Planning Concept Overall Concept Sustainable Concept: Project - 1
Planning Concept Overall Concept Sustainable Concept: Project - 1
Planning Concept Overall Concept Sustainable Concept: Project - 1
Adequate shelter for all people is one of the pressing challenges faced by the developing countries. India is currently facing a shortage of about 17.6 million houses. The dream of owning a house particularly for low-income and middle-income families is
becoming a difficult reality. Hence, it has become a necessity to adopt cost effective, innovative and environment-friendly housing technologies for the construction of houses and buildings for enabling the common people to construct houses at affordable cost.
• A Zero Energy Building (ZEB), also known as a Net Zero Energy (NZE) building, or a Planning for Solar Access: Stacked structures are easy to spot with their
Zero Net Energy (ZNE) building, is a building with net zero energy consumption, Master planning of an area or region is an ideal opportunity to provide solar access. Planning geometrical shape and different platforms. In many
meaning the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is equal to for solar access at the largest scale can very simplify the design for natural light at the cases, stacked structures can conserve space. The
the amount of renewable energy created on the site building scale. architectural design of stacking volumes is used to
reveal selected parts of a home, or to create extensions
to certain areas of the house.
• Building orientation
Planning for solar access includes more than direct
solar access and shading. Urban planning e
appropriate building orientation (typically
elongated on the east-west axis) and thereby
facilitate use of direct sunlight, shading and
sunlight reflected from nearby ground and Green roofs provide shade, remove heat from the
buildings. Building orientation facilitates the use air, and reduce temperatures of the roof surface
of natural light in buildings. Building orientation and surrounding air. Using green roofs in cities or
is critical for shading and redirecting sunlight, but other built environments with limited vegetation can
less for non-directional daylight. moderate the heat island effect, particularly during the