English 9: Quarter 2: Lesson 1
English 9: Quarter 2: Lesson 1
English 9: Quarter 2: Lesson 1
Quarter 2: Lesson 1
between Texts
to Particular
Social Issues
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
01 03
Social Issues Activities
Common Social
Social Issues
1. A social issue is a problem or concern connected
to a larger issue that affects society in general.
2. Examples of social issues are oppression,
political dynasty, extrajudicial killing, poverty,
social injustice, and discrimination.
Social Issues
Reading becomes meaningful when you
recognize how ideas in a text connect to events
happening in a larger world. Relating these ideas to
particular social issues allows you to make sense of
what you read, retain information better, and
engage more with the text itself.
Social Issues
For this reason, reading texts can provide
valuable insights especially on social issues. This
can be done by connecting to the overall message
of the text, to the lines delivered by the speaker or
the author or to the situations presented in the story.
Common Social Issues
1. Oppression
This refers to relations of domination and
exploitation - economic, social and psychologic
— between individuals; between social groups
and classes within and beyond societies; and,
globally, between entire societies (Gil, 1994, p.
Common Social Issues
2. Political dynasty
Refers to traditional political families or the
practices by these political families of
monopolizing political power and public offices
from generation to generation and treating the
public elective office almost as their personal
Common Social Issues
3. Extrajudicial killing
It is the killing of a person by governmental
authorities or individuals without the sanction of
any judicial proceeding or legal process.
Common Social Issues
4. Poverty
Example: This reminds me of the patriarch of the
Ampatuan political family during the
Rulers who neither see nor feel nor know Maguindanao massacre which claimed the lives
of at least 34 journalists.
(Extrajudicial Killing, Social Injustice)
This is similar to the holocaust that killed millions
of Jews and other dissidents in concentration
camps. Behind these killings was Adolf Hitler,
one of the notorious dictators in the 20th century.