Butterfly Valve

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Antogus Bona Sere (ABS)

 In the butterfly valve the flow control element, which is a circular disc, is rotated about an axis that is perpendicular to its own axis
and to the fluid path. It is always in the fluid path, and when the valve is open it splits the flow into two separate paths around it.
Because the butterfly valve is essentially symmetrical, either end can be the inlet, and thus flow can be in either direction. The form
of control for which butterfly valves are best suited is regulated flow volume (called throttling); however, they can also be
used as stop valves (for starting and stopping flow). The butterfly valve is one of a quarter-turn valves.
Most butterfly valves are one of two designs, the lined and the high performance.


 Lined butterfly valve is shown in Figure 5-1. It consists of three major components: the body, the disc, and a non-metallic body
liner. The body is a relatively simple ring of metal. It is usually lug-style, as shown in Figure 5-1, or wafer-style, as shown in Figure
 The lined butterfly valve has a conventional, or concentric, disc. It pivots on a single shaft, which passes through its center, or on
two partial shafts, also centered, as shown in Figure 5-2. The shaft is pinned to the disc. Its ends pass through the liner and are
supported by the body, typically in metallic bushings. One shaft end passes completely through the body where a lever, used to
operate the valve, is attached. The lever is oriented on the shaft parallel to the disc so that the position of the lever also indicates
the position of the disc. The disc itself has a tendency to turn on its own in response to the force of the flowing fluid. To pro­vide
positive disc positioning, a quadrant is fastened to a small flange on the body where the shaft passes out of the body. The quadrant
has a series of notches (typically at 10° increments) around its perimeter. The lever used to rotate the disc is provided with a detent
mechanism that can engage one of the notches on the quadrant, causing the lever, shaft, and disc to be held in position. Where
abrasion or corrosion resistance is needed, the disc of the lined butterfly valve is readily coated with an appropriate non-metallic
material. These "endless" body styles have been discussed in Chapter 1. Bodies are also made with flanged ends.

The resilient non-metallic liner is bonded to the body or held in grooves in the bore of the body. The liner performs several
important functions.
1. It provides the body seating surface. The liner is crowned at the center; therefore, when the valve is closed the edge of the
disc presses tightly against the liner, compressing it and forming a seal around almost the entire perimeter of the disc. The
shaft ends prevent complete circular seating of the disc.
2. It fits tightly against the disc hubs and the shaft where the ends pass through the liner, forming a seal for them. In addition to
the designed-in gripping action of the liner around the shaft ends, O-ring seals are frequently pro­vided at the liner-body
interface to protect the body and prevent external leakage.
3. Its faces extend slightly beyond the ends of the body and serve as a gasket for the connecting pipe flanges.
4. It protects the valve body from the fluid and permits the selection of body materials based only on strength and price,
without concern for abrasion, erosion, and corrosion resistance.

 The lined butterfly valve has several drawbacks. First, it is difficult to maintain a seal between the disc and the liner in the area
adjacent to the ends of the shaft. This area is subject to wear, because the disc is always in contact with it and rubbing occurs
whenever the disc is moved. Second, because the compression seal between the edge of the disc and the liner is difficult to
maintain at high pressures, the lined valve is only suitable for low fluid pressures. Finally, the allowable service temperatures of
non-metallic body liner materials limit this design to low fluid temperatures.
 Lined butterfly valves are manufactured in cast iron and ductile iron, with liners made of non-metallic materials such as Buna-N,
EPT and TFE. They are available in sizes from 2 inches to 24 inches and are capable of handling fluid pressures of up to 175 psi
and temperatures from -20°F to 400°F, depending on liner material.
 The high-performance butterfly valve design shown in Figure 5-2 eliminates two drawbacks of the lined butterfly valve, seat wear
and seat leakage, and when furnished with a metal seat ring, also eliminates the third. Its major components are the body, disc,
and seat ring. The body is similar to that of the lined valve, but its bore is machined to receive the seat ring. It is also made in wafer
and lug style, and with flanged ends.
 Unlike the symmetrical conventional disc of the lined valve, the high-performance valve uses an off-set (or eccentric) disc. It is
shown schematically in Figure 5-3. In this design the center of rotation of the disc is off-set from the centerline of the disc in two
directions. The first off-set is axial. The shaft passes through the disc behind the line of contact and between the disc seating
surface and the seat ring. This leaves both seating surfaces uninterrupted and achieves a seal for the full 360° around the disc.
The second off-set is lateral. The center of the shaft is to the side of the centerline of the disc. This off-set, coupled with the tapered
disc seating surface, causes the disc to pull (or cam) away from the seat ring just as the valve opens and to cam into the seat ring
just as the valve closes.
• Wear of the seat ring is minimized, and opening and closing forces are reduced. This design also makes it possible to replace the
body seating surface without disassembling and removing the disc and shaft. The disc is positioned in the body by shaft spacers
between the disc and the body. These spacers are usually backed up by seals to prevent the fluid from coming into contact with
the shaft bearings. To prevent external leakage at the pressures at which these valves are used, the extended shaft of the high-
performance butterfly valve is also provided with a stuffing box, a packing gland, and a gland flange. 3
• In the high-performance butterfly valve, the seat ring can be made either of non-metallic material (called a soft seat) or of metal. Both
are designed to flex when contacted by the disc when closing, forming a tight seal. However, the typical metal seat ring does not
achieve a completely leak-tight seal. With the soft seat, when the valve is installed so that the inlet is at the seat-ring end of the valve
(in the normal direction), fluid pressure on the seat ring forces it hard against the tapered disc seating surface, enhancing the seal. As
fluid pressure increases, the seal becomes tighter. Thus the high-performance valve can be used at higher pressures than can the
lined valve.
 When flow is from the shaft side of the disc, the seat ring retainer prevents the ring from being pushed away from the disc, and thus the
seal is maintained. Also, because it has a smaller inside diameter than does the seat ring, the retainer also protects the seat ring from
abrasion and erosion when the valve is installed conventionally.
 High-performance butterfly valves are manufactured in ductile iron and in carbon, alloy, and stainless steels in sizes from 2 inches to
72 inches, can handle fluid pressures of up to 1,500 psi with non-metallic seats and pressures well over 2,500 psi with metal seats.

 The butterfly valve can be used as a stop valve; however, it is primarily a throttling valve. The lined butterfly valve, with its
conventional disc, exhibits a flow characteristic known as equal percentage: When the valve opening and fluid flow through the
valve are small, a change in disc position produces a small change in flow rate; conversely, when the valve opening and fluid
flow through the valve are large, the same increment of change in disc position produces a large change in flow rate. The result
is that flow control at large valve openings is less sensitive, and the lined butterfly valve is generally limited to 60° disc rotation.
The high-performance butterfly valve exhibits a flow characteristic that lies between the equal percentage and the linear flow
characteristics. The change in fluid flow is not directly proportional to the change in disc position throughout the disc travel, as it
would be with the linear flow characteristic. However, the change in flow for equal increments of disc movement becomes
progressively less as the valve opens. This characteristic causes the high performance valve to remain sensitive to required flow
changes throughout its full 90° disc travel, and makes it preferable to the lined valve for many throttling applications. Whether
used as a throttling valve or a stop valve, the butterfly valve can be used with liquids, gases, and vapors. It also has some
definite advantages over the other valve types:
1. It is available in larger sizes than other valve types—up to 72 inches. The availability of very large sizes makes the
butterfly valve almost the only choice for very large fluid flow rates at low and moderate pressures.
2. Its wafer and lug-style bodies make the butterfly valve shorter end-to-end, lighter, and frequently less costly than the same
size valve of another type.
3. Its quarter-turn operation makes it fast acting. It is especially useful as a stop valve when frequent operation is required.
4. The lined valve can be used with liquid slurries and gases carrying suspended solids and solid particles because it has no
pockets in which solids can collect. When the disc is coated with a suitably resilient material, the lined butterfly valve can be
used with abrasive materials.
 The butterfly valve has limitations. It is not made in small sizes (under 2 inches). The lined valve is very limited as to the fluid
temperatures and pressures it can handle. With soft seats, the high-performance butterfly valve has fluid-temperature limitations.
With metal seats, the temperature and pressure capabilities of the high-performance valve compare with those of other valve types;
however, the metal-seated valve does not achieve leak-tight closing, making it undesirable for use as a stop valve. In addition, when
used as a stop valve the butterfly valve has a higher resistance to flow when open than do other stop valves, because the disc is
always in the fluid path. Finally, the force required to operate a large butterfly valve is great, making it necessary to use an operator
or actuator, thereby increasing total valve weight and cost.

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