CTIP General Awareness PPT - FINAL - 1
CTIP General Awareness PPT - FINAL - 1
CTIP General Awareness PPT - FINAL - 1
It includes:
• involuntary servitude,
• peonage,
• debt bondage,
• and/or slavery.
Labor Trafficking Case in DoD
In 2012, the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) conducted an audit in
response to a report from a Service member about contractor employees being
beaten by their employer. When auditors investigated, they discovered worker
safety issues including substandard housing conditions such as unsanitary water,
cockroach infestation, no working fire extinguishers, and a large hole in the roof.
In addition, four individuals were found locked in rooms. DCMA documented a
total of eight non-conformances at the site.
After a second audit, DCMA issued a Corrective Action Request (CAR) to the prime
contractor and submitted a report for a possible criminal investigation. The prime
contractor responded quickly to the issues with the subcontractor to correct the
non-conformances. DCMA followed up to ensure that the subcontractor had
corrected the issues and closed the case the next year.
Child Soldiering
The term child soldier means:
• Any person under 18 years of age who takes direct
part in hostilities as a member of governmental
armed forces.
• Any person under 18 years of age who has been
compulsorily recruited into governmental armed
• Any person under 15 years of age who has been
voluntarily recruited into governmental armed
• Any person under 18 years of age who has been
recruited or used in hostilities by armed forces
distinct from the armed forces of a state.
organized crime,
Children are
and extremist
being trafficked
groups use
to serve as child
trafficking to
fund their crimes
Sex traffickers
near military
subjected to
target service
unfair treatment
What is a “Gross Violation of Human Rights (GVHR)?”
GVHRs are human rights abuses carried out by foreign security
forces under “color of law,” meaning while on duty, and include:
• Torture
• Cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment
• Prolonged detention without charges and trial,
• Abduction and clandestine detention, and other flagrant
denial of the right to life, liberty, or the security of person.”
• Extrajudicial killing
• Sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, and rape
Reporting GVHR
• Report all suspected abuses through Chain
of Command or Inspector General
• Follow command/agency reporting
Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000
• Establishes a whole of government approach to combating
trafficking in persons.
• Sets a 3P framework:
• Prevention: Encourages education, awareness and training to
understand trafficking, identify victims, and respond
• Prosecution: Encourages a vigorous law enforcement response
to traffickers
• Protection and assistance: Provides holistic services for
• TVPA was reauthorized in 2003, 2005, 2008, 2013, and 2018.
U.S. Government’s Zero Tolerance Policy
• The United States adopted a zero-tolerance policy with the
signing of the National Security Presidential Directive 22
(NSPD-22) in 2002.
Trafficking in persons is not a problem
in the Department of Defense.
A. True
B. False
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), 2013
Title XVII, “Ending Trafficking in Government Contracting”
• Allows the government to terminate a contract if the prime or subcontractor
commits acts that directly support or advance trafficking in persons. Such acts
• Confiscating an employee’s identity or immigration documents
• Failing to provide return transportation or pay for return transportation
• Offering employment using fraudulent or misleading pretenses
• Providing housing that fails to meet the host country’s housing and safety
• Charging recruitment fees
• Imposes monitoring, reporting, and compliance plan requirements on DoD to
ensure the U.S. government taxpayer money does not support human
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 22.17,
“Combating Trafficking in Persons”
During the performance of the contract, contractors, contractor
employees, and their agents shall not:
Visit: http://ctip.defense.gov
Department of Defense
Combating Trafficking in Persons
Linda K. Dixon,
DOD Certified Program Manager,
IAW DODI 2200.01 Combating Trafficking in Persons Program Office