Feeding & Management Notes

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Monogastric Production

Swine Section
Feeding and Management of
Nutrient Requirements of Swine
 Energy
 Protein (amino acids)
 Vitamins
 Minerals
 Water
 Pigs, as a general rule, eat to satisfy their
energy requirements.
 So, how much feed will a G-F pig eat?
 Answer: about 5% of body weight.
 Actually feed intake, as a percent of body
weight, decreases as live weight
Expected feed intake for
G-F pigs
 Baby pigs (5-10 kg) = 460 gms/d (6%)
 Pigs (10-20 kg) = 950 gms/d (6%)
 Pigs (20-50 kg) = 1,900 gms/d (5.4%)
 Pigs (50-100 kg) = 3,110 gms/d (3.9%)
 So how much feed will a 250 lb hog
consume? 250 lbs. x .04 = 10 lbs/d
What are the two major functions
associated with energy?
 Growth
 Maintenance
 Maintenance requirements are related to
body weight to the ¾ power which is
more commonly referred to as ‘Metabolic
Body Weight.’
Example of computing DEm
 Digestible energy (DE) requirement for a
300 lb versus a 400 lb sow
 DE = 100 kcal of DE/kg of body weight.75
 300 lb sow/2.2 = 136 kg
 136 kg.75 = 39.8 kg
 39.8 kg x 100 kcal/kg = 3980 kcal
Computing DEM continued
 400 lb sow/2.2 = 181 kg
 181 kg.75 = 49.3 kg
 49.3 kg x 100 kcal/kg = 4930 kcal
 So, the estimated amount of DE for
maintenance is: 3980 kcal vs 4930 kcal
for the 300 lb versus the 400 lb sow.
Feed required for maintenance
 Assume the feed (primarily corn) to
contain 3500 kcal of DE per kilogram.
 3980 kcal/3500 kcal = 1.14 kg of feed
 4930 kcal/3500 kcal = 1.40 kg of feed
 Essentially 2.5 lbs vs 3.0 lbs of feed
 So, the 400 lbs sow who is 133% of the
weight of the 300 lbs sow requires 20%
more feed for maintenance than the 300
lbs sow
Energy feeds for swine

 What is the most common energy feed for

swine in the Midwest?
 Corn
 What would be the second most common
energy feed for swine?
 Milo also referred to as grain sorghum.
What are some other energy
feeds for pigs?
 Oats
 Barley
 Wheat
Protein (AA) Requirements
 Actually pigs require essential amino acids
rather than protein per se.
 What is an amino acid? A compound that
consists of a carbon chain with a carboxyl
group and one or more amine (NH2)
 Pigs require 10 EAA
Let’s define an EAA
 Essential amino acids are those amino
acids that must be added to the pig’s diet
because they either cannot be synthesized
by the pig or cannot be synthesized in
large enough quantities to meet the pig’s
daily requirement.
You should know the 10 EAA
required by the pig
 Phenylalanine
 Valine
 Threonine
 Methionine
 Arginine
 Tryptophan
 Histidine
 Isoleucine
 Leucine
 Lysine
Tips for memorizing these 10
essential amino acids
 Private Mat Hill
 TT HallIM VP
 Mr. T. T. Hallim, Vice President
What amino acid is the first
limiting a.a. in a corn-soy diet?
 Lysine
 Let’s define ‘first-limiting amino acid.’
 The first limiting amino acid is that amino
acid that is present in the least amount
compared to the pig’s daily requirement.
 Hence, the pig can only grow as fast as
the availability of the 1st limiting amino
Something you need to know about
cereal grains
 Cereal grains (corn, oats, wheat, etc) as a
rule are deficient in protein or more
specifically in amino acids.
 Lysine requirement for a 40 lb pig is
approximately .95% of the diet.
 Corn contains .25% lysine.
Protein supplement
 Since swine diets consist primarily of
cereal grains they need to be
supplemented with a protein feed in order
to enable optimum performance.
 What is the protein supplement of choice?
 Soybean meal (SBM) which contains 2.9-
3.1% lysine or 44 – 48% CP.
Other protein feeds
 Other plant and animal proteins are often
used in combination with SBM.
 Fishmeal (60-70% CP)
 Milk products, such as dried skimmed milk
(33% CP) and dried whey (13.3% CP)
 Meat and bone meal (50% CP)
 Spray dried plasma protein and bloodmeal
(86% CP)
Balancing the Diet
 Pigs generally will do fair job of balancing their
own diet if given the opportunity.
 However, if we allow the pig to select various
feeds free choice (cafeteria style) the pig may
not do a very good job of with respect to
economic efficiency (cost).
 Therefore, producers almost always feed a
balance diet that is premixed to contain just the
right amount of required nutrients.
Let’s balance a diet for a G-F pig
 Steps required for diet formulation
 1) Determine the nutrient requirements
for the particular class of pigs to be fed.
 2) Determine the nutrient content of the
feeds to be fed.
 3) Determine the amount of each
feedstuff needed to meet the pig’s
nutrient requirements.
Common methods use to
formulate a diet
 Pearson Square
 Algebraic Method
 Assume you are going to formulate a 16%
C.P. corn soy diet for growing pigs.
 Assume the C.P. content for corn and SBM
to be 8.8 and 44.0%, respectively.
Steps for the Pearson Square
 Place the C.P. content of one feedstuff (corn) on
the upper left corner of the square.
 Place the C.P. content of the other feedstuff
(SBM) on the lower left corner of the square.
 Place the amount of C.P. the diet is to contain in
the center of the square.
 Substract diagonally the larger number from the
Pearson Square continued
 16.0 – 8.8 = 7.2 parts
 44.0 – 16.0 = 28.0 parts
 The feedstuffs on the left corners needs to
be transferred laterally to the right
corners; hence, on the upper right 28.0
parts refers to parts of corn and on the
lower right 7.2 parts refers to parts of
Pearson Square continued
 Next divide parts of corn by total parts
(28.0/35.2) and parts of SBM by total parts
(7.2/35/2) and multiply each answer by 100.
 The answers you obtain refer to percentage of
corn and SBM respectively needed in the diet to
provide 16% C.P.
 So, the diets should contain 79.6 lbs. of corn
and 20.4 lbs. of SBM per 100 lbs. in order to
provide 16.0 lbs. of crude protein.
Pearson Square continued
 Once you have formulated the diet you
should check your answer to be certain
the diet is correct.
 Here is the check:
79.6 lbs. of corn x .088 = 7.00 lbs of C.P.
20.4 lbs. of SBM x .44 = 8.98 lbs of C.P.
100.0 lbs. of diet = 15.98 lbs C.P.
 Macro minerals:
 Calcium (Ca)
 Phosphorus (P)
 Sodium (Na)
 Chlorine (Cl)
Micro (Trace) Minerals
 Iron (Fe)
 Iodine (I)
 Copper (Cu)
 Manganese (Mn)
 Zinc (Zn)
 Selenium (Se)
 Salt is generally added to complete feeds
at .25 to .50% of the diet.
 Fat soluble vitamins
 Vitamin A
 Vitamin D
 Vitamin E
 Vitamin K
Water soluble (B) vitamins
 Riboflavin
 Niacin
 Pantothenic Acid
 Choline
 Vitamin B12
 Swine producers formulating their own
diets routinely use vitamin and mineral
 Water is a very important nutrient.
 Deprivation of water will cause salt
poisoning and death.
 Water restriction can also significantly
reduce performance.
 A rule-of-thumb regarding water
consumption is a 3:1 ratio of water
consumption to dry matter intake.
How much water should a 200 lb pig
consume per day?
 ?? Daily feed intake (200 lbs x .04 = 8 lbs
of feed)
 8 lbs of feed x 3 = 24 lbs of water
 24 lbs of water/8.0 = 3 gal of water/d.
Terms to know:
 Ration = the amount of feed an animal
will be given in 24 hours.
 Diet = kind and amount of feeds in a
complete feed.
 Ad libitum = animal is given free access to
all the feed it can eat.
 Limit-fed = animal is restricted on the
amount of feed fed.
Feed Additives

 Non nutritive ingredients routinely added

to the diet by swine producers.
 Antibiotics
 Anthelmintics
 Growth promotant

 Antibiotics are compounds produced by

microorganisms that inhibit the growth of
other microorganisms.
 Tylan, CSP250 and Carbadox.
 Anthelmintics are dewormers
 Pyrantel tartrate
 Dichlorvos
 Ivermectin
Growth promotant
 Paylean
Why do swine producers use feed
 To increase growth rate (ADG)
 To improve feed efficiency (F/G)
 To decrease mortality and morbidity
caused by disease.
 To improve the composition in the carcass
(decrease fat content; increase lean
Feeding the Breeding Herd
 Sows and gilts are generally hand-fed 4 to
5 lbs/hd/d during the first 2/3 of
 Fed 6 to 7 lbs/hd/d during the last 1/3 of
 Self-fed (ad libitum) during lactation.
A good rule-of-thumb is to feed 4 lbs + 1
lb/pig nursed.

 Flushing refers to an increased level of

feeding (6-7 lbs/d) two weeks before
breeding until one week after breeding.
 Flushing results in an increase in litter size
as a result of an increase in ovulation rate.
Gestation gain
 During gestation gain should be limited to
30-60 lbs for sows (.5 lb/d)
70-100 lbs for gilts (.75 lb/d)
What about forage for swine?
 Gestating and lactating sows make the
best use of pasture as compared to other
classes of swine.
 However, remember most swine today are
raised in total confinement.
 Hence, pasture (forage) is not used to any
great extent in swine production today.
What kind of forage makes the
best hog pasture?
 Small grains such as wheat, oats, barley
and rye.
 Legumes such as alfalfa, ladino clover and
red clover.
When do swine producers add
fiber to the diet?
 Swine producers often add fiber to the
gestation diet just prior to farrowing
and/or during lactation.
 Bulky (high fiber) feeds such as oats,
wheat bran or beet pulp are added to the
ration to prevent constipation.
Do herd boars get special feed?
 Generally speaking herd boars are simply
fed a gestation diet.
 Young developing boars may be fed a diet
that is higher in macro minerals (Ca and
P) than the standard gestation diet.
Feeding the suckling pig
 Baby pigs will start to eat a creep feed by
7-10 d of age.
 Creep feeding is not a very common
practice today as compared to the past.
 Creep and starter feeds are often in pellet
or crumble form.
Feeding the Growing-Finishing Pig
 G-F hogs are typically self-fed a complete
mixed diet formulated to meet all of their
daily nutrient requirements.
 In the midwest the typical GF diet is corn
and soybean meal based and includes
added Ca and P plus added vitamins and
trace minerals.
 Many grower diets will also contain an
Feeding the G-F pig
 Historically speaking, another method of
feeding the G-F pig was referred to as
“free choice.”
 Free choice refers to providing free access
to grain and a protein supplement
 Free choice allowed the pig to balance his
own diet.

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