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2 cell organisation
Learning outcomes:

Studying the unicellular oganisms and multicellular organisms.

Describe cell specialisation in multicellular organism.

Describe cell organisation in the formation of tissues,organ and

systems in multicellular organisms
Living processes in unicellular
Unicellular are organisms are organisms which is
consist of a single cell.
Unicellular organisms can feed,aspire,excrete and
move .They are sensitive to external and internal
environments(respond to stimuli)and are able to
reproduce and grow.
Example;amoeba sp
Amoeba sp.

 Many live In freshwater lakes and ponds.

 Most of amoeba are free-living while others are also
General characteristic.

 The cytoplasm is enclosed by a plasma membrane.

 Change its shape constantly as it meets obstacle and
respond to stimuli.
 The gel-like outer part of the cytoplasm is called the
ectoplasm while the inner part is called the
living processes.

 Locomotion: move and feed using pseudopodia.

 Feeding : feeds on microscopic organisms such as
bacteria and diatoms.
 Respiration: exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
through the plasma membrane by simple diffusion.
 Excretion : waste product are excrete by diffusion.
 Reproduction : by binary fusion and by forming spore
 Responses : respond to favourable stimuli by moving
towards them.
 Growth : grows by synthesising new cytoplasm.
Cell specialization in
multicellular organisms.
Multicellular organisms are consist of more than one
Human and other multicellular organism begin lif as a
single cell known as a zygote.
Cell specialisation in animal.
 Nerve cell.
 Muscle cell.
 Red blood cell.
 Whit blood cell.
 Sperm cell.
 Epitherial cell.
Cell organisation in multicellular

The issues are group of specialised cells with a

common stucture and function . Different types of
tissue group together to form a organ. The organ is a
group of tissue that performs a specialised function.
several organs are found within a system . All system
work together to make an organism.

Cell tissue organs systems

multicellular organisms.
Cell organisation in animal.
Animal tissue.
Tisssue are group of specialised cells with common
stucture and function

There are four major type of tissue;

Epitherical tissue.
Muscle tissue.
Connective tissue.
Nerve tissue.
Animal organ.
An organ is formed by two or more type of tissues
working together to perform.

Example of in human include the

heart,skin,kidneys,eyes and ear.
Animal System.
A system consist of several organ that work together to
carry out a living processes such as the digested of
The are 11 major system in human.
An organ may belong to more than one system .
Cell specialisation in plant.
Palisade cell.
Xylem vessel.
Guard cell.
Root hair.
cell organisation in plant
Organ and system.
Plant tissue.
Plant tissue.

Permanent tissue
Meristemic tissue.
Meristemic tissue.

Apical meristemic Lateral meristems

Permanent tissue.
Permanent tissues

Epidermal tissue Vascular tissue

Ground tissue

Xylem tissue Phloem tissue

Parenchyma Collenchyma Sclerenchyma
tissue tissue tissue
Plant Organ and system
Example organ in plant is leave , stem , roots , and
The system in plant not specialised as those of
Flowering plant (angiosperm) consist two main
system:root system and shoot system.
Root system
The absorptive system.
Obsorb water and minerals from soil to transport
them to the main vascular system (xylem).
The root also anchor the plant to the ground.
Shoot system.
consist organ such as stems , leaves , buds , flower , and
The stem act as support system for the plant by holding the
leaves in obsorption sunlight during the photosynthesis.
The leaves are made u from ground tissue ,epidermal
tissue, mesophyll tissue and vascular tissue which is they
form main photosynthetic system, give organic compound
for plant to growth
The product of those processes transported via the vascular
system to other plant.
Complete by:

Nooraisyah bte jawaladi

4 science.
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