Employees or Entrepreneur
Employees or Entrepreneur
Employees or Entrepreneur
Important Career Entrepreneur Employee
1. Income • Income generated passively even when the • Income generated actively; no
entrepreneur is resting work = no pay
• Opportunity income unlimited, depending • Income usually fixed per month
on the success of the business. and increases every year
• Income only earned when the business is depending on the employer and
successful. the employee performance.
2. Hiring and Firing, • Provides jobs; is the owner of the business • Seeks for a job; is the one
Organizational Setup, and conducts the talent selection. applying for a job and is
and Major Key • Fully responsible for serving customers, interviewed by the company’s
Results Areas making the business profitable/sustainable, hiring officers.
and providing employee satisfaction. • Has the goal of satisfying only
• Has the power to disengage nonperforming the employer or the direct
employees applying the due process policy of supervisor.
disengaging personnel. • Fully dependent on the
• Can venture into expansion of business such employer’s performance.
as franchising and buying other similar • Can only work for the current
businesses. employer exclusively.
Important Career Entrepreneur Employee
3. Daily Tasks • Performs all necessary variable tasks to • Has the routine tasks and works
establish and manage a startup business, on regular or normal hours.
which usually takes most of the • Follows policies, procedure, and
entrepreneur’s time; spend more hours on memoranda from the employer.
work than a regular employee and sometimes
gets no sleep.
• Prepares policies, procedures, and
memoranda for the business.
4. Leisure Time and • Has a flexible schedule and can take • Has a limited number of
Vacations unlimited number of vacation days vacation days imposed by the
(applicable only if the business as stabilized employer.
5. Taxation • Taxed on the net income; can claim taxable • Taxed on the gross income;
income deductions for allowable expenses cannot use expenses incurred
incurred by the business. related to the job such as food
and transportation expenses to
claim for deductions from
taxable income.
Important Career Entrepreneur Employee