Locomotive S: Main Parts of Locomotives 1) Chasis:-Chasis Is Rigid
Locomotive S: Main Parts of Locomotives 1) Chasis:-Chasis Is Rigid
Locomotive S: Main Parts of Locomotives 1) Chasis:-Chasis Is Rigid
1) brakes
Generally the gradient should be less than 1:100 but it can be used up
to a gradient of 1:25.
2) Where track is in settled ground.
3) Where roads/galleries are reasonably wide & high.
4) Where transport distance is large.
5) Where production is high.
6) In the intake airways where the air velocity is high enough to keep the
fire damp percentage below the danger limit
Locomotive Haulage:
In case of rope haulage the power to move the load is available from
external fixed motor to the haulage. While in case of locomotive haulage the
driving unit
e.locomotive is coupled to a train due to which more safety can be attained.
The locomotives are very flexible in nature & they can be used for men
transport also.
1) Diesel locomotive
2) Electric locomotive
1) Over head wire locomotive
2) Trolley wire locomotive
3) Electric battery locomotive
4) Compressed air locomotive
1. Cheaper
2. Completely self-controlled
Disadvantages of Diesel Locomotives
2) Electric Locomotives:
The electric locomotive is equipped with an electric motor which draws the
current from the overhead wires through a pantograph or through a long pole
which is kept pressed against the overhead conductor by spring tension. The
DC supply to overhead wires is 250 volts. These locomotives may be used in
degree I gassy mines. The overhead wires are suspended through insulators
over the track at a height more than 2 meter.
1) Less maintenance.
2) No poisonous gases.
3) No overheads wire’s problem.
4) Quite in operation.
Disadvantages of Battery Locomotives
There are no compressed air locomotives in Indian coal mines. The source of
power used in air locomotive is compressed air cylinder, installed over the
locomotive. This cylinder supplies the required quantity of compressed air to
the locomotive. These locomotives are very safe, reliable & very useful in hot
& deep mines. Even though their working cost is very low, they are not used
in Indian coal mines due to their high cost of installation. These locomotives
are used for light duty work only.
1) Very safe.
2) Very reliable.
3) Less maintenance required.
4) Cooling effect of air.
S.E. = AV2/g.r
meter. Where,
A = gauge
width in
V = velocity in meter/sec.
Ideal Gradient: If the Tractive force required to haul the loaded trail down
the gradient is same as it is required to haul the empty train of the gradient
with the same velocity, this gradient is known as ideal gradient.
WL = Weight of loaded
train. WE = Weight of
= coefficient of friction
GL = WL.g.1/n
FL = WL. g.
( TF = FL –
TF = WL. g.
(- WL.g
GE =
As per the definition equation (I) = (II)
WL.g. (-WL.g.1/n = WE g + WE g
n= (WL+WE)/ ((WL-WE)
Drawbar Pull: This is that part of the Tractive force which remains available
for pulling connected load, hence drawbar pull can be calculated after
deducting from the total Tractive force, the Tractive force required to haul
the locomotive itself.
TF=TM Wloco = kg
TF= TM Wloco. g =
TM= Coefficient of
(TF+GL+FL=mass X
C)Conveyor system of
1) Belt conveyor
2) Chain conveyor
1) Belt conveyor
1.A flat endless belt which moves continuously and carries at its top surface
the material to be conveyed.
5.The drums at the discharge and tail end over which the belt passes.
6.The drive head which comprises the electric motor, coupling, gearing and
snub pulleys
Arrangement of a belt
3. Size of lumps
4. Distance of transportation
5. Environmental allowance
6. Gradient
Belt conveyor:
1.The average tonnage (t/h), peak rate (t/min) and frequency of peak
6.Belt shape.
2) Chain conveyor
It is mostly used in the longwall face. The capacity of a commonly used scraper
chain conveyor is 30 to 40 tph on a level roadway, nearly 50 m long and the
drive motor is of 12- 15 KW. The main application of scraper chain conveyors
in underground is transportation at the face and adjoining short workings,
where they are ready to withstand mining condition. They are also used to
haul the coal along gate roads over short distances before it is feed to gate
belt conveyor. They are also used for transporting on inclines having an angle
of inclination exceeding 180 where belt conveyors are not used. They are also
used on the surface for conveying coal from shaft to bunker as well as in
screening and washing plants.
Different parts:
2.Flights: An endless chain with flights moving in the troughs, which are
nearly 450 mm wide at top and 300 mm at bottom.
3.Chain (endless): The chain of endless character is installed there. The chain
consists of links and after 3-4 links a flight is provided so, that the flights
are 2- 2.5m apart.
4.Tensioning head: The return or, tail end of the conveyor with its totally
enclosed sprocket drum, is provided with telescopic trough by which the
tension of the chain can be adjusted through Sylvester chain
7. Highly noisy
2)Bi-cable Ropeway- the ropeway has two fixed track ropes along which
the carriers are hauled by an endless traction rope.
3)Twin-cable Ropeway- the ropeway has two pairs of track ropes to support
the carriers and one endless traction rope.
Aerial ropeway provides the only economic means of long distance transport
over rough country, hilly and difficult terrain, even it can pass through the
congested areas, marshy lands, nallahs, rivers, forests and important
agricultural land.
3) Stocking of materials
8) Low initial and operating cost and short time for return on capital
Bi-cable Ropeway
c.For capacities less than 100 t/hr. and distances less than 300 m, bi-
cable ropeway cannot provide the desirable economy.
parts Ropes:
Track ropes:
1.Track ropes are usually locked coil ropes made of large size wires in
order to have longer life.
2.Locked coil ropes provide a smooth surface for the movement of carrier
wheel and the surface wear of it is relatively uniform.
3.The factor of safety for track rope during installation should be 3 and must
be withdrawn from service when it reduces to 2.5.
Traction rope: Traction ropes are Six-strand lang’s lay with fibre core. The
rope diameter varies from 12 to 46 mm. The factor of safety should be 5
during installation and ropes should be withdrawn when it comes down to
Carriers: A carrier has the carriage, hanger, bucket and grip for traction rope.
Carriage runs on track rope with wheels, and it runs on the track rope, with
the help of wheels (20 – 30 cm/diameter) mounted on it. The number of
wheel is 2 for light loads and 4 for medium or heavy loads. The hanger is
suspended from carriage to make its axis vertical. The bucket is supported
by the hanger and grip on carriage. Three types of carriers are commonly
used namely rotating carrier,
bottom discharge carrier and fully enclosed bucket.
Trestles: The trestles for bi-cable ropeways provide support to both the track
and traction ropes. As well as giving necessary profile to the ropeway. The
track ropes rest on the saddles at the top crossbeam and the traction rope
on the sheaves at the cross beam below. Trestles are constructed either in
steel, reinforced concrete / timber. The height of the trestles is usually in the
shape of a truncated pyramid. The ht. of the trestles is usually 8 to 12 m on
level ground and spaced at intervals of 100-250 m. But in a mountainous
region, they must be as high as 100 m and spaced at 500 m or more. The
trestles should be erected on firm ground.
Loading station: Station where carriers are loaded are called loading station and
in bi-cable ropeway it is more complicated than mono cable ropeway. At the
loading stations, the track rope tensioning device is avoided and the end of it is
anchored instead. However the tensioning of the traction rope may be
incorporated. At the entry to station, the carrier leaves the track rope and rides
on the station rail and while leaving it, rides back on the rope. To facilitate
those, rope deflecting saddles are put at the transition point. The carriers
passes through the arrangement of releasing and gripping of the traction rope
movement of the carrier is controlled manually or by running chain at
automatic station.
Unloading station: It is the discharged end of the rope way. The unloading
station should be sufficiently high enough above the ground level to make
possible unloading by gravity.
Intermediate station: When a bi-cable ropeway has more than one section,
intermediate stations are provided where it passes from one section to
another. Arrangements are there for tensioning.
Angle station: When it is not possible to take a straight line route, angle
station are provided to change the direction of route. Here the track ropes
of adjacent arms terminate by means of anchorage or tensioning