Boyer-Moore String Search: - How Does It Work? - Examples - Complexity - Acknowledgements

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Boyer-Moore String Search

•How does it work?

Boyer Moore Algorithm

Boyer Moore pattern searching algorithm. Like

KMP and Finite Automata algorithms, Boyer
Moore algorithm also preprocesses the pattern.
Boyer Moore is a combination of following two
1) Bad Character Heuristic
2) Good Suffix Heuristic
Both of the above heuristics can also be used independently to search a
pattern in a text.

Let us first understand how two independent approaches work together

in the Boyer Moore algorithm.
If we take a look at the Naive algorithm, it slides the pattern over the text
one by one.
KMP algorithm does preprocessing over the pattern so that the pattern
can be shifted by more than one.
The Boyer Moore algorithm does preprocessing for the same reason.
It processes the pattern and creates different arrays for both heuristics.

At every step, it slides the pattern by the max of the slides suggested by
the two heuristics. So it uses best of the two heuristics at every step.

Unlike the previous pattern searching algorithms, Boyer Moore algorithm

starts matching from the last character of the pattern.
How Does it Work?
•Pattern moves left to right.
•Comparisons are done right to left.
•Uses two heuristics:
•Bad Character
•Good Suffix

Each heuristic is put into play when a mismatch

occurs. They give us the maximum number of
characters the search pattern can move forward
safely and still know that there are no characters
that need to be checked.
Bad Character Heuristic

The idea of bad character heuristic is simple. The

character of the text which doesn’t match with the
current character of the pattern is called the Bad
Character. Upon mismatch, we shift the pattern until –
1) The mismatch becomes a match
2) Pattern P move past the mismatched character.
Case 1 – Mismatch become

We will lookup the position of last occurrence of

mismatching character in pattern and if
mismatching character exist in pattern then we’ll
shift the pattern such that it get aligned to the
mismatching character in text T.
Case 2 – Pattern move past
the mismatch character
We’ll lookup the position of last occurrence of mismatching character in
pattern and
if character does not exist we will shift pattern past the mismatching
we preprocess the pattern and store the last occurrence of
every possible character in an array of size equal to alphabet
If the character is not present at all, then it may result in a shift
by m (length of pattern).
Therefore, the bad character heuristic takes O(n/m) time in the
best case.
Good Suffix Heuristic

Let t be substring of text T which is matched with

substring of pattern P. Now we shift pattern until :
1) Another occurrence of t in P matched with t in T.
2) A prefix of P, which matches with suffix of t
3) P moves past t
Case 1: Another occurrence of t in P matched with t in T
Pattern P might contain few more occurrences of t. In such case,
we will try to shift the pattern to align that occurrence with t in text T.
For example-

Case 2: A prefix of P, which matches with suffix of t in T
It is not always likely that we will find the occurrence of t in P.
Sometimes there is no occurrence at all, in such cases sometimes we can search for
suffix of t matching with some prefix of P and try to align them by shifting P.
For example –

Case 3: P moves past by 1
If the above two cases are not satisfied, we will shift the
pattern past the t. For example

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