Ana Chanaba Robert Huylo
Ana Chanaba Robert Huylo
Ana Chanaba Robert Huylo
Ana Chanaba
Robert Huylo
nmap “network mapper”
Security tool
- What does your system look like to someone
who is trying to break in
- Find the holes in your security before somebody
else does
nmapFE v3.81
- graphical frontend to nmap
- rpm available at
- lab102 & lab103
Basic nmap functions
1.) Host Discovery
- Which hosts are up (IP Addresses)
- Ping scans
2.) Port Scanning
- Which ports of a target host have servers
listening on them
- Allows a guess of software and services a
machine is running
3.) OS Detection
- TCP/IP fingerprinting
Anatomy of nmap argument
nmap –sS -PO -O -p 1-1024 134.198.161.*