Module 1 - Applicable LGC Provisions
Module 1 - Applicable LGC Provisions
Module 1 - Applicable LGC Provisions
1. Corporate Charters
2. Title of Ownership
3. Articles of Incorporation
6. Similar documents
SEC. 207. Real Property Identification
System. – All declarations of real property
made under the provisions of this Title shall
be kept and filed under a uniform
classification system to be established by the
Provincial, City, or Municipal Assessor.
SEC. 208. Notification of Transfer of Real
Property Ownership.
The Notice of transfer of Real Property to the
Provincial/City Municipal Assessor shall be made by
any person, natural or juridical, which include:
1. Cultural 15%
2. Scientific 15%
3. Hospital 15%
4. Local Water District 10%
5. GOCC engaged in the supply
and distribution of water and/or
Generation and transmission of
electric power. 10%
SEC. 217. Actual use or Real Property as Basis for
Assessment. – Real property shall be classified,
valued and assessed on the basis of its actual use
regardless of where located, whoever owns it, and
whoever uses it.
On Lands: Class AL
Residential 20%
Agricultural 40%
Commercial 50%
Industrial 50%
Mineral 50%
Timberland 20%
SEC. 219. General Revision of Assessments and
Property Classification.
M.N. Santos