Hernia: DR - Kaushik Patel, MPT Assistant Professor SPB Physiotherapy College
Hernia: DR - Kaushik Patel, MPT Assistant Professor SPB Physiotherapy College
Hernia: DR - Kaushik Patel, MPT Assistant Professor SPB Physiotherapy College
Kaushik Patel,MPT
Assistant professor
SPB physiotherapy college
Hernia is the protrusion of a part or whole of viscus
through an abnormal opening in the wall of the cavity
which contains it.
• Common external hernia are
1.Inguinal – about 73%
2.Femoral – about 17%
3.Umbilical – about 8.5%
4.Incisional – its incidence is not included
Other 1.5 % cases are rare hernia e.g.
A) Any condition which increase intra-abdominal
e.g. - Power full muscular effort or strain by lifting
heavy weight
- Whooping cough, chronic cough
- Obesity,
- Repeated pregnancy
- Vomiting, constipation
B- weakness of the abdominal muscle
- Congenital weakness
Incomplete obliteration of umbilical may lead to infantile
inguinal hernia.
- Acquired weakness
Excessive fat in abdomen,
Repeated pregnancy, surgical incision leads to cutting of
nerve followed by muscle weakness
The sac
The contents of sac
The covering of sac
The sac- It is a pouch of peritoneum which comes out
through the abdominal musculature.
The sac can be divided in three part
- The mouth
- The neck
- The body
- The fundus
The contents of sac – Abdominal viscus
(depended upon site)
Fluid – peritoneal exudates
I. Reducible hernia
II. Irreducible hernia
III. Obstructed hernia
IV. Strangulated hernia
Reducible hernia – Hernia reduces itself as the patient
lies down or can be reduced by the patient or by
One of the 2 most characteristic features of hernia is its
Reducibility and second feature is Impulses on
Strangulated hernia
It is irreducible and obstructed hernia ant there is arrest
of blood supply to the contents
• An external abdominal hernia is protrusion of
abdominal viscus through a weak spot in the
abdominal wall
It is indicated –
In infants and children in whom there is preformed sac
In case of young adults with very good inguinal
Hernioraphy –
It is consist of herniotomy + repair of posterior wall of
the inguinal canal by opposing the conjoined tendon to
the inguinal ligament
Hernioplasty –
Herniotomy + reinforced repair of the posterior wall of
the inguinal canal by filling the gap between the
conjoined tendon and ligament by
Autogenous or heterogenous material
Femoral hernia
• Abdominal contents pass through the femoral ring,
transverse the femoral canal and comes out through the
saphenous opening.
- Obese individual
- Chronic cough
- Abdominal distension in the early POD
- Malnutrition
2- Fault during operation
- Infection
- Postoperative cough and distension
- Postoperative peritonitis due to more chance of
wound infection.
- To early removal of sutures
• Hernia may occur through the small portion of scar at
lower end
• Diffuse bulging of whole length of incision
• Gradually size become increased and irreducible
• Mostly asymptomatic and broad neck don’t need any
• Conservative treatment – abdominal belt
• Operative management
Physiotherapy management –