Introduction To Java 2 Platform

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Introduction to J2ME

Presented By:

What’s J2ME?
Java Editions
J2ME core concepts
 Configurations (CLDC, CDC)
 Profiles (MIDP)
MIDP and MIDlets
Basic Classes API
Java Technology Carriers
Java Technology Handsets
Overall Evaluation

J2ME 2
 Personalized and intelligent information
appliances are necessities in our life today.
 Such appliances can be:
 cell phones
 two-way pagers
 smart cards
 personal organizers
 palmtops
 These appliances tend to be special-purpose,
limited-resource, network-connected devices.

J2ME 3
Environment requirements
 We need an environment which is adapted
for constrained devices - devices that have
limitations on what they can do when
compared to standard desktop or server
 The constraints are:
 extremely limited memory
 small screen sizes
 alternative input methods
 slow processors

J2ME 4
 At the JavaOne Conference in June 1999,
Sun Microsystems announced a new edition
of the Java 2 platform: the Java 2 Micro
Edition (J2ME).

J2ME 5
Java Editions
 Different devices have different
requirements and different expectations of
 One platform (solution) cannot address all
the market segments (web server, video
games etc.)
 Users/developers want flexibility. They
want to choose what they want to use and
what they do not.

J2ME 6
Java Editions
 The Java 2 Platform is split into three
 Each edition provides a complete
environment for running Java-based
applications, including the Java virtual
machine (VM) and runtime classes.
 The three editions target different kinds of
applications running on different kinds of

J2ME 7
Java Editions

Java 2 Platform

Java2 Java2 Java2

Standard Edition Enterprise Edition Micro Edition
(J2SE™) (J2EE™) (J2ME™)

Standard desktop & Heavy duty server Small & memory

workstation applications systems constrained devices

J2ME 8
Java Editions

 Each edition defines different sets of

class libraries.
 There are thousands of core J2SE
runtime classes, taking up to 10-20
of space. J2EE
 J2ME-based devices have J2SE
fewer classes.

J2ME 9
Java Family
What is J2ME

J2ME is a family of specifications that

defines various downsized versions of the
standard Java 2 platform; these downsized
versions can be used to program consumer
electronic devices ranging from cell phones
to highly capable Personal Data Assistants
(PDAs), smart phones, and set-top boxes.
---J2ME in a Nutshell –
A Desktop Quick Reference
Kim Topley
PersonalJava and EmbeddedJava

 J2ME is not the first attempt at adapting

Java for constrained environments.
 PersonalJava
 EmbeddedJava

J2ME 12
Sun Microsystems’ Web site
describes J2ME this way:

. . . Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition is a highly

optimized Java runtime environment
targeting a wide range of consumer
products, including pagers, cellular phones,
screenphones,digital set-top boxes and car
navigation systems.

J2ME 13
J2ME Core Concepts

J2ME is based on 3 core concepts:

 Configurations
 Profiles
 Optional packages

J2ME 14
J2ME Category

Principle: Different hardware corresponds different JVMs, hardware which base on CDC have
powerful JVMs, and hardware which base on CLDC have KVM to support.
J2ME Model

 A configuration is a complete Java

runtime environment, consisting of:
 Java virtual machine (VM) to execute
Java bytecode
 Native code to interface to the
underlying system
 Set of core Java runtime classes
 To use a configuration, a device must
meet certain minimum requirements.
J2ME 16

 The set of core classes is normally

quite small and must be enhanced
with additional classes supplied by
J2ME profiles or by configuration
 Configurations do not define any user
interface classes.

J2ME 17



Connected Limited Connected Device

Device Configuration Configuration

J2ME 18
Connected Device Configuration (CDC)

 Device requirements: A connected device (CD)

has a minimum 512KB of ROM, 256KB of RAM,
32-bit processors, and some network
connection with limited bandwidth
 CDC is designed for "more powerful" wireless
devices like TV set-top boxes, car navigation
systems, and high-end PDAs.
 CDC specifies that a full-featured Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) (defined in J2EE) is supported

Connected, Limited Device
Configuration (CLDC)
 Covers mobile devices like mobile phones, PDAs,
pagers, and other "tiny" wireless devices
 For smaller devices than CDC, with limited capacity
and network connection
 For devices with 160KB to 512 KB of memory
available for Java platform
 For devices with limited power supply
 Built on "scale-down" version of JVM called KVM
(Sun 'K Virtual Machine, with size in tens of
kilobytes, rather than JVM with tens of megabytes)

J2ME Core Concepts

J2ME is based on 3 core concepts:

 Configurations
 Profiles
 Optional packages

J2ME 21

 Adds domain-specific classes to a

 To fill in missing functionality
 To support specific uses of a device
 Most profiles define user interface classes
for building interactive applications.
 To use a profile, the device must meet the
minimum requirements of the underlying
configuration and of the profile.

J2ME 22



Mobile Personal Foundation Personal Personal

Information Digital Profile Basis Profile Profile
Device Assistant
Profile Profile

J2ME 23
MIDP – MID Profile

 MIDP is targeted at a class of devices

known as mobile information devices
 Minimal characteristics of MIDs:
 Enough memory to run MIDP applications
 Display of at least 96 X 56 pixels, either
monochrome or color
 A keypad, keyboard, or touch screen
 Two-way wireless networking capability

J2ME 24
MIDP - Specification

 The MIDP adds APIs to the basic APIs defined by

the CLDC. The new features include:
 Support for application lifecycle management similar
to the way applets are defined in J2SE.
 Persistent storage of data.
 HTTP-based network connectivity based on the
 Simple user interface support, with enough flexibility
to build games or business applications.

J2ME 25
MIDP - Specification

 The MIDP specification is silent about

a number of things:
 No standard way to interface to the
device's phonebook, in order to initiate
voice calls.
 How MIDP applications are loaded onto a
device and how they are activated or

J2ME 26
MIDP Applications restrictions

 Memory is a particularly scarce resource.

 The early Motorola J2ME-enabled phones limited
the size of an application to 50K. Some Nokia
phones limit them to even less, about 30K.
 MIDP 1.0 applications cannot share classes.
 Placing part of the application in a web or
application server (as a servlet, typically)
that the MIDP application calls is almost a
requirement for anything serious.

J2ME 27
(familiar packages)
 java.lang
 java.lang.ref
 java.util
(no so familiar packages)
 javax.microedition.lcdui
 javax.microedition.midlet
 javax.microedition.pki
 javax.microedition.rms
MIDP and MIDlets

 MIDP enables application development with mobile, wireless-

connected devices like cellular phones and two-way pagers
 Main features of the supported devices:
 small displays
 limited input devices
 limited local storage
 limited battery life
 limited CPU power
 MIDlets:
 Small applications that run under the MIDP are called MIDlets
 A MIDlet is a Java application that uses the MIDP and the CLDC
 In a mobile phone, application management software (AMS)
controls start, stop and execute MIDlet (controls the entire
 Device manufacturer provides the AMS Software

MIDlet states

MIDlets – The heart of J2ME…

 Every application must extend

class to allow the application
management software to:
 control the MIDlet
 be able to retrieve properties from the
application descriptor
 notify and request state changes

J2ME 32
J2ME Core Concepts

J2ME is based on 3 core concepts:

 Configurations
 Profiles
 Optional packages

J2ME 33
Optional Packages

 Set of APIs in support of additional,

common behaviors.
 Have specific dependencies on a particular
configuration and/or one or more profiles.
 Examples of optional packages :
 RMI Optional Package
 Bluetooth Optional Package
 JDBC Optional Package

J2ME 34
What it all means
 "J2ME application" is an ambiguous term.
 Configuration, profile and optional
packages should be chosen.
 CDC-based profiles make development
simpler due to J2SE-like APIs, but don’t suit
the low-end devices.
 CLDC-based profiles makes the
development task harder, especially when
trying to shrink the size of the application
to run on many of the small devices.

J2ME 35
Java Technology
Java Technology

To date, over 250 different handset models from more than 40 manufacturers
have been developed with Java technology, with more than 100 million of these
handsets shipped worldwide.
Overall Evaluation
 Advantages
 Easy to learn
 Learning J2ME is like learning Java programs
 Platform independent
 The layering architecture of the J2ME
programming model allows MIDlets
(applications for mobile devices) to run on
different mobile devices (Java systems).
 Build on top of an operating system and
 All lower levels components are hided by the
Overall Evaluation
 Integration with other Java
 Can build complex mobile applications
using with least effort by integration with
other Java components
 Good for security-oriented applications,
which use cryptographic classes
 Can build wireless Internet applications
Overall Evaluation


Accessing device resources

Multimedia applications

Performance-intensive applications
Overall Evaluation
 There are more than 2.1 billion Java ME
enabled mobile phones and PDAs, but it is
becoming old technology as it is not used
on any of today's newest mobile platforms
(eg iPhone, Android, Windows Phone 7,
MeeGo, BlackBerry's new QNX).
Getting Started…

 1st step: Download sun’s J2ME

Wireless Toolkit from:
 2nd step: Make sure you have J2SE
SDK installed
 3rd step: Install the J2ME Toolkit.

J2ME 42

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