Research Methods For Business: Administering Questionnaires
Research Methods For Business: Administering Questionnaires
Research Methods For Business: Administering Questionnaires
Administering Questionnaires
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives (Contin.)
9.4 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various data collection methods in
survey research.
9.6 Demonstrate awareness of the role of the manager in primary data collection.
Types of Questionnaires:
Mail questionnaire
Questionnaires are less expensive and time consuming but introduce a much larger chance of
nonresponse and nonresponse errors.
Objective 9.1
Types of Questionnaires
Advantages and disadvantages of different types of questionnaires
Objective 9.2
Guidelines for Questionnaire Design
Sound questionnaire design principles should focus on three areas:
Principles of Wording
The Principles of Wording refer to such factors as:
2. How questions are worded and the level of sophistication of the language
Measurement: Operationalizing
Objective construct:
1 element/items
=> 1 question
Subjective construct:
multiple elements/items
=> multiple questions
Objective 9.2
Guidelines for Questionnaire Design
and feelings.
Objective 9.2
Guidelines for Questionnaire Design
Sequencing of Questions
• Do not place contiguously a positively worded
and a negatively worded question tapping the
same element or dimension of a concept.
• Randomly placing the questions in the
questionnaire reduces bias in the responses
but causes confusion while categorizing, coding,
and analyzing the responses.
Objective 9.2
Guidelines for Questionnaire Design
Principles of Measurement
Data collected should be appropriate to test hypotheses
Principles of measurement refer to
scales and scaling techniques, and
assessment of reliability ad validity (goodness of data)
Interval and ratio scales should be used in preference to nominal or ordinal scales.
The goodness of data should be assessed through tests of validity and reliability
- Validity establishes how well a technique, instrument, or process measures a
particular concept
- Reliability indicates how stably and consistently the instrument taps the variable.
Objective 9.2
Guidelines for Questionnaire Design
Face‐to‐face interviews
Best suited to the exploratory stages of research
provide rich data,
offer the opportunity to establish rapport with the interviewees,
help to explore and understand complex issues
ideas difficult to articulate can be brought to the surface and discussed
have the potential for introducing interviewer bias
can be expensive if a large number of subjects are involved
adequate training becomes a necessary first step
Objective 9.5
Review of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Different
Data Collection Methods and When to Use Each
Telephone interviews
• help to contact subjects dispersed over various geographic regions
• are an efficient way of collecting data when one has specific,
structured questions to ask, needs the responses quickly, and has a
sample spread over a wide area
• the interviewer cannot observe the nonverbal responses of the
• the interviewee can block the call.
Objective 9.5
Review of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Different
Data Collection Methods and When to Use Each
Observational studies
Best suited for research requiring non‐self‐report
descriptive data
help to comprehend complex issues
help to ask questions to seek clarification on certain issues
they are expensive
observer bias may well be present
Objective 9.5
Review of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Different
Data Collection Methods and When to Use Each
Electronic questionnaires
Best suited when information is to be obtained on a substantial
scale through structured questions from a sample widely dispersed
Responses obtained from a geographically dispersed sample
Doable when telephone interviews are difficult
Low response rate
Possibility of biased data
Objective 9.6
Managerial Implications
Knowledge of the characteristics and the advantages and
disadvantages of primary methods to data collection will help
managers to evaluate alternative approaches to primary data
collection and to understand why a consultant has opted for a
certain method or for a combination of methods.
Managerswill be able to decide at what level of sophistication they
want data to be collected.
Managers will be able to understand the dynamics operating in the
Managers will be able to differentiate between good and bad
questions used in surveys, with sensitivity to cultural variations.
Objective 9.7
Ethics in Data Collection
Ethics and the sponsor
Thesponsors should ask for the study to be done to
better the purpose of the organization, and not for
any other self‐serving reason.
Theyshould respect the confidentiality of the data
obtained by the researcher.
They should have an open mind in accepting the
results and recommendations in the report presented
by the researcher.
Objective 9.7
Ethics in Data Collection
Ethics and the researcher
Treatingthe information given by the respondent as strictly confidential and
guarding his or her privacy is one of the primary responsibilities of the researcher.
Personal or seemingly intrusive information should not be solicited.
Whatever the nature of the data collection method, the self‐esteem and self‐
respect of the subjects should never be violated.
No one should be forced to respond to the survey.
Nonparticipant observers should be as unintrusive as possible.
invitations to participate in a survey on social networks, discussion groups,
and chat rooms is often perceived as “spam”.
There should be absolutely no misrepresentation or distortion in reporting the data
Objective 9.7
Ethics in Data Collection
Ethical behavior of respondents
Thesubject, once having exercised the choice to
participate in a study, should cooperate fully in
the tasks ahead, such as responding to a survey.
Therespondent also has an obligation to be
truthful and honest in the responses.
Brief Recap