Speech Recognition PPT F

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Presented by:
Rakesh C N
Meaning of Speech Recognition
Working of Speech Recognition
Speech Recognition Flowchart
Recognition process Flow Summary
The Future of Speech Recognition
The process of converting an acoustic signal, captured by
a microphone or a telephone, to set of words.
They can also serve as the input to further linguistic
processing in order to achieve speech understanding.
What is Speech Recognition
 It means talking to a computer, having it recognize
whatever we're saying.
 The interdisciplinary subfield of computational
linguistics that develops methodologies and
 It enables the recognition and translation of spoken
language into text by computers.
How Does it Works?
It converts PCM (pulse code modulation) digital audio from a
sound card into recognized speech.
It basically uses algorithms through language modeling.
It involves relationship between linguistic units of speech and
audio signals,
 Language modeling matches sounds with word sequences
to help differentiate between words that sound similar.
Types Of Speech Recognition

1) Speaker-Dependent:-
 This works by learning the unique characteristics of a
single person's voice.
 New users must first "train" the software by speaking to it.
 the computer can analyze how the person talks.
 Users have to read a few pages of text to the computer
before they can use the speech recognition software.
2) Speaker-Independent:-
 It is the only real option for applications such as interactive
voice response systems .
 It is generally less accurate than speaker-dependent software.
 Speech recognition engines that are speaker independent
generally deal with this fact by limiting the grammars they
Recognition Process Flow
 Step 1:User Input
The system catches user's voice in the form of analog
acoustic signal.
 Step 2 Digitization
Digitize the analog acoustic signal.
 Step 3:Phonetic Breakdown
Breaking signals into phonemes
Recognition Process Flow
Step 4:Statistical Modeling
Mapping phonemes to their phonetic representation using
statistics model.
Step 5:Matching
According to grammar phonetic representation and Dictionary,
the system returns an n-best list
Grammar- the union words or phrases to constraint the range of
input or output in the voice application.
 People with disabilities.
 Lower operational Costs.
 Advances in technology will allow to implement speech
recognition systems at a relatively low cost.
 Users can trade stocks through a voice-activated trading
 Speech recognition technology can also replace touch-
Difficult to build a perfect system.
•Every human being has differences such as their voice,
mouth, and speaking style.
Filtering background noise is a task that can even be difficult
for humans to accomplish.
The Future Of Speech Recognition
DARPA has three teams of researchers working on Global
Autonomous Language Exploitation (GALE).
A program that will take in streams of information from
foreign news broadcasts and newspapers and translate them.
 "DARPA is also funding an R&D effort called TRANSTAC.
 At some point in the future, speech recognition may become
speech understanding.
 The statistical models that allow computers to decide what a
person just said may someday allow them to grasp the meaning
behind the words.
 Although it is a huge leap in terms of computational power and
software sophistication.
 Some researchers argue that speech recognition development
offers the most direct line from the computers of today to true
artificial intelligence.

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