Labor and Industry: Melis Tuncay - 2015431061 Uğur Fırat Demir - 2013432124 Kutay Serbest - 2014432064
Labor and Industry: Melis Tuncay - 2015431061 Uğur Fırat Demir - 2013432124 Kutay Serbest - 2014432064
Labor and Industry: Melis Tuncay - 2015431061 Uğur Fırat Demir - 2013432124 Kutay Serbest - 2014432064
Melis Tuncay – 2015431061
Uğur Fırat Demir – 2013432124
Kutay Serbest - 2014432064
The Classical Liberal Perspective
The Radical Perspective
The Conservative Perspective
The Modern Liberal Perspective
Division of labor
Then, when the workers realized that deskilling is against their interests, they are organized to
defend themselves. In response, capitalists launced a new strategy of ‘’divide and conquer’’
the labor force.
Briefly, in contrast with the Classical Liberals, Radicals claim that profit maximization and
efficiency will normally diverge.
For instance, hierarchy may be adventageous to the capitalists, it is contrary to the public
Racidals claim that unions have evolved from their original purpose of challenging capitalist power to
actually serving the interest of capitalists.
In return for union cooperation, capitalists grant substantial wage increases to unionized workers while
ignoring the minorities and nonunionized workers on the purpose of restraining solidarity among
However, despite this criticism, Radicals support labor unions as essential to organize the working class.
Because they believe that as the industrialized sectors of the economy deteriorate, unions will become
increasingly politicized.
Unions demands will extend beyond wage increases to issues involving participation and control.
Along with politicized unions, workers will be more conscious with their problems and they become
more interested in broadening their membership by actively organizing minorities, women, government
employees,…. Thus, the solidarity among workers will increase.
Conservatives exhibit conflicting attitudes toward work.
Some religious Conservatives appeal to the notion of original sin to argue that work is
mankind’s punishmment for defying God’s will and therefore is necessarily unpleasant.
However, most Conservatives find work honorable and fulfilling when it accords with a
natural order in which a social hierarchy meshes with the varying natural abilities of different
Conservatives believe that people develop their talents and find purpose in their lives only in
the context of closely knit social structures such as families, churches and neighborhoods.
Conservatives blame the aversion to work in modern societies and they say that work enables
individuals to achieve personal identity and self-esteem. However, if individuals focus on
income and status, work loses its intrinsic worth and becomes merely a means to an end.
Moreover, the competition for status leads to conflict, hostility and personal insecurity and
also weakens traditional bonds.
Most Conservatives want to restore the intrinsic value of work without sacrificing the
prosperity made possible by industrialization. For this goal they propose that,
Most Conservatives want to restore the intrinsic value of work without sacrificing the
prosperity made possible by industrialization. Proposals for accomplishing this goal include
the formation of occupational groups to provide workers with a sense of belonging and
community, restrictions on free trade to protect workers from global market forces, and
strengthening of families, churches, and neighborhoods so that workers can approach their
jobs well-sustained by their nonworking lives.
Some Conservatives also anticipate that advancing technology will eliminate much of the
routine drudgery in society.
Conservatives believe that hierarchical structures of authority are essential within businesses
and throughout society. And they observe it under 4 topic:
1. Utilization of differences in ability: All people very different between each other according
to conservative's thougts and their abilities differentiated. And they believe that some special
abilities like leadership skills, wisdom, virtue, and charisma, exist in only a minority of the
population, and therefore most individuals must be motivated by top-down authority.
2. Smooth social interaction: Authority is essential to human relations because it provides
predictability and stability.In a well-organized hierarchy, leaders know the extent of their
authority and subordinates know their responsibilities. Humans need the external standards
provided by social structures to guide their actions and define the boundaries of proper
3. Role models: Hierarchy places elites in visible positions where they serve as role models.
Human development depends on social mimicry, so all people benefit from prominent displays
of talent and virtue by those at the top of the social hierarchy.
4. Identity formation. Humans need clear distinctions in social status to enable them to define
themselves and their purposes according to their position in the social hierarchy. If everyone
has the same status and is treated equally, people will be unable to form unique images of
Conservatives criticized labor unions because it destroy the hierarchical order. But they don't
against the occupational groupings because they believed social bonds melting day by day.
Industrialization affect to community very badly because individualism increasing day by day.
So they believed that labor unions should not work for just their members.Instead of they
should integrate with other businesses or sectors and they should work for community and
personal development.
In the twentieth century general view has evolved from classical perspective to modern liberal
perspective.Beacuse technology was beginning to develop and new inventions began to do
menial jobs instead of the people.So that jobs can be sources of personal satisfaction and
Thanks to rising living standarts in industrialized nations, people began to meet their
physiological needs easily.After that people wanted to develop their personal needs.According
to that Abraham Maslow described "hierarchy of needs".
According to F. W. Taylor's principles of "scientific management", workers view their jobs
primarily as a means of providing food and shalter for their families. But the standart of living rose
with modern liberalism and this perspective has to change because workers began to resist
routanization and crate some problems. Therefore Elton Mayo and Kurt Lewin began to create new
approaches. These theorists defend that workers want to gain intrinsic satisfaction. If firms want to
increase productivity, they have to satisfy the needs of workers for respect, autonomy and a sense
of belonging.
When it became more popular, wage is not the only factor for employee satisfaction. Firms also
should satisfy the social needs of workers. It increased the reliance of the employee and this is ver
affective on employee's productivity.
Modern Liberals conclude that "enlightened management" can reduce hierarchy and "humanize"
the workplace without necessarily sacrificing profitability. Workers become more productive when
they feel trusted and valued; building trust requires that managers relinquish tight control of the
production process.
However, humanization of work does have limits. Economist Kenneth Arrow claims that
under conditions of uncertainty and imperfect information, some hierarchy is essential to
economic efficiency. Even highly motivated workers require clear lines of authority for
processing information and communicating decisions. Hierarchy gives workers knowledge of
the location of authority and responsibility.
In addition to that Modern Liberals believe that greater equality and participation in the
workplace possible.They thought hierarchy can be reduce by attacking to poverty and
discrimination. Thanks to that all workers can develop their work skills.
Modern Liberals supported labor unions for balance in the business power. Because businesses
want to hire employees for minimum wage and don't want to bear the cost for organize the
working conditions.Unionization so important for that because it has the countervailing power
for both side.
At the Keynesian economics stage, unions importance increased so highly because Keynes
defend to pay higher wage to employees for inrease the consumption.
For know, Modern Liberals defend to unions still. But they don't just defend to higher wage
also they defend right and benefits of workers.Because market do not think about workers