School Implementation Plan: Department of Education
School Implementation Plan: Department of Education
School Implementation Plan: Department of Education
Department of Education
G School Implementation
Preparations for the Pilot Face-to-Face Expansion and Transitioning to New Normal
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division Orientation and Mobilization October 25, Division Core 5,000 Division Memo,
of Selected Pilot Schools 2021 Team for MOOE Checklist
PRE Face-to-Face
IMPLEMENTATION School-based Orientation to October 26, School Heads, 10,0000 School School
Stakeholders (Parents/Guardians, Brgy. 2021 Division Core MOOE Memo,
Officials, PTA, and other stakeholders) Team ACR
Phase) Limited F2F Learning Process
Risk Factors
Safety Prevention and Management
On-site Vaccination of Parents and 18 years October 28- City IATF and 5,000 LGU-IATF 1st dose
old & above students 29, 2021 SDO Medical vaccinated
Team parents &
Setting up of vaccination space at the SDO October 28- City IATF and 5,000 SDO 1st dose
for Teachers (Conference Hall and 29, 2021 SDO Medical Calbayog vaccinated
SGOD/CID Office) Team
Preparations for the Pilot Face-to-Face Expansion and Transitioning to New Normalteachers
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Orientation and TA on the Teaching and October 27 CID Team, SH, 10,000 Div. Class
Learning Component part of Limited 2021 to January teachers MOOE Program,
PRE 31, 2022 DLL, WHLP
Face-to-Face Classes
IMPLEMENTATION Replacement of Grade 1 teacher October 28, SH, teachers Class
2021 Program
who is advised by her Physician not and
(Planning to submit yet for vaccination Teacher’s
Phase) Schedule
Crafting of Contextualized M&E October 29, Division Core 1,000 School M&E Tool
2021 Team MOOE
Tool for Readiness, Instructional
Supervisory Tool, and FGD
Preparations for the Pilot Face-to-Face Expansion and Transitioning to New Normal
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Preparations for the Pilot Face-to-Face Expansion and Transitioning to New Normal
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
I School Accountability
Office of the Schools -Lead the preparations for the implementation of the Pilot
Division Implementation of Limited F2F classes
Superintendent -Closely coordinate with DOH/IATF to address arising issues in the
preparations for the pilot implementation
-Coordinate with the Local Government Unit (LGU) regarding the
partnership with concerned Brgys. in the conduct of pilot
-Closely coordinate with DOH/IATF on the risk assessment levels of
the participating areas
-Facilitate internal coordination with Limited F2F Composite Teams
and other concerned offices
Schools Governance -Coordinate with schools regarding concerns on the preparations for
and Operations pilot implementation. This includes convening SDO composite teams
Division to discuss implementation status
-Provide guidance to participating schools in addressing preparation
and implementation issues
-Coordinate with LGU to facilitate securing of support for
participating schools
Division Finance -Facilitate the release of available funds for the implementation of
Units limited F2F classes
-Secure funding to augment resource needs for the preparation and
implementation of limited F2F classes
Curriculum -Provide capacity building activities and technical assistance in
Implementation preparing for blended learning modality such as but not limited to
Division preparation of class program, blended learning strategies,
formative, and summative assessment, among others
-Provide guidance in addressing issues and challenges in teaching
and learning delivery during the F2F classes
Learning Resource -Review the appropriateness of learning materials for F2F and
Management and distance learning modalities during the Pilot implementation
Development Section -Facilitate the provision of appropriate learning materials for the
F2F classes
Human Resource -Facilitate the provision of training and capacity building activities
Training and for teachers and school personnel in line with the standards set by
Development BLD on blended learning
Human Resource -Provide technical assistance on concerns regarding Alternative
Management Office Work Arrangement (AWA) during the F2F Pilot implementation
-Provide guidance and technical assistance on the support to
employee welfare needed by teaching and non-teaching staff of
participating schools
- Facilitate coordination matters with the Philippine Health
Insurance Company (PhilHealth) about health claims and benefits
Health & Nutrition -Coordinate with schools to ensure that health and safety
Section protocols are appropriately embedded in mechanisms during the
conduct of F2F pilot implementation
-Provide capacity building and technical assistance on health and
safety protocols in coordination with DOH/IATF
-Coordinate with DOH/IATF on the immunization programs for
learners to support schools in vaccinating the eligible learners
against other diseases
-Facilitate the acceleration of the vaccination of teachers and
other vaccination-related concerns
Disaster Risk -Provide trainings necessary to operationalize the health and
Reduction and safety protocols such as, but not limited to the following:
Management contingency planning, Basic Occupational Safety and Health
Service (DRRMS) (BOSH), mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) and
psychological first aid (PFA) to focal persons of schools
-Coordinate with School DRRM Focal Persons to ensure that
Schools DRRM Teams are organized
Planning Service -Prepare monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan to assess the pilot
(PS) implementation
-Coordinate with different offices and stakeholders in finalizing
the M&E plan
-Maintain the database of the SSAT results of the participating
-Serve as the overall technical secretariat
Administrative -Provide technical assistance on setting up the classroom to
Service (AS) ensure physical distancing
-Provide guidance and technical assistance on maximizing open
air areas within the school if classrooms do not have adequate
-Provide technical assistance on ensuring the construction and
setting up of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities
based on the standards
-Provide technical assistance on heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning (HVAC) systems
School Management -Prepare Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and implement M&E
Monitoring and activities during the pilot implementation
Evaluation Section -Conduct evaluation and assessment to collect and consolidate
data for an informed decision/policy recommendation on the
expansion of face-to-face classes.
Public Affairs -Develop information, education, and communication (lEC) materials on F2F
/Information Service and health and safety protocols
-Coordinate with DOH/IATF on the relevant and updated advocacy campaigns
on preventing COVID- I9 such as vaccination and health and safety standards,
among others
-Provide access to SDO IEC materials on F2F and health and safety protocols
Social Mobilization -Spearhead the resource mobilization and management of support for
and Networking participating schools
-Provide technical assistance to schools on partnerships based on the
requirements of the F2F pilot implementation
-Link schools with partners/ organizations, which are willing to support the
pilot implementation based on the needs of the schools
-Facilitate the regular status reporting of support for participating schools
School Composite