By Group. Noor Istiqomah Fitri Rahmadini M. Lutfi Seri Rezeki Wahyuningsih
By Group. Noor Istiqomah Fitri Rahmadini M. Lutfi Seri Rezeki Wahyuningsih
By Group. Noor Istiqomah Fitri Rahmadini M. Lutfi Seri Rezeki Wahyuningsih
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Noor Istiqomah
Fitri Rahmadini
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M. Lutfi
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There are many different ways that children's language acquisition and
learning can be supported. according to vygotsky (1978), children's
Topics language learning is advanced through social interaction and experiences
based on the context or situation. vygotsky (1962) explains that adults
provide children with the language (permanent meanings of words), not
with the thinking itself. nevertheless, adults can support children as
learners by modifying interactions to foster both intellectual and language
development. support can be given to a child within the child's zone of
proximal development (zpd) (vygotsky, 1978)
Teaching listening to young
Subject learners
Code What is listening?
Listening is ti give attention to sond or action, when listening one is hearing
what others are saying, and trying to understand what it means.
Topics For example, a very young child will quickly learn the meaning of the word
"No!" when she gets close to something hot on the stove.
Content Listening vs hearing Listening as one of the four language skills
What is speaking?
Subject There are many different ways that children play with words and language
beginning with the tickling rhymes that they hear as babies and continuing
with other sorts of play which involve both the form and meaning of
Code language (Cook, 2000). When children begin speaking, they experiment and
play with the utterances that are made to form words and phrases such as
bye-bye, or go bye-bye. As they grow, children integrate these words and
Topics structures into their real and imaginary play.
1. The mother is helping her son expand his vocabulary.
2. will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Content 3. The development of speaking skills
4. Avoid unrealistic expectations
5. Audiolingual Method (ALM)
6. Managing speaking activities
7. Managing the noise level
8. Speaking in the classroom
What is reading
Reading is a set of skills that involves making sense and deriving meaning from the
Home printed word. example, if a child is going to learn how to decode letters, she must
understand what different written symbols represent. In some languages such as
English, Spanish, Arabic, and Korean, a certain symbol represents a specific letter.
Subject These languages are known as alphabeth languages.