The Roles of The Parents and Godparents To The Evangelization of The Child
The Roles of The Parents and Godparents To The Evangelization of The Child
The Roles of The Parents and Godparents To The Evangelization of The Child
• Ephesians 4:4-6 says, “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you
were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in
•Exodus 30:17-20 explains, “Then the Lord said to Moses, “Make a bronze basin, with its bronze stand, for
washing. Place it between the tent of meeting and the altar, and put water in it.
•Acts 2:38 says, “Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the
forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
• (In the christian church) the religious rite of sprinkling water onto a person's forehead or of immersion in
water, symbolizing purification or regeneration and admission to the christian church. In many
denominations, baptism is performed on young children and is accompanied by name-giving.
• Baptism also gives us new life as adopted children of god. We become sharers of divine life and temples
of the holy spirit. We are now made righteous by god and live in a state of grace, that is, we live in union
with god because of his gracious and loving initiative. Our permanence in the state of grace is called
sanctifying grace because god “sanctifies” us, that is, makes us his holy people by giving us his life. God
continues to assist us by many helps that are called actual graces. Thus, we have the ability to live and act
under the guidance and light of the gifts of the holy spirit. This helps us mature in goodness through the
practice of virtues, such as the cardinal virtues: prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude.
•Naming and Claiming: Your child is welcomed by Name. The presider will trace the Sign of the Cross on
your child’s forehead to symbolize that in Baptism this child is claimed for Christ. All who are signed by
the cross are marked as followers of Jesus. Parents and Godparents are invited to trace the Sign of the
on the child’s forehead as well.
•Litany of the Saints: As Catholics, we believe that the entire Christian community is present with us in
Holy Spirit to rejoice with us at each and every Baptism. This includes not only Christians living today, but
also all of the holy men and women who have gone before us who were models of Christian discipleship.
We begin every Baptism celebration by asking these saints to be with us and pray for us.
•Prayer of Exorcism: We ask that God free your child from original sin and fill your child with the gift of
the Holy Spirit. This prayer’s name is “exorcism”, but it is simply a prayer-request on the part of the
Church that God free and protect the child from all effects of sin and evil.
•Anointing with Oil of Catechumens: The custom of anointing those to be baptized continues today in the
use of a special oil for adults who are in the catechumenate. This oil is also used in the Baptism of
although the rite allows for this to be replaced by a simple laying on of hands by the presider.
•Blessing of the Baptismal Water: The presider asks that God send His Holy Spirit upon the waters of the
baptismal font. Water is the primary symbol of this sacrament.
•Renunciation of Sin/ Profession of Faith: The parents and godparents are again reminded of their
responsibilities to present and model the faith to this child. They are reminded of their own dignity as sons
and daughters of God as they reject sin and profess the Catholic faith.
Baptism: “………., I Baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
•Anointing with Chrism: Your child will be anointed on the head with sacred chrism, a perfumed oil
blessed by the bishop once a year during Holy Week. This anointing represents our joining with Christ in
his roles as priest, prophet and king. In Greek, the word Christ means “anointed.”
•White Garment: The white garment stresses the Christian dignity of the newly-baptized as one who is
“clothed in Christ.” A parent is always sure to be concerned that their child is properly clothed for every
season and occasion. You now make the commitment to help them stay “clothed in Christ.”
•Baptism Candle: This candle is lit from the Paschal (Easter) candle and symbolizes that your child now
possesses the light of Christ in his/her heart. A baby cannot carry this candle, so the light is entrusted to
parents and godparents.
•Prayers over the Ears and Mouth: Ephphetha is an Aramaic word that means “Be opened.” The prayer
asks that the child will be opened to hearing the Good News of Jesus and proclaiming it to others.
•Blessing of the Parents: We end with a prayer of blessing for the parents. By living out their vocation of
parenthood, they respond to the grace of their own Baptism and Confirmation. They are the first teachers
their child.
• Parents who are asking for Baptism for a child for the first time are required to attend a short
preparation meeting with a member of the parish staff to talk over the nature of the Baptismal Rite as
well as the role of parents in raising children in the profession and practice of the Catholic faith.
• Parents should look over the Reflection paper in preparation for a child’s Baptism to help them reflect
on the role they accept in asking for their child to be Baptized. Parents should also look over the Rite
of Baptism for Children, to become familiar with the structure of the rite and the responses they must.
• More is required of parents than merely presenting their infant for baptism. ... In the case of "infant
baptism" the role of the parents is very important, as they are the persons who are giving assurance
that they will raise the child being baptised in the Catholic faith and upon Catholic values.
• A baptized person should model his behavior on Christ's sacrificial love for us. ... The parents must
agree to accept the responsibility of training the child in the practice of the Faith, as well as to teach the
child to keep God's commandments of loving God and neighbor as Christ taught.
• There is a brief seminar for the parents and godparents 30 minutes before the actual baptism. The
baby's clothing should be white, off white, cream or beige. Prepare a white hat, cap, or cloth to put on
baby's head. Bring candles for the parents and godparents.