Introduction To HTML+CSS+Javascript
Introduction To HTML+CSS+Javascript
Introduction To HTML+CSS+Javascript
HTML + CSS + Javascript
Javi Agenjo
Introduction to web technologies:
● Javascript
HTML means Hyper Text Markup Language. <html>
The HTML allow us to construct the visible part of a website. </head>
HTML is NOT a programming language, it’s a markup language, <p>Hi</p>
which means its purpose is to give structure to the content of the </div>
website. </body>
It is a series of nested tags (it is a subset of XML) that contain all
the website information (like texts, images and videos). Here is an
example of tags:
<title>This is a title</title>
The HTML defines the page structure. A website can have several
HTMLs to different pages.
HTML: basic rules
Some rules about HTML:
● It uses XML syntax (tags with attributes, can contain other tags).
<tag_name attribute="value"> content </tag_name>
● It stores all the information that must be shown to the user.
● There are different HTML elements for different types of information and behaviour.
● The information is stored in a tree-like structure (nodes that contain nodes inside) called
DOM (Document Object Model).
● It gives the document some semantic structure (pe. this is a title, this is a section, this is
a form) which is helpful for computers to understand websites content.
● It must not contain information related to how it should be displayed (that information
belongs to the CSS), so no color information, font size, position, etc.
HTML: syntax example
<div id="main">
<!-- this is a comment -->
This is text without a tag.
<button class="mini">press me</button>
<img src="me.png" />
HTML: syntax example
Tag name
DOM is a tree
<div> <div>
Title <h1>Title</h1>
<p>Here is content.</p>
Here is some content <p>Here is more content</p>
Here is more content </div>
HTML good use
It is good to have all the information properly wrapped in tags that give it some
We also can extend the code semantics by adding extra attributes to the tags:
● Javascript
Allows to specify how to present (render) the
document info stored in the HTML.
This will change all the tags in my web ( ‘*‘ means all) to look blue with font Tahoma with
14px, and leaving a margin of 10px around.
CSS fields
Here is a list of the most common CSS fields and an example:
● color: #FF0000; red; rgba(255,00,100,1.0); //different ways to specify colors
● background-color: red;
● background-image: url(;
● font: 18px 'Tahoma';
● border: 2px solid black;
● border-top: 2px solid red;
● border-radius: 2px; //to remove corners and make them more round
● margin: 10px; //distance from the border to the outer elements
● padding: 2px; //distance from the border to the inner elements
● width: 100%; 300px; 1.3em; //many different ways to specify distances
● height: 200px;
● text-align: center;
● box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px black;
● cursor: pointer;
● display: inline-block;
● overflow: hidden;
CSS how to add it
We can specify more precise selectors besides the name of the tag. For instance, by class
or id:
p.intro {
color: red;
This will affect to the p tags of class intro that are inside the tag div of id main
<div id="main">
<p class="intro">....</p> ← Affects this one
div#main.intro:hover { ... }
will apply the CSS to the any tag div with id main and class intro if the mouse is over.
CSS Selectors
If you want to select only elements that are direct child of one element (not that have an
ancestor with that rule), use the > character:
Finally, if you want to use the same CSS actions to several selectors, you can use the
comma , character:
.grid-item1 {
background: blue;
border: black 5px solid;
grid-column-start: 1;
grid-column-end: 5;
grid-row-start: 1;
grid-row-end: 3;
Fullscreen divs html, body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
Sometimes we want to have a div that covers }
the whole screen (to make a webapp),
div {
instead of a scrolling website (more like margin: 0;
padding: 0;
regular documents). }
Understanding the Box Model: a good explanation of how to position the information on your
● Javascript
A regular programming language, easy to start, hard to master.
You can change the content of the HTML or the CSS applied to an element.
You can even send or retrieve information from the internet to update the content
of the web without reloading the page.
Javascript: insert code
There is three ways to execute javascript code in a website:
And the API keeps growing with every new update of the standard.
● Crawling the HTML tree (starting from the body, and traversing its children)
From javascript you have different variables that you can access to get
information about the website:
will return an array with all <p class="intro"> nodes in the web.
You can change an element CSS directly by accessing its property style.
<input type="text"/>
my_input_element.value = ""; //this will clear the text inside the input
Example of a website
HTML in index.html Javascript in code.js
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet"/> //fetch the button from the DOM
<h1>Welcome</h1> var button = document.querySelector(“button”);
<button>Click me</button> //attach and event when the user clicks it
</p> button.addEventListener(“click”, myfunction);
<script src=”code.js”/>
//create the function that will be called when the
button is pressed
CSS in style.css
function myfunction()
h1 { color: #333; } //this shows a popup window
button { alert(“button clicked!”);
border: 2px solid #AAA; }
background-color: #555;
jQuery is a library that makes working with the DOM much easier, using an unified
syntax and taking advantage of selectors:
Structured like:
● Main container
○ Messages area
■ message
○ Typing area area
■ input
Further info
To learn Javascript.
To learn jQuery: