Prenatal DX
Prenatal DX
Prenatal DX
• Prenatal diagnosis
– is the science of identifying Malformations,
Disruptions, Chromosomal Abnormalities, and
other genetic syndromes in the fetus.
– Its goal is to provide accurate information regarding
short- and long-term prognosis, recurrence risk,
and potential therapy and to thereby improve
counseling and optimize outcomes
– It encompasses routine screening tests for
• aneuploidy and neural-tube defects,
• invasive diagnostic tests such as chorionic villus sampling
and amniocentesis,
There are three main approaches:
(1) first-trimester screening, and
(2) second-trimester screening,
(3) sequential screening in both the first and second
Screening for Down syndrome and other aneuploidies
is more complex than screening for NTDs in that it
involves more than one analyte, and because the
risk of Down syndrome is age specific.
Sensitivity for noninvasive detection of Down
syndrome is age dependent
Screening for Downs Syndrome (Trisomy 21) - 1st
aThe volume of fluid needed for each test may vary according to individual laboratory
bFISH: Fluorescence in situ hybridization is typically performed
for chromosomes 21, 18, 13, X, and Y, or in the
case of a fetal conotruncal cardiac abnormality, for the
22q.1.1 microdeletion.
PCR = polymerase chain reaction.
Early Amniocentesis
• Amniocentesis performed between 11 -14 weeks,
• The technique is the same as for traditional amniocentesis,
• Sac puncture may be more challenging due to lack of membrane fusion to the
uterine wall.
• Also, less fluid is typically withdrawn—approximately 1 mL for each gestational
week (Shulman, 1994; Sundberg, 1997)
• significantly higher rates of procedure-related complications than other fetal
• significantly Higher rates of amnionic fluid leakage, fetal loss, and talipes
equinovarus (clubfoot) than with traditional amniocentesis.
• Compared with CVS Fourfold increased rate of talipes equinovarus (Philip,
• Anotherproblem of EA is that the higher cell culture failure rate necessitating a
second procedure.
• Forall these reasons, ACOG (2012a) recommends against the use of early
MSAFP determined as part of multiple marker
screening at 15–20 weeksa
Normal screening
Abnormal result.
Patient counseled,
offered specialized
US ,consideration for
Second-Trimester Screening in Multiple Gestations
• Down syndrome occurs 20 % more often in twin
pregnancies than in singletons, given the known +ve
correlation between twinning and maternal age
• Down syndrome screening using multiple serum
markers is less sensitive in twin pregnancies than in
• Using singleton cutoffs, 73 % of MZ twin pregnancies
but only 43% of DZ twin pregnancies with Down
syndrome are detected, given a 5% false-positive
rate→blunting effect of one normal and one aneuploid
fetuses in DZ twin It may be preferable to perform
invasive procedures on both fetuses/NT in 1st T
Effect of vanishing Twin
NB A vanishing twin may cause:
• An elevated AFP level (MSAFP and amniotic fluid )
• a positive AF acetylcholinesterase assay result .
• A discrepancy between the karyotype established by
CVS and the karyotype of a surviving twin when tissue
from a vanished twin is inadvertently sampled
• Therefore, the diagnosis of vanishing twin should be
excluded to avoid confusion during maternal serum
screening for Down syndrome or neural-tube defects .
• For these reasons, amniocentesis for karyotype may be
preferable if a vanishing twin is suspected .
Components of Standard Ultrasound Examination
First Trimester
• Gestational sac location=> intrauterine vs Ectopic
• Embryo and/or yolk sac identification
• Cardiac activity
• Fetal number, including amnionicity and chorionicity of
multiples when possible
• Assessment of embryonic/fetal anatomy appropriate for
the first trimester
• Evaluation of the uterus, adnexa, and cul-de-sac
• Assessment of the fetal nuchal region if possible
Components of Standard Ultrasound Examination by (WILLIAMS)