French Basics &grammar
French Basics &grammar
French Basics &grammar
The alphabets in English and French are the same
The pronunciation is different
In French there are accents (/, \, ^, ..), which are special markings on the
vowels that are primarily used to alter the sound and for other purposes.
Unlike in English all nouns in French, whether people or things, have
gender (with some exceptions)
The formal and informal way of speaking
Note: It is important that when you learn a new noun you should learn
its gender as well.
The French subject pronouns
Je = I 1st per. sing.
Tu = you 2nd per. sing.
il = he/it 3rd per. sing
Elle = she/it
Nous = we 1st per. plu.
Vous = you 2nd per. plu.
ils = they 3rd per. Plu.,
Elles = they
on = we, someone
Les salutations/ greeting vocabulary & expressions
Bonjour = good morning /good day/hello
Bon après midi = good after noon
Bonsoir = good evening
Bonne nuit= good night
Salut = hi / bye
Au revoir = Bye, bye
Adieu = good bye / farewell
Bonne journée = have a nice day
Bonne soirée = have a nice evening
(in French there is a formal and a
informal way of speaking)
• Comment tu t’appelles ?(informal) = what is your name?
Je m’appelle ……….. = My name is………
m’appelle …… = My name is........
Mon nom est ……..
• Où habitez-vous? (formal)
• Où habites-tu ?(informal) where do you live?
Monsieur = mister/sir
Madame = madam
Mademoiselle = miss
Homme = man
Mari = husband
Femme= woman / wife
Garçon= boy
Fille = girl
Enfant = child/kid
Ami (M) = friend
Amie (F) = friend
La famille
Le père = father
La mère = mother
Le fils = son
La fille= daughter/girl
Le frère = brother
La sœur = sister
Le cousin = cousin(m)
La cousine = cousin(f)
L’oncle = uncle
La tante = aunt
Le grand-père = grand father
La grand-mère= grand mother
Les grands-parents = grand parents
•Merci = thank you
•Merci beaucoup = thank you very much
•S'il vous plait = please
•De rien = you are welcome
•Excusez moi = excuse me
•Bon appétit = enjoy your meal
•Je suis désolé = I am sorry
•Je ne sais pas = i don’t know
Useful expressions for class room
• Puis j’entrer monsieur? = may I enter sir?
• Est ce que je peux entrer,monsieur?
• Répétez s’il vous plait = repeat please.
• Puis j’aller aux toilettes? = may I go to the
• Donnez moi ……. = give me…….
• Puis je boire de l’eau? = may I drink some water?
• Oui = yes
• Non = no
Day/ time indicators
= today
Hier= yesterday
Demain = tomorrow
Maintenant = now
Jour = day
Matin = morning
Midi = noon
Soir = evening
Nuit= night
Minuit = midnight
Asking/telling name of other people
• Comment s’appelle-t-il? = what is his name?
• Comment s’appelle-t-elle? = what is her name?
• Il s’appelle ……. = his name is …..
• Elle s’appelle ……. = her name is….
Some important interrogatives
• Père = father
• Mère = mother
• Sœur = sister
• Frère = brother
• Oncle = uncle
• Tante = aunt
• Cousin = cousin
• Grand-père = grand father
• Grand-mère = grand mother
•Le fils = the son
•La fille = the daughter
•Les parents = the parents
•Les grands-parents = the grand parents
Some important grammatical expressions
• C’est = this is / that is / it is
• Ce n’est pas = this is not/ that is not / it is not
• Ce sont = these are / those are
• Ce ne sont pas = these are not / those are not
• Il y a = there is/ there are
• Il n’y a pas = there is not
• Y a-t-il ? = is there / are there ?
• Voilà = there /there you are/ there it is
• Voici = here / here it is etc……
• Moi = me
• Toi = You
• Et = and
Le (m)
La (f) The
Les (pl)
L’ (for words beginning with vowel & silent “h”)
The book = livre Le
The pens = stylos Les
The plane = avion L’
The pouch = trousse La
Les articles indéfinis (indefinite articles):
Un (m) a, an
Une (f)
Des some
a pouch = trousseune
a book = livre un
pens = stylos des
a plane = avion un
Introduction to French verb conjugation
Petit(s) petite(s) = small
Grand(s)grande(s) = big/tall
Amusant amusante = funny/amusing
Drôle drôle = funny
Joli(s) jolie(s) = pretty
Fort(s) forte(s) = strong
Faible(s)faible(s) = weak
Beau(x) belle(s) = handsome/beautiful
Laid(s) laide(s) = ugly
Gentil(s)gentille(s) = nice/pleasant/kind/gentle
Gros grosse(s) = fat
Mince(s) mince(s) = thin/slim
Content(s) contente(s) = happy/glad
Mécontent(s)mécontente(s) = unhappy
Méchant (s) méchante (s) = naughty
Intelligent (s) intelligente (s) = intelligent
Fou (s) folle(s) = fool/mad/crazy
Etudiant(s) étudiante(s) = student
Je suis ( I am)
tu es (you are)
il est (he is / it is)
elle est (she is / it is)
nous sommes (we are)
vous êtes (you are)
ils sont (they are)
elles sont (they are)
Usage of adjectives
La petite
trousse est _____________
Le livre est ____________
Les gommes sont __________petites
Les stylos sont _____________
L’avion est _________
Translate these sentences using the verb “etre” and
He is strong and tall
Il est fort et grand
She is fat and small
elle est grosse et petite
They are intelligent
Ils sont intelligents
We are students.
Nous sommes etudiants
You are naughty.
Tu es méchant
Les professions
In French professions also have gender
Let’s learn some French professions:
L’instituteur L’institutrice = teacher
L’acteur l’actrice = actor
Le musicien la musicienne = musician
Le danseur la danseuse = dancer
Le chanteur la chanteuse = singer
Le directeur la directrice = Principal/Director
Homme d’affaires Femme d’affaires = businessman
Femme de foyer = house wife
Le médecin » = doctor
L’ingénieur » = engineer
Le professeur » = professor
Le Chauffeur» = driver
Le pilote» = pilot
My = mon(m) ma(f) mes(pl)
E.g. Mon père ma mère mes parents
Note : in French the indefinite article is not used in front
of professions
Traduisez :
I am a pilot
Je suis pilote
He is a singer
Il est chanteur
She is a danser
Tu= you
Il = he
Elle = she
Nous = we
Vous = you
Ils = they
Elles = they
And we get the following conjugation
Je parle (I speak)
Tu parles (you speak)
Il/elle parle (he/she speaks)
Nous parlons (we speak)
Vous parlez (you speak)
Ils/elles parlent (they speak)
And all the verbs belonging to this group(-er) can be
conjugated in this manner
in present tense)
““Bonne chance”