Hetvi Madia Tiss Diploma of Banking and Finance: Module - 7 PM Jandhan Yojna Small Finance Banks

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• Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana is a financial inclusion program of the
Government of India open to Indian citizens, that aims to expand affordable
access to financial services such as bank accounts, remittances, credit,
insurance and pensions.
• Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) is National Mission for Financial
Inclusion to ensure access to financial services, namely, a basic savings &
deposit accounts, remittance, credit, insurance, pension in an affordable
manner. Under the scheme, a basic savings bank deposit (BSBD) account
can be opened in any bank branch or Business Correspondent (Bank Mitra)
outlet, by persons not having any other account.
Benefits under PMJDY
• One basic savings bank account is opened for unbanked person.
• There is no requirement to maintain any minimum balance in PMJDY accounts.
• Interest is earned on the deposit in PMJDY accounts.
• Rupay Debit card is provided to PMJDY account holder.
• Accident Insurance Cover of Rs.1 lakh (enhanced to Rs. 2 lakh to new PMJDY
accounts opened after 28.8.2018) is available with RuPay card issued to the
PMJDY account holders.
• An overdraft (OD) facility up to Rs. 10,000 to eligible account holders is
• PMJDY accounts are eligible for Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT), Pradhan Mantri
Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY), Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
(PMSBY), Atal Pension Yojana (APY), Micro Units Development & Refinance
Agency Bank (MUDRA) scheme.
• How to open a Jan Dhan Yojana Account?
• To open a Jan Dhan Yojana Account, you need to get the application form,
that is available in both English and Hindi and is available on the official
website of PMJDY (https://www.pmjdy.gov.in/scheme) . Fill it up and
submit it along with the necessary documents. The application form is called
the financial inclusion account opening form. It consists of three sections
where in you need to provide details of yourself, nominee and the bank where
the account is being opened.
• PMJDY Eligibility
• In order for individuals to open a PMJDY account, the below given criteria
must be met:
• You must be citizen of India
• You should be at least 10 years of age
• You should not have a bank account
• Small Finance Banks is a specific segment of banking created by RBI
under the guidance of Government of India with an objective of furthering 
financial inclusion by primarily undertaking basic banking activities to un-
served and underserved sections including small business units, small and
marginal farmers, micro and small industries and unorganized
entities. Like other commercial banks, these banks can undertake all basic
banking activities including lending and taking deposits.
BANK – The main difference between Commercial Bank and Small
Finance Bank is there is no limit for the capital acquired by a
Commercial Bank whereas Small Finance Bank should pay up a minimum
capital of hundred crores.
• OBJECTIVES - The objectives of setting up of small finance banks will be for furthering financial
inclusion by (i) provision of savings vehicles primarily to unserved and underserved sections of the
population, and (ii) supply of credit to small business units; small and marginal farmers; micro and small
industries; and other unorganised sector entities, through high technology-low cost operations.
• ELIGIBILITY - Resident individuals/professionals with 10 years of experience in banking and finance; and
Companies and Societies owned and controlled by residents will be eligible as promoters to set up small
finance banks. Existing Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs), Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs), and
Local Area Banks (LABs) that are owned and controlled by residents can also opt for conversion into small
finance banks after complying with all legal and regulatory requirements of various authorities and if they
conform to these guidelines. However, joint ventures by different promoter groups for the purpose of setting
up small finance banks would not be permitted. As local focus and the ability to serve smaller customers will
be the key criteria in licensing such banks, this may be a more appropriate vehicle for local players or players
who are focused on lending to unserved / underserved sections of the society. Accordingly, proposals from
large public sector entities and industrial and business houses, including from NBFCs promoted by them, will
not be entertained.
• As defined in the SEBI (Issue of Capital & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009 should be ‘fit and
proper’ in order to be eligible to promote small finance banks. RBI would assess the ‘fit and proper’ status of
the applicants on the basis of their past record of sound credentials and integrity; financial soundness and
successful track record of professional experience or of running their businesses, etc. for at least a period of
five years.
• Here are the top 10 small finance banks in India that offer competitive
interest rates for fixed deposits:
• Ujjivan Small Finance Bank.
• Jana Small Finance Bank.
• Equitas Small Finance Bank.
• AU Small Finance Bank.
• Capital Small Finance Bank.
• Fincare Small Finance Bank.
• ESAF Small Finance Bank.
• North East Small Finance Bank.

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