Research Project 66678
Research Project 66678
Research Project 66678
ROLL NO : 2021122007
Msc. 4th semester
India is a world of shopkeepers as well as shoppers. Now a days,it has become a common practice that retailers and marketers
strive very much hard to learn how and why people do shopping.
The marketing practice has changed the decision making activity that consist of a number of factors which are significant
for the customers.
The variety of newly open stores and shopping malls have addressed to a huge roof top building which constitute as a township
that consists of all the basic needs that human wants
The main points to be considered in the retailing process is as follows: Site selection Assortment planning Manufacturing
and sourcing Logistics and distribution Marketing and branding
Marketing And Branding - marketing involves the product classification on the basis of its brand strategy, pricing policy
, the advertisement concept, organizing and many other supportive events. With this, the product branding will improve
India is a developing country and Indian consumers spend a larger share of their income on food. ‘Food and Grocery’ is
the second-largest segment of the retail industry in India.
This retail segment is expected to accurately reflect the performance of organised retail and hence the scope of study is
limited to organised retail formats with Food and Grocery as the major product category. Many factors contribute to a retailer’s
overall performance.
Literature indicates that retail performance should be judged on multiple dimensions: based on customer perception,
based on operational efficiency, and based on financial performance
Scope of study
India is a developing country and Indian consumers spend a larger share of their income on food. ‘Food and Grocery’ is
the second-largest segment of the retail industry in India.
This retail segment is expected to accurately reflect the performance of organised retail and hence the scope of study is
limited to organised retail formats with Food and Grocery as the major product category. Many factors contribute to a retailer’s
overall performance.
Literature indicates that retail performance should be judged on multiple dimensions: based on customer perception,
based on operational efficiency, and based on financial performance
Hart & Stapleton 1977 " a statement in very general terms of how the marketing objective is to be achieved, e.g. Acquiring
a competitive company, by price reductions, by product improvement, or by intensive advertising.The strategy becomes
the basis of the marketing plan"
Cravens 1986 “ understanding the strategic situation confronting an organization is an essential starting point in developing
a marketing strategy.
Bradley 1991 " the strategic marketing process, therefore implies deciding the marketing strategy based on a set of objectives ,
target market segments, positioning and policies"
Sudharsan 1995 “Marketing strategy creates pathways to a desirable future. The output form such marketing strategy analysis
and choice ( or strategic marketing decision ) is a marketing strategy statement”.
1) Research plan The appraisal arrangement utilized in the task will be Descriptive examination plan.
2) Sample arrangement Sample size-100 Sample a region:- Sampling framework: - Random investigating.
3) Tools for Data Collection There are by and large two mixes of information gathering strategies which are as per the going with.
4) Analysis and Interpretation Suitable quantifiable gadgets like tables, outlines, graphs, and so on and
valid tests like according to the prerequisites of the assessment will be utilized to isolate and unwind the information
Marketing strategies
Mom &pop’s retail outlets
Target Audience
Target Market
Crowd Segmentation
The most widely recognized strategies utilized by advertisers to section their intended
interest group
Nuisance Analysis
Source of inspiration (CTA) Marketing
Informal Marketing
Mass Marketing
Occasional Marketing
Data analysis / Interpretation
What is your gender?
According to the survey 50 respondents are male, 40 are female and 10 % are
preferred not to say out of 100.
According to the survey50% prefer Supermarket, 25% prefer Local Corner Shop, and 25%
prefer Online out of 100% respondent.
According to the survey most of the respondent is between 36-45 age group out of 100 respondents.
Do you think online shops and delivery services are convenient?
According to the survey most of the respondent says they prefer to visit supermarket.
According to the survey most of the respondent says they prefer SHOP FOR FOOD ONCE IN A WEEK.
Which of the following is the most important factor when you decide to buy a product?
According to the survey most of the respondent says they prefer quality of the product when they
decide to buy a product.
Showcasing procedure is a develop that lies at the calculated heart of the field of vital
promoting and is key to the act of advertising.
It is likewise the region inside which a considerable lot of the most squeezing momentum
challenges recognized by advertisers and CMOs arise
We uncover significant difficulties to advertising methodology research not least the inexorably set number
and focal point of studies, and the declining utilization of both hypothesis and essential exploration plans.
To guide such exploration, we foster another examination plan that gives freedoms to analysts to
foster new hypothesis, set up clear importance, and add to further developing practice.
The study shows that more number of customers are visiting the trendy
supermarkets of-late. We are also witnessing a large number of retailers
entering the market in different kinds of formats. This means that there would
be increase in the competition among the existing players as well as the new
entrants in the market. The best way to beat the competition by the existing
players is to have a through introspection into their marketing basics.
Since retailing is part of service industry, the dimensions of service quality
can be a good guideline for the supermarkets to re-align their strategies
towards the ultimate consumers. It is the right time to employ some
changes in their basics. Superior levels of service quality among the
supermarkets can act as a barrier for the new entrants too.