Cofferdam, CE 1113 Lecture 1

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Laterally Loaded and Machine Foundation

Course Code: CE 1113

Course Title: Laterally Loaded and Machine Foundation
Credit Hours: 2
Lecture: 1
Presented by:
Rokhshana Parvin
Dept. of Civil Engineering
World University of Bangladesh
Laterally Loaded and Machine Foundation
This course is mainly designed for geotechnical engineers which is
one of the branch of civil engineering division. The subject
comprises practical knowledge about laterally loaded structures such
as retaining wall, Sheet pile, Caissons, Cofferdams, Slurry trench
wall, dewatering, liquefaction and machine foundation.
At the end of this course, students will able to:
 CO1: Design laterally loaded structures and Machine
 CO2: Execute dewatering system.
Laterally loaded structures are those structures which
supports from lateral direction such as Cofferdams, retaining
wall, Sheet pile, Caissons.

Machine foundations are special types of foundations required

for machines, machine tools and heavy equipment which have
wide range of speeds, loads and operating conditions.
These foundations are designed considering the shocks and
vibrations (dynamic forces) resulting from operation
of machines.

Figure : Machine foundation and Laterally loaded structure (Cofferdam)


What is Cofferdam?
Cofferdams are temporary structures that are built
to keep the water and soil away from the execution
site. This enables construction to be carried out on
safe as well as on dry surfaces.

Figure: Cofferdam

Types of Cofferdams:

 Earthen cofferdam.
 Rock fill cofferdam.
 Timber crib cofferdam.
 Braced cofferdam.
 Cellular cofferdam (Circular or diaphragm type).

Types of Cofferdams:

Figure: Earthen cofferdam and its section


Earthen cofferdam:

Suitable for rivers or streams having shallow depth of water,

about 120 to 150 cm, with low velocity of flow.
It is the simplest type of cofferdam.
Free board – 60 to 90 cm.
Suitable side slope should be provided.
Its depends on soil availability and site conditions.
Dry conditions – clay embankment provided.
Wet condition – sand materials suitable.

Rock fill cofferdam:

Figure: Rock fill cofferdam and its section


Rock fill cofferdam:

 The construction of rock fill cofferdams is similar to

earth fill dams.
 It can be constructed with steeper slopes.
 Water depths – 3 m.
 In case of high heads of water , this can be achieved
by a clay or concrete core wall.
 Impervious layer provided(concrete or clay core wall
or sheet pile ) for reducing entry of seepage.

Timber crib cofferdam:

Figure: Timber crib cofferdam


Timber crib cofferdam:

 It consists of timber cribs made from logs of wood.

 Constructed on land and floated into place.
 Hollow space thus formed are then filled with rock or
 Depth of water – 10 to 20 m.
 Used for wide excavation and rocky river bottoms.


 To retain Soil & Water.

 Can be used as either Temporary or Permanent.
 Main purpose is to provide dry working area for workers.
 It is used ,when the foundations for piers and abutments of a
bridge, dams, locks, etc. are to be constructed.
 Some times it is also provided to store water temporarily.

Cofferdams can be used in all the sectors as explained


 Geotechnical Engineering: Underground Car Parking, Foundation,

Basement Construction etc.

 Transport Engineering: Bridge Pier, Support Walls, Tunnel Work


 Water Engineering: Weirs, Culverts, Flood Protection

Walls, Scour Protection Walls, Securing Embankment etc.

What is Braced Cofferdam?

When in cofferdam sheet or bracing systems are
used to support the soil or water then it is called
braced cofferdam. It is mostly used in all
construction works.

Figure: Cofferdam in water and in soil


Uses of Braced Cofferdam:

 Its uses range from supports for shallow trench excavations to

bracing systems for multi-level basement construction where
adjacent ground must be protected from collapse or settlement
 This is almost invariably the case when excavation is required in
urban areas.
 In localities where the adjacent ground need not be protected, the
excavation is generally made with sloping sides without the use of
such cofferdams.

Components of a braced cofferdam:

Figure: Cross section of cofferdam


Components of a braced cofferdam:

 Lagging: Horizontal timber planks placed by hand as the
excavation proceeds.
 Sheet piling: May be timber, concrete, or steel and is installed
vertically by driving.
 Soldier Beams: Vertical beams (timber or steel) for taking
reactions from the lagging. Soldier beams are not required in the
case where sheet piling is used.
 Wales: Horizontal beams for transferring the reaction from the
lagging or the sheeting to the struts.
 Struts: Compression member for carrying the reactions from one
side to the other side of the excavation

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