Human Anatomy and Physiology: Clarito F. Concepcion Associate Professor 5 CSM, Wmsu
Human Anatomy and Physiology: Clarito F. Concepcion Associate Professor 5 CSM, Wmsu
Human Anatomy and Physiology: Clarito F. Concepcion Associate Professor 5 CSM, Wmsu
Pelvic Cavity
- enclosed by the bones of the pelvis
- contains the urinary bladder, part of the large
intestine, and the internal reproductive organs
Body Cavities
Body Membranes
- composed of thin layers of connective and
epithelial tissue that cover, separate, and
support visceral organs and line body cavities
- classified into 4 basic types (cutaneous
membranes; serous membranes; mucous
membranes; and synovial membranes)
a. cutaneous membranes ˃ is a multi-layered
membrane composed of epithelial and
connective tissues
* The apical surface of this membrane exposed to the
external environment and is covered with dead,
keratinized cells that help protect the body from
desiccation and pathogens.
Body Membranes
c. serous membranes
˃ secrete a watery lubricant, called serous fluid
˃ line the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities
˃ cover visceral organs
˃ 1. pleural membrane – associated with the lungs
2. pericardial membrane – covers the heart
3. peritoneal membranes – found in the
abdominal cavity
Body Membranes
d. synovial membranes
˃ connective tissue membranes that line
the cavities of the freely movable joints such
as the shoulder, elbow, and knee
˃ Like serous membranes, they line cavities
that do not open to the outside
˃ Unlike serous membranes, they do not
have a layer of epithelium.
- The maintenance of conditions within the range that
organism can tolerate is called HOMEOSTASIS
Positive Feedback Mechanism
If the environmental temperature becomes extreme, the
homeostatic system breaks down; when it gets too warm,
the body cannot lose heat fast enough to maintain normal
temperature; metabolism speeds up, further raising body
temperature, until death by stroke
When the temperature drops too low, metabolic processes
slow down, further decreasing body temperature, until
death by freezing
Components of homeostatic control
systems, give an example!
Negative feedback mechanism, example
Positive feddback mechanism, example