individual factors.
 Consequences of Stress: It effect once physiology, psychology, behavior, family and organizational
 How to manage Stress:
 Time Management: One should try to impending managerial functions efficiently within time. Should
prioritize work and divide time accordingly based on the importance.
 Work Home Transition: Advocate love and affection for family to reduce stress and not work should be
carried home.
 Work Life Balance: Balance professional and personal life
 Physical Exercises: Exercise helps to relax the body, reduce, rigidity of body due to stress.
 Yoga and Meditation: Help to relax the body and mind and keep them fit.
 Humour: It helps in relaxation, reduces mental stress and tension.
 Playing with kids: Kids works as stress buster because of the pure and creative mind
 Changing Food, Drinking and smoking Habits: Well balance diet preserve health and reduce stress. Food
causing powerful stimulation and stress should be avoid e.g tea coffee etc.
 Hobbies: Practicing favourite hobbies in leisure time help in relaxing mind.
 Organizational Strategies: Health clubs and health plan, support climate and pleasant conditions,
counseling facilities, career plans, wellness programs and employee empowerment
 Mild Stress: It is positive aspect of stress and essential for effective and efficient working. Without this
employee may develop disinterest towards work and spend time otherwise.
 Methods for causing Mild Stress:
 Time Frame: Determining fix time for task and sufficient time to get work done
 Time and motion: Can be employed to find time required time to complete each Job.
 Job Rotation: Makes employee learn and practice new jobs and interested.
 Variations in job: Change in methods of doing from time to time lead to mild stress and help employee to adapt
to changes
 Incentives: Pressure of avail incentives, employees are under mild stress to preform the job in time efficiently
 Proper Channel: of authorities and clear duties: Delegated to instill responsibility.
2. Start-up: The Emerging
New Way of Earning Arup Kumar Bose
 A start-up company is an entrepreneurial venture which is typically a new emerged business
 That aims to meet a marketplace need by developing a viable business model around a product .
 The start-up era is safe to assume that it has a lot in common with the emergence of the silicon valley
business ecosystem .
 Thus , it is also safe to assume that the first start-ups are the silicon valley businesses like IBM , Apple ,
Google etc .
 Start-ups has different development stages such –
 Ideating
 Concepting
 Committing
 Validating
 Scaling
 Establishing
 Start-up Ecosystem :-
 Ideas inventions
 Start-up at various stages
 Investors
 Mentors
 Advisor
 Other entrepreneurial people.
 Start-up Financial Cycle :-
 The 1st start-ups gets the money from their co – founders , if the co – founders are the initial capital
investors in their start-up . If the idea is appealed by the government or by the public as a whole the start
up gets their next set of investments through angel investors
 Which becomes their seat capital .As the start up could then reach a break even point , after the start up starts
to grow through level by level it gains money through venture capital , acquisition or merger and strategic
alliance . Finally when they reach at this point at the
 Latest stage of development and they have firmly placed their roots in the graph , they issue IPO (Initial public
offering) after that they are able to invest or raise money through public market . At this point the startup is
now a fully fledged company . The co – founders are now able to get their returns from their capital .
3. E – WASTE
By Selby Nambisan
 E – Waste in short – or Waste electrical and electronic Equipment (WEEE) – is the term used to describe old ,
end of life or discarded appliances using electricity .
 The electronic waste problem is huge :More than 50 million tons of e waste is produced every year . Electronic
waste affects nearly every system in the human body because they contain plethora of toxins .
 E waste – Health Hazards
 Disruption to endocrine system including the estrogen , androgen , thyroid hormone ,
 Damage to both male and female reproductive system
 DNA damage in Lymphocytes .
 E waste – Growing Problems
 Managing electronic waste is one of the most rapidly growing pollution problems worldwide .
 The lifespan of many electronic goods has been substantially shortened due to advancements in electronic
, attractive consumer design and marketing and compatibility issues .
 With no safety equipment at hand , the workers in some of the recycling hotspots spread all over the
country , are exposed to the toxic cocktails daily .
 Solve the E waste problem .
 Solving the e waste problem starts with education , lifestyle changes .
 Almost anything electronic in nature can be recycled properly with effort .
 E waste Management Mantra .
 Reduce
 Reuse
 Recycle .
GOALS Prof Malini Shah
 Goals – Guide , Objectives , Assert , Link , Spurs
 Guide - its basically giving us a direction , and setting us on a kind of direction . Its likes a path .
 Objectives - To objectify end result , the end result is tangible .
 Assert – The ability to say no sometimes . Saying no is very important .
 Link – it links you to the end result of your goals in life .
 Spurus – It’s a kind of action verb , something which motivates you to take that action.
 Importance of writing smart + ER goal .
 S – Specific measurable
 M –Motivating
 A – Attainable
 R – Relevant
 T – Teachable & time bound
 E – Enjoying
 R – Rewarding .
 Budget is an itemized summary of likely income & expenses.
 A plan for the coordination of resources & expenditures,
 In simple words budget provides a concrete , organised and easily understood breakdown of how much
money is coming in and how much is going out .
 Budget is an invaluable tool to help you prioritize your spending and thus saving .
 Importance of Budgeting :-
 Manage your Money
 Increase your savings
 Directs Your money flow
 Provides sense of financial security
 Without budget you may be in dark .
 7 steps to effective personal Budgeting
 STEP -1
 Choose a system , determine how will you track the budgetary information weekly / monthly.
 Key is you must note done and track .
 STEP – 2
 Determine your income.
 Calculate your income from various sources .
 Be conservative .
 STEP - 3
 Determine your expenses . This step is most important and time consuming .
 Also you have control over expenses rather income thus focus to analyse the same.
 STEP – 4
 - Compare your income and expenses .
 Whether
 - Income > Expense.
 - Income < Expense.
 - Income = Expenses.
 STEP – 5
 Determine your financial goals .
 Establish a budget and work towards achieving it , to further achieve your financial
 goals .
 STEP – 6
 Improve your situation – it helps to improve your financial health / positions .
 Increasing your income is not so easy also not impossible , work to improve .
 Expenses side which is under our control , managing the same will help to improve .
 STEP – 7
 Review and evaluate your progress , monitor is even more important than planning .
 Fix a date like 15th of every month to check your progress
We Lounge
Mr . Surya Narayan
Director – Client Management
At Hewlett Packard (HP)
 He Spoke about his professional journey which he started as an cooperation bank being an IT
Manger . IT & finance and IT and banking .
 Worked for HP for more than 12 + Years .
 80’s IT was very challenging it was difficult it was getting into action to look more as productivity
tool something that made things charging .
 It was just like 70’s railway reservation system the last IT project visible to people . IT banking is
more of MIS enterprise and reconciliation .
 He spoke about spending 20 years in the same organization it was difficult to leave but some time
in life we have to make decisions and move on.
 We should stick to one industry instead of going wider we tend to go deeper and gain more
knowledge .
 If you are in the field of marketing and sales moving to multiple industries makes you more
exposed and it depends on what you doing .
 He was a front office banker with an exposure to IT . He has done his graduation in commerce
background .
 All the banks in the middle of 80’s the government agreed that they need to do the volume of work
should be into computers .
 Logistics was total chaotic never had a good backbone . The only thing was NIC backbone .
 Exposures are very important .
 We get to learn from the experience of others we need not have to learn it to ourselves .we get to
learn .
 If we are working in an industry we should have some amount of knowledge regarding our jobs .
Mr. Ajay Tiwari
HR . Director – Supply chain
 He spoke about starting his career in manufacturing sector , Taj hotels and more other industries .
Has explored different companies and different locations .
 More believe in himself .
 We should make a proper vision in life in career .
 We should always have aims and dreams about getting into larger roles .
 Small inputs can make a bigger difference .
 Spoke about human resources. An HR is a leading indicator . Human resources is very important to
enabling the business .
 Sometimes traveling does bothers us .
 We should maintain our personality in the business world .
 Maintain a proper vision and mission to achieve a goal or target .
 We should be humble and give our best for everyday work .
 We should have that effectiveness in our self for working hard and making sure that we achieve our
goal .
 Do not bother about the money that is coming just focus and gain knowledge .
Ms . Debadutta Upadhyay
Founder & CEO

 She spoke about her journey from yahoo to times of India from editorial department to the sales
department . She further said that her journey was challenging and exciting while at Timesaverz.Com .
 Very consisting thing to say to all the sales team that , “There are things that happen in spite of you and things
that happen because of you .”
 When you are able to say that something has happened because of me the there is a sense of achievement .
 Entrepreneurship is that whole that gives the opportunity to make things happen .
 She speaks about self confidence and believing in self .

 Big data is currently being used in different competitive industries, including online stock market trading. Over
ninety percent of businesses currently believe that using analytics strategies will help them gain a competitive
 It has change the perception of financial sector in different ways while also changing how they invest.
 Big Data long with AI,ML provide analytical and technical insights how firms ecological and social connect
effect investment. This helps the investors to advantage and increase profit margins
 The Financial Services Industry and Big Data Analytics
 helps online traders make better investment decisions while ensuring consistent returns.
 Investors have gained easy and quick access to important data, with changes bought by Big data into
stocks market data for example “Algorithmic trading” 
 The Online Trading Landscape is Changing
 The playing field is levelled hence online trading has improved 
 Delivering accurate perceptions and enhancing machine learning
 Estimation of returns and outcomes
 Looking Into the Future of Big Data Analytics
 To gain a competitive edge over other companies
 When trading using machine learning, you’ll manage to eliminate the social-emotional factor. Currently,
new traders can use different strategies to make trades without bias and irrational movements.
 With access to more information from big data , you can execute the trades better.
 Financial institutions manage massive data of their clients or customers to provide various services to them.
 For enhancing and boosting of sales and revenue of the enterprise by competing with the competitors.
 Why is Big Data development necessary for the enterprise?
 Big data development assists the banking or financial sector to collect and sort data from different sources
and to compile into insight valuable form.
 It maximizes the sales and efficiency of the enterprise by working efficiently and swiftly by organize and
deal with the data of the customers or users. 
 Data Science Leads to Big Data Development
 It assists in predicting the future of the business by analyzing history-based data
 It assists in understanding the nature of data for predicting the risks and opportunities for the enterprise.
 It’s the latest technology to deal with the data and predicting the outcomes of the future on the based of
previous and current data of the enterprise.
 Big Data Assists to analyse the data of the customer, staff members, products, sales and revenue of the
 It organise data for different channels and and sources and combine into a refined form
 Big Data assist cloud storage for storing the data in an organized form can get access from any device.
 Big Data with ML & AI help in prediction of future trends by learning from the experience.
 What are the Advantages of Big data developments?
  Integration: Big data integrates with various tools and software to gather data from multiple sources and
compile them in a refined and organized form.
 Managing And Analysis: Making a robust strategy for marketing purposes, managing and monitoring the
risks and Future predictions
 Enhance Customer Experience: Big data provides the holistic 360 degrees view of customers’ behaviour
and pattern and assists the enterprise in making a solid marketing strategy.
 Cryptocurrency firms depends on influencers across regional languages to market the digital asset
 Firms are harnessing crypto communities across Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Telegram to run campaigns
with specialized cryptocurrency influencers to rebuild trust in the asset that was marred by scams in 2017
 The Supreme Court lifted the ban in March in the country, has led companies re-entering the market. And is
about 7-8 million people in India trade or hold cryptocurrency today as per WazirX
 Due restrictions on advertising on social media platforms , they are dependent on influencers across regional
languages to market the digital asset.
 “Social media acts as a way to trust the company. In India, the industry isn't regulated yet. The trust factor is
important,” said Nischal Shetty, founder of WazirX. 
 Bitcoin, hit a new high of $22,000 amid surging interest from larger investors, who are attracted to the
potential for quick gains and perceived inflation-hedging qualities.
 “Because the industry is at a nascent stage, social media is a prudent channel in terms of cost.”
 “Using social media influencers to increase awareness and demystify the complexities around the product is an
essential step towards the success of cryptocurrency in India” Kunal Kishore Sinha, ClanConnect
 Aditya Singh, a YouTube, said interest in crypto content has returned in 2020, driven by people who are looking
to make money in a weak economy.
 “When the price went down in 2017 interest in the asset went down. From the middle of 2020 investor
interest has gone up,” said Aditya Singh.
 “Positive regulations are coming around the world and a lot of money is flowing into cryptocurrency.”
 Contactless payment become more popular with the RBI increase the limit 'tap-and-go' feature to Rs 5000
 UPI could be said to be the best of credit card, UPI and mobile banking apps for making contactless payment while
shopping. But each as pros and cons
 UPI is the best among the three, according to Rajesh Desai, CEO and Director, Lyra Network India
 Making payments via credit card can be tedious when compared via UPI or mobile banking apps.
 Both, swiping the card at the counter or entering card details while making online transaction is time-consuming.
 Also, most of the online platforms have an option to pay using UPI or mobile wallets.
 “Payment via mobile apps seems to be faster and secure and eliminate the need for merchants to purchase
expensive POS, lack of interoperability puts them at disadvantage,”
 “UPI payments, however, happen directly from one bank to bank and are easier, faster, and secure.
 Instead of installing different applications, UPI brings multiple bank accounts on one platform.
 There is no need to add a beneficiary for transactions.
 In contrast with a credit card, there are no transaction charges on UPI payments.
 Anand Kumar Bajaj, Founder, MD and CEO, PayNearby, says that all the three have some benefits.
 UPI has an edge being, UPI debits a bank account and is not available on credit cards.
 Bank application has many other products which they try to cross-sell nowadays and there are only 60
million credit cards in the country as opposed to 860 million debits cards in India.
 UPI has an edge being able to serve the debit card base. The user experience of each of them is different.
 UPI is an easy Person2Person (P2P) as well as Person2Merchant (P2M) payment on the smartphone
 Bank’s app used by users avail bulk of benefits without visiting the bank branch or an ATM.
 “A very large number of banks have enabled UPI as well as Bharat QR code on their mobile banking app.
 Now the big 5 i.e. Google Pay, Amazon Pay, PhonePe, PayTM and this month onwards WhatsApp Pay.
 All these players have leveraged UPI to provide better user experience through their mobile apps and in the
process have also provided the much-needed boost to micropayments, be it P2P or P2M.
 Finally, Credit Cards are till recently physical cards but tokenisation has also enabled them on NFC mobile and
is progressively being made available on Bharat QR code.
 Every year, IdeaScale hosts the global Innovation Management Awards and honors winners in three different
categories: engagement, process, and implementation.
 But there were a few notable traits shared between some very diverse organizations: NASA, the Cleveland
Cavaliers, and PSA International. The techniques that they all use to engage, decide, and build new ideas that
we thought were particularly noteworthy are: recognition, gamification, and professional development.
 Recognition
 Ideas are key for whenever you’re building an innovation program.
 These can come for any source be it from the dedicated team, unexpected places, or anywhere
 Rewarding those who seeded ideas and helped build them is more about an investment of attention more
than dollars. Be sure to celebrate your contributors and one of the best ways to reward them is to invest in
their future.
 Recent research suggests that  one of the most valuable ways to recognize someone is to acknowledge
their accomplishments to their manager directly – even if it’s just an email mention.
 NASA, in particular, excels in this capacity – including it as part of every campaign that they complete, but
it is easily replicable by any innovation program
 Gamification.
 You can incentivize for participation in the process, for decision making, for implementation, and you can
show the network of connections that make ideas possible.
 Every idea that you see is a representation of a group of people who conspired to build and deliver on it.
 Some people create tournament-like competitions, some rank ideas and participants. Eg.Hackathons that
honor creators
 You’re engaging others in the innovation process, you should make it fun.
 Professional Development.
 Innovation is an investment in people more than it is an investment in technology.
 The best innovation leaders recognize this and are finding ways to train their workforce.
 in how to come up with ideas, in how to build on one another’s ideas, in how to network for resources
that will turn ideas into projects.
 PSA track what percentage of their workers are trained in how to use innovation software and number are

 The Virginia Department of Transportation created their own Virtual Innovation Lab, to solve problems related
to remote work, engineering topics, safety, and more with their entire distributed workforce.
 Future of transportation, can daunting when comes to different trends and technologies that are influencing
change in that space: driverless vehicles, decarbonization, the gig economy… even 3D printing.
 Tony Seba, author of Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation said “We are on the cusp of one of the
fastest, deepest, most consequential disruptions of transportation in history.”
 This kind of thinking that led to launch their own Virtual Innovation Lab to collaboratively solving problems
related to remote work, engineering topics, safety, and more with their entire distributed workforce.
 What is a virtual innovation lab?
 It’s essentially an online space that can boost transformation initiatives by engaging an entire workforce
(no matter how remote or distributed) in the idea process from ideation to implementation.
 Many organizations are beginning to launch these systems in order to foster growth and promote new
ideas – especially now in the era of remote work when this kind of work cannot always take place in
 Innovation Management Software. It is system where anyone can add ideas, build on ideas, rate and select
ideas and report on the progress of ideas.
 Engaged Leaders. Innovation programs with leadership buy-in perform better than those that don’t.
 These leaders play two important roles: they set the challenges and problems to be solved.
 Their attention on these important issues will generate engagement and faith.
 The leaders must remove the obstacles and allows good ideas to come to light.
 Eliminating unnecessary workloads, assigning teams and budget and increasing the visibility
 An Engaged Workforce. Engaging people and create culture and communications work in innovation.
 How will you empower them to influence their organization at every level?
 How will you train them on the qualities of a good idea?
 A system for delivering on important ideas. Make sure the idea get implemented by a defined process that
ensure the idea is desirable, feasible, viable, and vettable.
 Pandemic led to a significant increase in demand for ed-tech services.
 Indian ed-tech start-ups cornered a chunky $2.2 billion in funding in 2020, led by the K-12 and test preparation
segments, according to a report by IVCA-PGA Labs. 
 Byju’s alone secured over $1 billion this year and another $200 -million deal in negotiation.
 Founder & CEO Byju Raveendran saie they have added 25 million free users in the last five months compared
with just above 40 million in the first four-and-a-half years. “Students who benefited by accessing the content
signed up for subscription,” the CEO had said.
 Unacademy raised over $450 million also turned unicorn in Sept, four rounds from investors, including
SoftBank, Facebook, Tiger Global Management, General Atlantic and SoftBank. Ed-tech firm Eruditus raised a
fresh $113 million while Vedantu bagged $100 million in funding led by US-based Coatue earlier this year.
 The K-12 and test preparation segments jointly secured $1.98 billion while continued learning segment
received $142 million and Investors also infused $100 million into the higher education and pre-K and B2.B
 The changes in the approach to education and the rapid rise in use of smartphones. As of FY20, India’s
education market stood at $117 billion with 360 million learners. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of
14% each year to touch $225 billion by FY25.
 Noting down your investment goals helps in charting out your long-term roadmap to financial success
 Surge in Demat A/C is clear evidence that the Indian equity market has a large number of new investors.
 The current generation of investors, have better access to information then a decade or two ago.
 With plethora of information come the confusion, so well defined investment goal is important.
 Clearly measurable:
 It is essential to set your investment goal in such a manner that it can be measured periodically.
 For instance, Keeping a fixed amount rather keeping some which is not fixed every month in equity shares.
 Keeping a clear, definite and simple goal helps you to check at the end of a period.
 Clear-cut investment horizon
 have a clearly defined investment horizon or investment holding period.
 Greed and impatience drive investors towards short-term losses
 need to understand is the power of compounding, even moderate returns over many years are compelling.
  Investment time frame important as portfolio is benefited by the power of compounding.

 Goals should be rational & doable

 Investment goals should basically be achievable.
 Look at the historical rate of returns in different asset classes, expected probable reasonable returns,
associated risks, etc., and set aside an appropriate amount across asset classes.
 Based on expectations set amount aside each year.
 Consider different asset classes
 Though equity shares are providing a good rate of return, investors should also consider other asset
classes as a part of their portfolio as a part of their investment goal.
 Based on risk appetite, one should consider different asset classes as part of one’s portfolio.
 Investment goals should also consider the possible asset classes without any bias towards any asset class.
 To conclude, investors should remember that the future is uncertain. Sometimes nothing happens for a decade
and sometimes a decade happens in a few days. So, spending some time to jot down your investment goals
will move you along the path to build your long-term roadmap to financial success.
 According to a report by IANS, Google is introducing new policies for consumer accounts, effective from June 1
next year
 If you have been inactive in Gmail, Drive or Photos for two years, the company may delete the content in the
product in which you are inactive.
 The new policies are for consumer accounts that are either inactive or over their storage limit across Gmail,
Drive (including Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms and Jamboard files) and/or Photos -- to better
align with common practices across the industry, the company said.
 "If you're over your storage limit for two years, Google may delete your content across services”, it added.
 We will notify users multiple times before attempting to remove any content. "The simplest way to keep it
active is to periodically visit services while signed in and connected to the internet," it added.
 The Inactive Account Manager can help people manage specific content and notify a trusted contact if you
stop using your Google Account for a certain period of time (between 3-18 months).
 "If you need more than your free 15 GB of storage, you can upgrade to a larger storage plan with Google One.
One can choose from different plans starting at 100 GB of space that also include additional member features.
 WhatsApp is reportedly working on a voice/video calling feature for WhatsApp desktop app and WhatsApp
Web client and likely to introduce it soon.
 The Facebook-owned WhatsApp has been working on the calling feature for its web users.
 After months of development, report by WABetaInfo, the voice / video calling feature is present in beta form.
 The testing is being done and it is expected that WhatsApp will make some changes in functionality before it’s
rolled out for all users.
 WhatsApp web will be strong competition to the likes of video conferencing apps like Zoom, Meet and Teams.
 With a majority of people using WhatsApp and unlike other apps, WhatsApp do not need a sign up, video
calling via WhatsApp may give it an upper hand when compared to other platforms.
 Once the feature is live, a separate window will pop up on the WhatsApp Desktop app or web at a time when a
user receives an incoming voice or video call.
 For making calls, users will need to open a chat and select the voice or video call, quite similar to how calls are
made via mobile application.
 WhatsApp is currently allowing eight members in a group call for Android and iOS users.
 For long, this feature has been demanded by WhatsApp users across countries. While the feature has been
spotted in beta version, it is still unclear when the company will officially announce its roll out or what is the
current development status for it in terms of stability.
 Meanwhile, the company has advised users to update their accounts with upcoming terms of service. The new
terms for the privacy rules and service will be introduced in 2021 and failure in accepting them will lead to loss
of access after February 8.
Thank You

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