Marxist and Karl Marx
Marxist and Karl Marx
Marxist and Karl Marx
literary Theory
Marxist Theory
and Karl Marx
German philosopher and revolutionary socialist Karl Marx published 'The Communist Manifesto' and
'Das Kapital,' anticapitalist works that form the basis of Marxism .
Karl Marx began exploring socio-political theories at university among the Young Hegelians. He
became a journalist, and his socialist writings would get him expelled from Germany and France. In
1848, he published The Communist Manifesto with Friedrich Engels and was exiled to London,
where he wrote the first volume of Das Kapital and lived the remainder of his life.
Karl Marx and conflict theory
Father of modern socialism , communism and conflict theory
Marxism is a western intellectual tradition spanning 150 years,
consisting of 3 components.
1- a political doctrine
2- a philosophy ( or anti-philosophy) pf history
3- and an analysis of the functioning of the economy.
Marxist literary theory
A form of critique or discourse for interrogating all societies and their texts in terms of
certain specific issues , including race, class, and the attitudes shared within a given
Developed from the writings of Karl Marx in the 19 century it’s a critique of capitalism
as an economic system and the conditions associated with it.
It’s a class struggle between the bourgeois who own the means of production and the
exploited proletariat , profit is the accumulation of exploitation.
The bourgeois control the economic base and the superstructure , they keep their
masses ignorant through ideological control ( media and religion ) , this result in false
class consciousness.
The Marxist theory of Democracy favoured the collapse of capitalism and calls for the revolutionary transformation
of the society. It believes that political power is possible only through the ideals of ‘socialism’; and is based on the
equal distribution of economic power against the unequal wealth and ownership of production. The Marxists
democrats and socialists believe in the removal of class differences and privileges are the necessary step to freedom,
equal status and democracy.
Base and superstructure
In Marxist theory , society consists of two parts: the base
( substructure) and ( superstructure )
The base comprises the forces and relations of production ( employer,
property relations) into which people enter to produce the necessities of
life .
The superstructure determines society's other relationships and ideas to
comprise its superstructure including ( culture, roles, rituals, institution)
The relation of the two parts is not strictly unidirectional.
piece of literature, The Hunger
The Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn by Mark Twain