National Seismology Centre Noida

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1.1 Location
The site is situated at National Centre for Seismology at A-33, Sector-62 ,Noida. The site consists of one
plot,with a total area of 30.00 acres. The site is well connected by roads. The city of Noida is well
connected by the road network as well as metro.
 Total site area=121405 Sqm
 The Site is located at a very prime
location amidst the bustling
institutional zone of Sector 62,
Noida, Uttar Pradesh
 It is surrounded on all sides by the
other institutional building
buildings and has defined
approach on the shorter sides of
the site
1.2 An Overview of National Centre for Seismology
1.2.1 Executive Summary
The National Centre for Seismology (NCS), an attached office of Ministry of Earth Sciences is the nodal
agency of Government of India dealing with various activities in the field of earthquakes monitoring,
seismology and allied disciplines. The office of NCS is functioning from IMD Complex ,Lodhi Road. But
now it is proposed to construct its own building at plot no. A-33(Size about 30 acre), Sector-62,Noida
1.3 Requirements:
The Civil works envisage the construction of following blocks which are to be carried out in the National
Centre for Seismology permanent campus:
Tentative area details
(i) Multi Parametric Geophysical Observatory (with underground vault room) - 1500 sqm
(ii) Operational Centre with Base Isolation to be designed in single storey - 2000 sqm
(iii) Test & Calibration Laboratory & stores to be designed in single storey -1500 sqm
(iv) Geotechnical & Geophysical Laboratory to be designed in single storey -1500 sqm
(v) Museum to be designed in single storey -1000 sqm
(vi) Archival Rooms to be designed in double storey -2000 sqm
(vii) Cafeteria & Recreation facilities room to be designed in single storey -1000 sqm
(viii) Guest House and Training Hostel to be designed in double storey -2000 sqm
(ix) Officer’s Transit Hostel Accommodation to be designed in double storey -2000 sqm
(x) Separate Housing for all support system to be designed in single storey -800 sqm
Tentative area details

(xi) Office Block with 4 Storey and Basement Parking) -9000 sqm
(xii) Recreational Area -1000 sqm
(xiii) Convention Centre/Multipurpose Hall double storey with all necessary facilities required in
institutional campus -4000 sqm
(xiv) Ware House -1000 sqm
(xv) Earth Science museum to be designed in double storey -6000 sqm
(xvi) Accommodation for HPC Centre for NCMRW(National Center For Medium Range Weather
Forecasting) to be designed in double storey -2800 sqm
(xvii) Office accommodation for RMC to be designed in double storey -3600 sqm
(xviii) IMD training centre -3200 sqm
(xix) Training Hostel Building (for 60 trainees+ Guest House+ Canteen+ Indoor recreational hall +Indoor
Badminton Court+Dining Hall+ Parking Space) to be designed in double storey -5000 sqm
(xx) Parking for RMC(Regional Meteorological Centre) Employees -500 sqm

51400 Sqm
Uttar Pradesh is a state in Northern India with over 200 million inhabitants, it is the most populous
state in India. It was created on 1 April 1937 as the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh during British
rule, and was named Uttar Pradesh in 1950, giving it the acronym UP.

(i)Location : 26°51‘0.7"N 80°54‘36"E

(ii) Area : 240,928SqKms
(iii) Divisions : 18
(iv) Districts : 75
(v) Population : 19.93 Crores (2011 Census)

Uttar Pradesh has a humid subtropical climate and
experiences four seasons. The winter in January and
February is followed by summer between March and
May and the monsoon season between June and
•Summers are extreme with temperatures fluctuating
anywhere between 0°C and 50°C in parts of the state
coupled with dry hot winds called the Loo. The
Gigantic plain varies from semi arid to sub-humid.
•The mean annual rainfall ranges from 650mm in the
south west corner of the state to 1000 mm in the
eastern and south eastern parts of the state. Primarily a
summer phenomenon, the Bay of Bengal branch of the
Indian Monsoon is the major bearer of rain in most
parts of state. After summer it is the southwest
monsoon which brings most of the rain here, while in
winters rain due to the western disturbances and
northeast monsoon also contribute small quantities
towards the overall precipitation of the state.
•Typical summer months are from March to June, with
maximum temperatures ranging from 30 to 38°C
(86to100°F). There is low relative humidity of around
20% and dust laden winds blow throughout the season.
National Centre for Seismology, Ministry of Earth Sciences
National Centre for Seismology (NCS) is the nodal agency of the Governmen t of India for
monitoring of earthquake activity in the country. NCS maintains National Seismological Network of
115 stations each having state of art equipment and spreading all across the country. NCS monitors
earthquake activity all across the country through its 24x7 round the clock monitoring centre.
Various Department for NCS
•Earthquake monitoring & Services.
•Earthquake hazard & risk Assessments.
•Geophysical Observation System.

Operational Centre with Base Isolation (Delhi

Lodhi Road.
This building is the command center for relay of Seismometer at Ridge Underground
Seismic information to various channels of media Vault (Delhi)
like News Channels, Twitter, Facebook Etc.
•This building is to be designed structurally
considering highest magnitude of Earth quake. The
building should be base isolated. It needs to be
protected at any cost.
•All the data from various regional centers of entire
nation via network of 115 stations is collected here
and recorded. Digital Broad Band Seismograph
Multi Parametric Geophysical Observatory
(With Underground Vault room)
Multi-Parameteric Geophysical Observatory
(MPGO) is equipped with super conducting
gravimeter, overhauser magnetometer, tri-axial
fluxgate magnetometer, ULF band search coil
magnetometer, radon data logger, water level
recorders and is backed up by the dense network of
Broad Band Seismometers (BBS) and GPS.
Insight of Typical Observatory at
Layout Plan of MPGO Insight
The site for National Centre for
Seismology, Noida, UP, India.

•Total site area=121405 Sqm

•Area Reserved for IUAC=
16188Sqm (4Acres)
•Site Area for Phase1= 60702 Sqm
•Site Left for Future Expansion=
44515Sqm (11Acres)

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