Khan Farheen Firoz's presentation discusses various indicators of economic development in India, including Gross National Product, per capita income, per capita consumption, the Physical Quality of Life Index, the Human Development Index, industrial progress, and capital formation. It provides definitions and explanations of each indicator and shares India's current HDI ranking of 131 out of 189 countries according to the 2020 UNDP Human Development Report.
Khan Farheen Firoz's presentation discusses various indicators of economic development in India, including Gross National Product, per capita income, per capita consumption, the Physical Quality of Life Index, the Human Development Index, industrial progress, and capital formation. It provides definitions and explanations of each indicator and shares India's current HDI ranking of 131 out of 189 countries according to the 2020 UNDP Human Development Report.
Khan Farheen Firoz's presentation discusses various indicators of economic development in India, including Gross National Product, per capita income, per capita consumption, the Physical Quality of Life Index, the Human Development Index, industrial progress, and capital formation. It provides definitions and explanations of each indicator and shares India's current HDI ranking of 131 out of 189 countries according to the 2020 UNDP Human Development Report.
Khan Farheen Firoz's presentation discusses various indicators of economic development in India, including Gross National Product, per capita income, per capita consumption, the Physical Quality of Life Index, the Human Development Index, industrial progress, and capital formation. It provides definitions and explanations of each indicator and shares India's current HDI ranking of 131 out of 189 countries according to the 2020 UNDP Human Development Report.
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The continuous process that focuses on both quantitative and qualitative
improvement Of the economy is considered as economic development. Generally speaking economic development measures all the aspects of human life such as wealth,health,better education,access to good quality housing DEFINITION: According to Fritz Machlup “ Economic development is a process which increases the factor of production and create change in the technique of production due to which per capita income continuously increases and the standard of living continuously rises irrespective of whether population remains constant or increases” INDICATORS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP) PER CAPITA INCOME (PCI) PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION (PCC) PHYSICAL QUALITY OF LIFE INDEX (PQLI) HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX (HDI) INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS CAPITAL FORMATION GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP) GrossNational Product is the market value of all goods and services produced in One year by labour and property supplied by the citizens of the country .
GNP= GDP+Net income flow from abroad – Net
factor Income outflow to foriegn countries PER CAPITA INCOME Per Capita Income measures the average income earned by a person in a given time period. High Per Capita Income means high standard of living. Sodevelopment countries have more PCI as compared to developing countries.
Total Population PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION Like Per Capita Income ,Per Capita Consumption is also an average measure. An increase in the level of PPC shows better quality of life and hence higher economic development.
TOTAL POPULATION INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS Industrial progress is another important indicator of the level of economic development of a country. Per Capita income and national output of the country increases when there is progress in the industry sector .To explain further when more output is produced there is requirement of more employment of labour ,capital and raw materials. Increased employment opportunities help in increasing PCI ,PCC and healthcare. PHYSICAL QUALITY OF LIFE INDEX The PQLI which is a composite index was developed by Morris D Morris .It is a common indicator of economic development and is computed from infant mortality rate,life expectancy at birth and literacy rate .A PQLI is measured on a scale of 1 to 100.A country is considered to be developed if the PQLI value os above 50 and if is below 50, the nation is considered to be developing. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX (HDI) The HDI index tracks the level of development achieved by the countries over time.United National Development Programme (UND)had introduced the HDI Index in 1990 in order to provide a means of measuring the level of economic development in three broad areas a)PER CAPITA INCOME b)EDUCATION c) HEALTH An Index of 0- 0.490 means low development eg Central African Republics HDI as per 2020 report is 0.39 An Index of 0.5 -0.690 means medium development. Eg India’s HDI as per 2020 report is 0.645 An Index of 0.7 to 0.790 means high development Eg Mexicos HDI is 0.779 An Index of above 0.8 means very high development .Eg Norway‘s HDI as pe 2020 report is 0.957 CAPITAL FORMATION CAPITAL FORMATION MEANS INVESTING IN ROADS ,BUILDINGS,TRANSPORT, ELECTRICITY,IRRIGATION,TECHNOLOGY Etc. GENERALLY HIGHER CAPITAL FORMATION LEADS TO HIGHER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN A COUNTRY THE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT (HDR) IS A ANNNUAL HDI INDEX PUBLISHED BY THE UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME. ACCORDING TO THE REPORT PUBLISHED BY THE UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (UNDP),INDIAS RANK IS 131 WITH THE HDI VALUE OF 0.645 AMONG 189 COUNTRIES IN THE YEAR 2020.NORWAY TOPPED THE POSITION WITH 0.957 HDI VALUE.