Insect Pests of Ornamentals

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Pests of other ornamentals viz., chrysanthemum, hibiscus, holly hock, sunflower, iris are
detailed below:
SI. Common Name Scientific Name Family Order
1. Dusky cotton bug Oxycarenus laetus Lygaeidae Hemiptera
2. Hollyhock tingid bug Urentius euonymus Tingidae Hemiptera
3. Sunflower lace wing Cadmilos retiarius Tingidae Hemiptera
4. Castor hairy caterpillar Euproctis lunata Lymantriidae Lepidoptera
5. Ak butterfly Danais chrysippus Nymphalidae Lepidoptera
6. Lily moth Polytela gloriosae Noctuidae Lepidoptera
7. Banded blister beetle Mylabris phalerata Meloidae Coleoptera
8. Gerbera leaf miner Liriomyza trifolii Agromyzidae Diptera
9. Snails and Slugs Helix, Achatina fulica Class: Gastropoda Phylum: Mollusca
Dusky cotton bug: Oxycarenus laetus

Damage symptoms:
•Flower buds become pale as a result of its feeding and fall down without
• Adult usually feed on the terminal portions and hide in the clusters of dry leaves
and flowers.
Ak butterfly: Danais chrysippus ( Nymphalidae: Lepidoptera)

• Larvae feed on leaves and flowers of Asclepias curassavica (Blood

flower/Mexican butterfly weed)
• Spray methyl parathion 50 EC 1 L in 1000 L of water/ ha to control this
Lily moth: Polytela gloriosae (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera)

Damage symptoms:
• Larvae feed on the green matter of leaves which
may result in complete defoliation of lily plants.

• Spray malathion 50 EC in 500 L of water/ha.
Banded blister beetle: Mylabris phalerata

• Adult beetles attacks the flowers of

Hibiscus rosasinensis and Ruellia
indica and devour them completely.
Snails and Slugs (Class Gastropoda: Phylum Mollusca)

Common snail : Helix spp Giant African snail: Achatina fulica

Damage symptoms

• Snails and slugs appear as sporadic pests in those places where damp
conditions prevail.
• They may also appear in large number on roads and runways, creating
problems during the taking- off or the landing of the aircraft.
• When their population in high, they may do serious damage.

• Low population can be collected and destroyed.
• Dust 15 per cent metaldehyde dust or spray 20 per cent metaldehyde
liquid or sprinkle 5 per cent metaldhyde pellets around infested fields.

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