Marketing Session PPT Combined
Marketing Session PPT Combined
Marketing Session PPT Combined
Principal Quinton Courts, Cigarroa Elementary School, Dallas ISD
Principal Lynn Ojeda, Academy High School, Plano ISD
Quinton Courts, Principal
Leonides Gonzalez Cigarroa, M.D.
Elementary School
Flipping Campus Culture:
A Case Study in School Turnaround
1. State of the school in SY 2013-2014
2. First steps to spark a culture shift
3. Day-to-day leader actions that build a
positive school culture
4. Campus culture turnaround results
5. Lessons learned
Cigarroa Elementary Facts in SY13-14
• 7 teacher vacancies in
• Kindergarten student to
teacher ratio of 35:1
• 60% of teachers set to
leave for SY14-15
• No action planning for
• Spring 2014 Climate
survey among bottom 5 of
227 Dallas ISD schools
State of the School in May of SY13-14
• 7 teacher vacancies in
• Kindergarten student to
teacher ratio of 35:1
• 60% of teachers set to
leave for SY14-15 PK K 1 2 3 4 5
• No action planning for Some teachers changed
SY14-15 grade level/content areas
• Spring 2014 Climate up to 5 times in one year.
survey among bottom 5 of
227 Dallas ISD schools
State of the School in May of SY13-14
• 7 teacher vacancies in
• Kindergarten student to
teacher ratio of 35:1
• 60% of teachers set to
leave for SY14-15
• No action planning for For SY14-15, 60% of
SY14-15 teachers were new to the
• Spring 2014 Climate campus and 49% were 1st
survey among bottom 5 of year teachers.
227 Dallas ISD schools
Spring 2014 Campus Climate Survey
L. G. Cigarroa ES
Campus Feeder
Percent District District Pattern Division Magnet District
Positive Scale Quintile Group Percent Percent Percent Percent
Survey Category/Item (S2014) Score Score Rank Positive Positive Positive Positive
Beliefs and Priorities 50.4 2 1 145 75.2 73.4 82.7 75.0
My campus currently bases its actions on the district's Core Beliefs.
The district's Core Beliefs will lead to success.
The key actions my school is working on this year are focused on what is best for students.
Beliefs and Priorities
I understand my role in implementing the school's key actions.
I have the support I need from campus leadership to do my job well.
70.4 145th of 147
My campus leadership helps me understand recent changes in the school’s focus. 40.6 74.7 70.8 83.0 71.5
How similar are your school's priorities to what you think they should be? 34.4 65.6 65.1 78.1 66.4
Overall, the campus is headed in the right direction. 28.1 69.8 67.0 82.7 69.9
25.0 45.3 43.2 40.4 44.4
Culture of Feedback
Overall, the district is headed in the right direction.*
Culture of Feedback and Support 31.1 1 1 145 69.8 62.5 74.2 64.5
My campus leadership helps me improve the quality of my instruction. 31.8 70.6 64.2 77.5 66.1
The instructional feedback I get helps me improve the quality of my instruction.
I have sufficient opportunities and encouragement to develop my leadership potential.
63.4 and Support
The PD sessions at my school this year helped me improve instruction. 22.7 67.7 57.0 66.0 57.7
My team experiences with colleagues this year helped me improve instruction.
My school has an effective instructional leadership team.
145th of 147
Positive Culture and Environment 35.4 4 1 144 63.9 60.6 75.5 61.3
I would recommend this school to others to work here. 25.0 67.4 64.9 89.3 67.2
Survey Category/Item (S2014) Score Score Rank Positive Positive Positive Positive
Beliefs and Priorities 50.4 2 1 145 75.2 73.4 82.7 75.0
My campus currently bases its actions on the district's Core Beliefs. 62.5 86.2 86.0 88.8 86.5
The district's Core Beliefs will lead to success. 75.0 71.4 68.5 70.7 70.4
The key actions my school is working on this year are focused on what is best for students. 50.0 73.1 72.5 83.7 75.3
I understand my role in implementing the school's key actions. 78.1 88.7 87.7 90.6 88.3
professional development
My campus leadership helps me improve the quality of my instruction. 31.8 70.6 64.2 77.5 66.1
The instructional feedback I get helps me improve the quality of my instruction. 27.3 71.5 63.9 74.4 65.3
I have sufficient opportunities and encouragement to develop my leadership potential. 36.4 69.8 61.2 76.1 63.4
The PD sessions at my school this year helped me improve instruction. 22.7 67.7 57.0 66.0 57.7
My team experiences with colleagues this year helped me improve instruction. 45.5 71.2 69.6 74.7 71.5
My school has an effective instructional leadership team. 22.7 67.7 58.8 76.1 62.8
in an environment of
Instruction in this school is focused on helping students get ready for college. 39.1 70.0 70.5 97.4 74.3
Teachers in this school feel that it is a part of their job to prepare students to succeed 69.6 80.5 79.7 98.7 82.7
Teachers at this school accept nothing less from students than their full effort. 60.9 75.2 74.2 90.1 76.2
Teachers at this school do not let students give up when their class work becomes challengi 73.9 76.6 76.5 92.4 78.7
Teachers at this school give students feedback to help them understand how to improve. 78.3 86.3 85.2 96.1 86.6
*New item in 2013-14; not used in calculation of scale scores.
The PD sessions at my school this year helped me improve instruction.
My team experiences with colleagues this year helped me improve instruction. 45.5 71.2 69.6 74.7 71.5
My school has an effective instructional leadership team. 22.7 67.7 58.8 76.1 62.8
Positive Culture and Environment 35.4 4 1 144 63.9 60.6 75.5 61.3
I would recommend this school to others to work here.
I usually look forward to working each day at this school.
I believe I work in an environment of support and respect.
Discipline is enforced consistently and effectively at my campus. 28.1 56.6 53.1 65.3 51.8
Unruly students are not permitted to disrupt the learning environment. 21.9 58.5 54.2 75.5 52.3
The campus I work in is clean, safe and free of physical hazards. 87.5 79.0 77.0 85.7 75.7
If offered a comparable position with similar pay/benefits at another district, I would sta 31.3 50.1 50.0 61.9 50.8
I am satisfied with the recognition I receive for doing a good job. 37.5 64.8 61.2 75.4 62.6
Morale at my school has improved this year. 21.9 57.2 50.0 57.0 52.0
College-Going Culture 63.8 13 1 143 76.3 75.5 95.5 78.3
Teachers expect most students in this school to go to college. 60.9 69.0 67.2 98.4 71.1
Instruction in this school is focused on helping students get ready for college. 39.1 70.0 70.5 97.4 74.3
Teachers in this school feel that it is a part of their job to prepare students to succeed 69.6 80.5 79.7 98.7 82.7
Teachers at this school accept nothing less from students than their full effort. 60.9 75.2 74.2 90.1 76.2
Teachers at this school do not let students give up when their class work becomes challengi 73.9 76.6 76.5 92.4 78.7
Teachers at this school give students feedback to help them understand how to improve. 78.3 86.3 85.2 96.1 86.6
*New item in 2013-14; not used in calculation of scale scores.
Group Rank: Rank within Secondary Schools (61), Elementary Schools (147), or Magnet Schools (15) group.
Campus Climate Turnaround Results:
Fall 2014 Campus Climate Survey
L. G. Cigarroa ES
Campus Feeder Campus
Percent District District Pattern Division Magnet District Percent
Positive Scale Quintile Group Percent Percent Percent Percent Positive
Survey Category/Item (F2014) Score Score Rank Positive Positive Positive Positive (S2014)
Beliefs and Priorities 96.1 93 5 5 82.2 79.5 82.8 78.8 50.4
My campus currently bases its actions on the district's Core Beliefs. 100.0 91.2 90.9 91.9 89.7 62.5
The district's Core Beliefs will lead to success. 86.0 77.1 72.1 70.4 72.7 75.0
The key actions my school is working on this year are focused on what is best for students. 94.8 83.1 80.7 82.7 79.9 50.0
I understand my role in implementing the school's key actions. 100.0 91.3 90.7 92.5 90.3 78.1
I have the support I need from campus leadership to do my job well. 96.5 79.3 75.4 83.4 74.5 34.4
My campus leadership helps me understand recent changes in the school's focus. 100.0 79.3 77.3 81.8 76.0 40.6
How similar are your school's priorities to what you think they should be? 91.4 77.5 73.6 78.7 72.3 34.4
Overall, my campus is headed in the right direction.
Overall, the District is headed in the right direction.*
Culture of Feedback and Support
92.3 91 5 9
group rank =
My campus leadership helps me improve the quality of my instruction. 94.6 77.7 70.8 76.0 69.4 31.8
The instructional feedback I get helps me improve the quality of my instruction. 91.9 74.5 69.9 72.4 68.9 27.3
I have sufficient opportunities and encouragement to develop my leadership potential. 94.6 74.0 67.9 76.5 66.2 36.4
The PD sessions at my school this year helped me improve instruction. 91.9 67.9 61.6 65.0 60.0 22.7
My team experiences with colleagues (e.g., grade-level teams, PLCs) this year helped me improve inst 89.2 79.1 75.1 74.2 74.3 45.5
My school has an effective instructional leadership team. 91.7 75.3 70.0 75.3 68.5 22.7
Positive Culture and Environment 87.9 91 5 11 71.2 66.2 76.8 65.4 35.4
I would recommend this school to others to work here.
I usually look forward to working each day at this school.
I believe I work in an environment of support and respect.
Discipline is enforced consistently and effectively at my campus. 81.0 68.4 63.4 76.9 61.5 28.1
Unruly students are not permitted to disrupt the learning environment. 79.3 67.7 63.6 81.4 61.1 21.9
The campus I work in is clean, safe and free of physical hazards. 93.0 82.7 82.2 88.2 81.2 87.5
If I were offered a comparable position with similar pay and benefits at another district, I would s 63.8 56.4 50.5 60.2 51.1 31.3
I am satisfied with the recognition I receive for doing a good job. 94.8 71.8 66.8 75.7 65.8 37.5
Morale at my school has improved this year. 96.5 64.9 56.1 52.9 54.7 21.9
College-Going Culture 92.7 87 5 18 82.9 81.6 95.0 81.9 63.8
Teachers expect most students in this school to go to college. 89.7 75.0 75.2 98.2 75.9 60.9
Instruction in this school is focused on helping students get ready for college. 94.9 77.1 76.9 94.7 77.7 39.1
Teachers in this school feel that it is a part of their job to prepare students to succeed in colleg 94.7 88.0 85.6 97.1 85.9 69.6
Teachers at this school accept nothing less from students than their full effort. 92.3 81.5 80.9 90.8 80.6 60.9
Teachers at this school do not let students give up when their class work becomes challenging. 92.3 84.8 82.7 93.4 83.0 73.9
Teachers at this school give students feedback to help them understand how to improve. 92.3 90.7 88.6 95.8 88.2 78.3
*Item not used in calculation of scale scores.
Group Rank: Rank within Secondary Schools (61), Elementary Schools (147), or Magnet Schools (15) group.
Fall 2014 Campus Climate Survey:
What the Staff Said
Spring Fall
Domain 2014 Quintile 2014 Quintile
Rank Rank
Overall, my campus is headed in the right direction. 100.0 78.3 74.6 80.4 74.0 28.1
Overall, the District is headed in the right direction.* 60.3 57.5 47.9 44.8 48.2 25.0
Culture of Feedback and Support 92.3 91 5 9 74.7 69.2 73.2 67.9 31.1
My campus leadership helps me improve the quality of my instruction. 94.6 77.7 70.8 76.0 69.4 31.8
The instructional feedback I get helps me improve the quality of my instruction. 91.9 74.5 69.9 72.4 68.9 27.3
I have sufficient opportunities and encouragement to develop my leadership potential. 94.6 74.0 67.9 76.5 66.2 36.4
key actions.
If I were offered a comparable position with similar pay and benefits at another district, I would s
I am satisfied with the recognition I receive for doing a good job. 94.8 71.8 66.8 75.7 65.8 37.5
Morale at my school has improved this year. 96.5 64.9 56.1 52.9 54.7 21.9
College-Going Culture 92.7 87 5 18 82.9 81.6 95.0 81.9 63.8
Teachers expect most students in this school to go to college. 89.7 75.0 75.2 98.2 75.9 60.9
Instruction in this school is focused on helping students get ready for college. 94.9 77.1 76.9 94.7 77.7 39.1
94.7 88.0 85.6 97.1 85.9 69.6
positive) of 229 schools and the
highest of any comprehensive
• 100% would recommend others
to work at Cigarroa in Fall 2015.
• We currently have 16
candidates who want to transfer
to Cigarroa.
Lessons Learned
Quinton Courts
(972) 502-2906
Lynn Ojeda, principal
Plano ISD Academy High School
Principal's role = Learner Agent
February Examples
• Parent Alliance
• Staff
• Ed. Foundation
• Universities
• Non-Profits
• Organizations
• Cold calls...practice with-it-ness for
amazing connections! In person
communication is BEST!
Now what?
Communicate…Ambassadors…Business Cards
Next Steps ~ Make a Plan!