LESSON 2b - Integrated Development Environment

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Integrated development environment
 Abbreviated as IDE, a programming environment integrated into a
software application that provides a Graphical User Interface
(GUI) builder, a text or code editor,
a compiler and/or interpreter and a debugger.
 IDE allows the programmer to
 create
 run and
 debug programs in one application.
Integrated development environment
 An IDE's toolbar looks much like a word processor's toolbar.
 The tools in the toolbar facilitate
 color-coding,
 source-code formatting,
 error diagnostics, and reporting
 intelligent code completion.
 The interface allows the developer to compile and execute
code incrementally and manage changes to source code in a
uniform manner.
Integrated development environment
 With IDEs there is no need to open additional programs i.e.:
 a program to create the program,
 a program that executes the program,
 a program that debugs the program, etc..
 In this lesson, we discuss the general overview of IDEs.
 Language specific IDEs will be discussed on how to create and
execute a simple program when you start learning specific
programming languages.
Integrated development environment
 Typical integrated development tools have:
 editor (with auto-indent, auto-completion, colorization, …) ;
 version control
 compiler/builder
 documentation extractor
 debugger
 testing tools
 refactoring tools.
IDE - Examples
 Examples of IDEs include:
 Visual Studio - used to develop computer programs for Microsoft
Windows, as well as web sites, web apps, web
services and mobile apps.
 Delphi - for desktop, mobile, web, and console applications
 Jbuilder- Environment for Java
 FrontPage - editor and Web site administration tool from
 DreamWeaver - web development tool developed by Adobe
IDEs examples - Java

 Eclipse
 (http://www.eclipse.org)

 JBuilder
 (http://www.borland.com/us/products/jbuilder/index.html - free for personnal and non-
commercial use)

 NetBeans
 (http://www.netbeans.org/)

 JCreator
 (http://www.jcreator.com/)
IDE’s examples – C/C++

 Visual C++ (http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc)

 C++ Builder (http://www.borland.com/us/products/cbuilder/index.html)
 Eclipse(CDT)/EasyEclipse (http://www.easyeclipse.org/site/home/)
 Quincy (http://www.codecutter.net/tools/quincy/)
 Anjuta (http://anjuta.sourceforge.net/)
 KDevelop (http://www.kdevelop.org/)
 Code::Block (http://www.codeblocks.org/)
 BVRDE (http://bvrde.sourceforge.net/)
 RHIDE (http://www.rhide.com/)
IDE Example - Eclipse

 Foundation: http://www.eclipse.org

 Downloads at http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/index.php

 Common Public License (CPL):

 http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html

 royalty free source code / world wide redistribution rights

 • Supported languages:
 Java,
 C++,
 python, …

 Supported platforms:
 Linux,
 Windows, … (java software)

 Many tutorials on the web


 IDEs Exist for many platforms and programming languages

 Java (e.g., Eclipse)
 C/C++

 Are useful for beginners as well as for experts

 Are time consuming at the beginning
 Learning curve
 Several tools need configuring

 Save time when often used:

 Powerful editing mode
 Easy compiling/building/running, related to source files
 Easy refactoring

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