Feeding & Management Notes
Feeding & Management Notes
Feeding & Management Notes
Swine Section
Feeding and Management of
Nutrient Requirements of Swine
Protein (amino acids)
Pigs, as a general rule, eat to satisfy their
energy requirements.
So, how much feed will a G-F pig eat?
Answer: about 5% of body weight.
Actually feed intake, as a percent of body
weight, decreases as live weight
Expected feed intake for
G-F pigs
Baby pigs (5-10 kg) = 460 gms/d (6%)
Pigs (10-20 kg) = 950 gms/d (6%)
Pigs (20-50 kg) = 1,900 gms/d (5.4%)
Pigs (50-100 kg) = 3,110 gms/d (3.9%)
So how much feed will a 250 lb hog
consume? 250 lbs. x .04 = 10 lbs/d
What are the two major functions
associated with energy?
Maintenance requirements are related to
body weight to the ¾ power which is
more commonly referred to as ‘Metabolic
Body Weight.’
Example of computing DEm
Digestible energy (DE) requirement for a
300 lb versus a 400 lb sow
DE = 100 kcal of DE/kg of body weight.75
300 lb sow/2.2 = 136 kg
136 kg.75 = 39.8 kg
39.8 kg x 100 kcal/kg = 3980 kcal
Computing DEM continued
400 lb sow/2.2 = 181 kg
181 kg.75 = 49.3 kg
49.3 kg x 100 kcal/kg = 4930 kcal
So, the estimated amount of DE for
maintenance is: 3980 kcal vs 4930 kcal
for the 300 lb versus the 400 lb sow.
Feed required for maintenance
Assume the feed (primarily corn) to
contain 3500 kcal of DE per kilogram.
3980 kcal/3500 kcal = 1.14 kg of feed
4930 kcal/3500 kcal = 1.40 kg of feed
Essentially 2.5 lbs vs 3.0 lbs of feed
So, the 400 lbs sow who is 133% of the
weight of the 300 lbs sow requires 20%
more feed for maintenance than the 300
lbs sow
Energy feeds for swine