Chapter 5 Social Work
Chapter 5 Social Work
Chapter 5 Social Work
- Social work is concerned with the social functioning of all people – the poor, the rich, men,
women, the LGBT community, the able, those with disabilities, the young and the old.
- Karls, Wandrei and the National Association of Social Workers (1988) define social
functioning as the “client’s ability to accomplish the activities necessary for daily living and to fulfill
major roles as required by a particular subculture or community.”
- Social work also strives to prevent and solve social, relational and interactional human
- It engages people and structures to address life challenges and enhance well-being.
- It’s end goal is to get the support of both public and private agencies in implementing welfare
Social welfare and social work are sometimes used interchangeably; however, they are actually different form each
- Social welfare is a broader concept that encompasses social institutions and fields of practice which do not relate
to social work, such as psychiatry, urban planning and education.
- Social work, is a more specific discipline within social welfare.
Nonetheless, the philosophies of social welfare and social work often overlap and complement each other.
The scope of social work is broad. It is applied in a great variety of fields.
Social workers are usually found in hospitals, clinics, and rehabilitation
centers where they provide emotional guidance to cliets. It is also applied
in government and public service through the Department of Social
Welfare an Development, the Philippine Red Cross, the Philippine Charity
Sweeptakes Office, and government health facilities such as the Philippine
General Hospital.
Hepworth and Larse (1986) categorized the general functions of social work
into three types:
Prevention Restoration Remediation
refers to the timely involves the involves the elimination
intervention of social worker rehabilitation of clients of existing problems such
before serious problems whose functions have as drug addiction or
emerge. Prevention involves been impaired by substance abuse.
the provision of financial physical or mental issues.
assistance, as well as
services and facilities such as
marriage counselling and
well-baby clinics.
In providing direct services or direct interventions, the social worker meets face to face with
the client, as in a counselling relationship between a social worker and a runaway youth.
When engaged in indirect practice, the social workers acts on behalf of a group to address a
specific problem. Social work practice may be based on the size of the client system that the
social worker serves.
- Micro-level practice focuses on interaction at the most intimate level such as between
husband and wife, parent and child, and among family members. The terms interpersonal
helping, direct practice are often used interchangeably with micro-level practice.
- Macro-level practice may involve work with an organization, community or even
society. When engaged in macro-level practice, the social work agency, fund raising,
testimonial creation for proposed legislation, policy analysis, class advocacy, and social
resource development.
- Between the micro- and macro-levels is the Mezzo-level practice which deals with
interpersonal relations that are somewhat less intimate than the family but more personally
meaningful than institutional and organizational-level relationships. Examples of these
include relationships among individuals in a self-help or therapy group, peers at school or
work and neighbors.
- A number of principles are valued in social work. These
principles apply in all practice situation, regardless of client
characteristics, setting, roles assumed by the social worker, and the
theories, models and techniques being used.
- Siporin (1975) explained that while social workers need to adhere
to these principles as much as possible, there are still exceptions based
on their own discretion.
Following are general principles that form 17
1.The social worker 4.The social worker 7.The social worker should not
should engage in should consider the only help clients but also
engage with them
knowledge and value client’s individual
guide practice. characteristics. 8.The social worker should
encourage his/her clients to
2.The social worker must 5.The social worker practice self- determination.
care about the client in should help the client look
his/her entirety. into the future. 9.The social worker should
help the client learn self-
directed problem-solving skills.
3.The social worker must 6.The social worker must
uphold the client’s help clients build their
dignity. strengths.
Ablong, Jericho
Catipay, Princess Dinah
Diluvio, Francis Isaia
Garces, Christine Erica
Lolor, Maxine
Montejo, Mary Grace
Razo, Justine Jean
Seno, Rhaiza
Teves, Reginald
Villegas, Ianna Jyl
Thank you!
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