The Nerve of Some People You Have Some Nerve Communication Breakdown Parts of The Brain This Is Your Brain On
The Nerve of Some People You Have Some Nerve Communication Breakdown Parts of The Brain This Is Your Brain On
The Nerve of Some People You Have Some Nerve Communication Breakdown Parts of The Brain This Is Your Brain On
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This part of the neuron is a fatty substance
that surrounds and protects the axon.
What is synapse?
These are the chemicals which pass
between dendrites and axon terminals
during communication.
What is Dopamine?
This neurotransmitter is related to
obsessions and compulsions.
What is Serotonin?
This neurotransmitter is related to alertness
and energy.
What is Norepinephrine?
This division of the peripheral nervous
system enables us to feel the differences
between hot and cold and to feel pain and
The * part of the brain is known as this.
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What is sensation?
This term describes the psychological
process through which we organize and
interpret sensory stimulation.
What is perception?
This term describes the weakest amount of
stimulus that can be sensed.
What is threshold?
This is the minimum amount of difference
that can be detected between two stimuli.
This is a condition in which we require
something we lack.
What is a need?
This is a stronger form of a need which will
not subside until it has been satisfied.
What is a drive?
This theory of motivation holds that behavior
patterns are transmitted genetically between
the generations.
220 0 1890
Chewbacca (Greuuugh) TEAM2 Pink Panthers!!!
431 0 425
Jeopardy Double Jeopardy
The category is:
The Brain
What is your wager?
1 3
What is
1. Occipital Lobe
2. Parietal Lobe
3. Frontal Lobe
4. Temporal Lobe